Jan 2013- Linkage Mapper is now integrated with Circuitscape. It uses Circuitscape to identify pinch points within least-cost corridors and to analyze linkage network centrality. See the Linkage Mapper website for more.
July 2012- Circuitscape 3.5.8 is now available for download.
Feb 2011- We now have an executable for 64-bit Windows machines. This allows Circuitscape to use more RAM and process larger grids.
Check out the new Export from ArcGIS tool by Jeff Jenness. It lets you easily convert rasters or shapefiles to ASCII grid format for use with Circuitscape. Automatically converts all files to the same projection, cell size, and extent.
Version 3.5 is here. This includes new features and much faster code for pairwise resistance calculations (as long as you use focal points and don't create voltage or current maps). We’ve also solved the bug that caused crashes on some Windows machines.
Circuitscape was written by Brad McRae, Viral Shah, and Tanmay Mohapatra. More details about the authors here.
We are especially grateful to the Wilburforce Foundation for funding Circuitscape 4.0 and the original version of Circuitscape. The Cougar Fund also contributed to the original development. We also wish to thank the Washington Program of The Nature Conservancy and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis for supporting Brad McRae and Interactive Supercomputing and the University of California, Santa Barbara for supporting Viral Shah while they collaborated on the project.