



這位號稱“最?!钡呐鷣碜哉憬嘘愒姡ɑ?,是該校某學(xué)院大一新生。2日下午,陳同學(xué)在父母的陪同下,坐一輛加長林肯來學(xué)校報到。據(jù)迎新的同學(xué)講述,他們隨行的行李車上,除了前排坐著兩名司機,后排座上全部堆滿了箱包。同學(xué)幫忙一清點,發(fā)現(xiàn)竟然有19件。更夸張的是,他們還配備了兩名專職導(dǎo)游。讓高年級的同學(xué)直呼不可思議。 Accompanied by her parents, in a stretched Lincoln limousine, with 19 boxes of luggage, and 2 full-time tour guides, when Zhejiang "rich girl" Chen Shi (not her real name) arrived at a certain Wuhan college, other students were struck dumb in awe at the conspicuous wealth on display.

更有甚者,其家長要求在學(xué)校的寢室中加裝獨立衛(wèi)生間。消息迅速傳開,在學(xué)校成了熱議話題,同學(xué)們都說“?!?。 What is more, her parents had requested that a private bathroom be built for their daughter. News about the girl, who people refer to as a "niu", spread like wildfire across the campus.

據(jù)陳的父母解釋,他們對武漢情況不熟,擔(dān)心找不到路,所以才請了兩名"地陪"幫忙報名,事后還可以順便帶他們在市內(nèi)旅游一下。而19個箱子中裝的全是女兒在家時的生活用品,除了大量的衣服外,還有錄音機、娃娃、被褥等?!鞍阉诩伊?xí)慣使用的東西全都帶來了,也不準(zhǔn)備用學(xué)校發(fā)的被褥?!?/span> Unfamiliar with Wuhan, and afraid of getting lost, they had hired the tour guides to help them find their way around the city, her parents said. The 19 boxes of luggage contained everything their daughter deemed necessary, including her many clothes, a recorder, toys, bedding etc. "We`ve brought all things she uses at home. She won`t use the bedding prepared by school."

該學(xué)院女生集中居住的公寓,房子比較老舊,四人間寢室里沒有獨立衛(wèi)生間,上廁所和洗漱都需要到樓道的公共衛(wèi)生間。一看到寢室的條件,該家長就感到難以接受,向同學(xué)抱怨:“這么差的條件,無法住人?!?/span> The school dorm there is a bit old. The four-person dorms do not have their own toilets, so students have to share a public toilet in the corridor. Chen`s parents found this impossible to and complained: "Living conditions here are intolerable!"

該年級輔導(dǎo)員也向記者證實了這個情況。她表示,這名女生家庭條件比較優(yōu)越,從小到大都沒有吃過苦,高中時也是自己在校外租房子住,從未住過這么差的集體寢室。學(xué)生父母曾找到她,要求給女兒安排一間單獨寢室,但學(xué)校從來沒有這個規(guī)矩,所以沒辦法滿足他們的要求。隨后,家長又提出,能否自己在寢室加裝一個廁所,同樣遭到了拒絕。老師郁悶地說:“我還是第一次聽到這種要求?!?/span> According to a counselor, Chen`s is a wealthy background. It seems the girl has never experienced hardship in her life. Educated in a boarding school, her parents rented an apartment for her, meaning she never had to share anything with the school`s other pupils. Her parents once requested a private dorm for her, but the school turned them down, as did they a demand that she have her own toilet. The teacher told them: "I`ve never heard anything like this before."

聲音 Voice

高校:“90后”大學(xué)生太嬌慣太自我 The spoiled generations of the post-1990s.

據(jù)了解,攜帶十幾件行李去報道的學(xué)生并不在少數(shù)。在該大學(xué)的報名點,就出現(xiàn)了多例類似情況。 Chen is far from being the only student born to super-wealthy parents.

大二男生盧增楷告訴記者,上午他接待的一名女生就帶了13個包,3名送行的家長加上3名學(xué)長,6個人才幫她把行李搬上樓。 Sophomore Lu Zengkai, told our reporter that transporting the luggage of one female student he knows of took required the services of 6 people.

“現(xiàn)在一些新生的表現(xiàn)讓我無語?!痹撔4笠恍律o導(dǎo)員張老師感慨地說,在迎新過程中,她已經(jīng)遇到多起這樣的現(xiàn)象。“有的女生甚至帶著布娃娃、吉他、超大的收音機等稀奇古怪的東西,完全不考慮寢室的容量?!?/span> "Some freshmen leave me speechless," says Mrs. Zhang, a counselor, who has seen many cases like these. "Some girls even bring dolls, guitars and their hi-fis, regardless of the amount of space in their dorm."

張老師認(rèn)為,由于家長的過度溺愛,現(xiàn)在一些“90后”大學(xué)生過于嬌慣、自我,這樣反而不利于他們的成長。根據(jù)以往的經(jīng)驗,這類學(xué)生進校后,最容易出現(xiàn)心理問題,一般很難適應(yīng)大學(xué)生活,且大多容易和室友發(fā)生矛盾。 Mrs. Zhang puts to the` overindulgence of the parents, and says it is bad for their children`s development. Such students. she says, often experience mental problems later on. They cannot get used to college life and often find it difficult to make friends with other students.

(Translator & Editor: Sylvie AND Paul)
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