


How do you Write the Essay Introduction

How do you Write theEssay Introduction

Thursday, October 18, 2007 in Essay writingguide by Custom Essays | 89 Comments

All assignmentessay, like human beings, has a face; in the case of the essay, it is calledthe essay introduction. It plays an important part inthe document. It is the reader’s first look into the subject and whatthe writer intends to do with it. The introduction familiarizes thereader with the subject, its nuances, and how the writer wants todiscuss it.

The introduction has various functions:

  1. Make a strong opening impact on the reader
  2. Make the readers aware of the subject
  3. Give an idea of what the writer plans to say about the subject
  4. Lead to the thesis statement
  5. The introduction could begin with an example, an anecdote, a piece of data, or a striking fact that catches the readers’ attention. This should be directly related to the subject and make a strong comment on it. For example, an essay on methamphetamine could begin with startling statistics on the abuse of this substance. You could also begin with an example that captures the essence of what methamphetamine does to people who use it. However, when you begin the essay, you want to ensure that it is relevant to your ultimate focus and does not mislead the reader.
  6. After this, you want to familiarize your audience with the subject. So you could give some background to meth and its use in the country, state the basic problems associated with it, and let the readers know its significance as a subject for discussion. What is meth? When did people first start using it? What is it made of? Why is it dangerous?
  7. How do you want to discuss this subject in your paper? Which aspects will you explore? How will you do so?
  8. The above details will slowly lead you to the thesis statement. It appears near or at the end of the essay introduction paragraph. It provides details that gradually move towards an assertion that forms the focus of the essay. Without the thesis, the introduction is incomplete.

The introduction to an essay should be written insuch a manner that readers feel interested in the rest of the paper. Itshould also be well balanced in length. If your paper is 10 pageslong, your introduction cannot be one paragraph long. Similarly, if thepaper is two pages long, your introduction cannot be longer than oneshort paragraph. In a paragraph-long essay, on theother hand, the introduction appears after the thesis sentenceand is usually one to three sentences long depending on the paragraphlength.

The writers often tend to forget the importance of the essayintroduction. As the opening frame paragraph, it familiarizesthe reader with the subject and helps themrelate to the discussion in a more informed manner. Without a good introduction,the essay could collapse since it helps to maintainfocus and keep the writer on track.

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