There are many free and paid keyword research tools out there, but using Google’s Keyword Research Tool is your best bet to make decisions based on Google-only data.
The following are tips on how you can tailor Google Keyword Tool’s data to your needs (much like you would with Google Analytics),and how you can apply this research beyond your SEO and PPC campaign toother marketing activities. We’ll also cover the limitations of this(and all) keyword research tool(s).
1. Select Your Countries
Google will share search volume based on country (not sure if it’scalculated from, etc only or if they searches performed outside of the US). So you can change thedefault US database to your territory. But if you sell to multiplecountries from one website, or you target multiple countries from oneAdWords campaign, you can select more than one country by doing a“Control + Click” or “Command + Click” - depending if you’re Mac or PC.
You can also simply select All Countries if you sell globally,anyway. Of course, there’s also multiple language selection - but I’mnot sure why you’d want to select multiple languages at once.
2. Generate Keywords
There are a couple options for generating keywords - you can enteryour own keywords, or use an existing URL. In the second option, Googlewill extract keywords off the page and generate related keywords.
Option 1: Keywords
Type in a few off the top of your head, or import an existing list from an AdGroup, for example.
In this case, if you’re a retailer selling “l(fā)earning toys” - youcould type in the obvious “l(fā)earning toys,” “educational toys,” “babytoys,” “toddler toys,” “children’s toys.”
Choose to use synonyms or not. I’d use synonyms the first time, andif the results are irrelevant, go back and uncheck the box, and redothe search.
You can also apply negative keywords, for example you sell parachutes, you should exclude “coldplay” and “what color is your.”
Then, click “Get keyword ideas.”
Option 2: URL
Here’s a trick - don’t use your own URL. If you sell “l(fā)earning toys”- choose the top search result for “l(fā)earning toys” in Google and letGoogle extract related keywords off that page.
You can also toggle between your 2 options without losing yourkeyword list or URL input, just click “Get keyword ideas” again tore-run the search. When you’re doing heavy-duty keyword research,sometimes you need to look beyond what you have brainstormed - soleverage your competitors. Just be sure to ignore keywords that are notrelevant to your site.
3. Set your match type to “Exact.”
When looking at data, if you choose broad or phrase match, you’llend up with inflated keyword counts because it will include longerqueries that include your keywords. For example, “l(fā)earning toys” wouldinclude searches for “l(fā)earning to make wooden toys” with broad match,or “used learning toys” with phrase match. Exact match will show youthe true keyword count.
Unless you’re using the tool to work on your AdWords campaign(building AdGroups or looking at advertiser competition or estimatedbid prices for broad and phrase match), then you don’t need to seebroad and phrase match stats.
4. Add or Remove Columns
By default, you can’t all the data available. Simply click “ShowAll” to see everything, and remove the columns you don’t need, likeAverage Position or CPC if you’re not doing AdWords. (Some AdWordsadvertisers don’t trust the estimates anyway).
Removing columns not only simplifies what you’re looking at, buthelps you export only the data you need to text, .CSV or with the Table Tools Firefox plug-in.
5. Jump to Data
If you used the URL option, Google will “chunk” out your keywords into smaller groups, but you can navigate them through links:
6. Sort Data
Don’t forget that the Keyword Tool, Google AdWords and GoogleAnalytics tabular data is sortable just like an Excel spreadsheet.
7. Download ALL Keywords, Don’t Build a List
You can click “Add {match type}” to build a list of the keywords youwant, but this won’t keep your search volume data. So make sure you’relooking at the data you want to keep (the columns that are relevant),then click download {option} (text, .CSV):
Then delete the keywords you don’t want from there. For this reason,I suggest keeping your keyword lists tightly focused so they’re easierto work with and make decisions from, rather than every single keywordthat might apply to your site (choose a category or a line ofproducts). You could paste the data into one big spreadsheet if youwant (a worksheet for every group of keywords). If you know of a moreefficient way, please leave us a comment.
Now we’re ready to apply this data to various marketing activities. These are just examples, not exhaustive applications for each activity.
If you’re researching for PPC and you sort by advertiser competition(click twice to get low-high), you may spot a decent volume keywordthat’s relatively cheap, like “l(fā)earning express toys.” If you don’tcarry that product (and you don’t because it’s a competing toy store),you’ll want to make sure you add “express” to your negative keyword list (if you use broad match).
Come back tomorrow, we’ll cover negative keyword research in more depth.
SEO and Site Usability
Sometimes there are two ways to describe the same thing. What arecustomers more likely to think of - “educational toys” or “l(fā)earningtoys”? “Educational games” or “l(fā)earning games”?
You could take a wild guess, but keyword research will give youbetter insight. If you sort by “Approx. Average Search Volume” (notlast month’s searches but average monthly search), you can comparesynonyms:
In this case, a toy retailer would do well to use “Learning Toys”and “Educational Games” as text links in navigation menus. Not onlydoes it give an SEO boost to those category pages, but also has abetter chance of being spotted by a customer who’s scanning the pagelooking for that keyword she typed in the search engine to get to thesite.
If you discover highly searched keywords, you may even create categoriesor prioritize which links appear in your menus (to keep menusmanageable, some retailers will “chunk” menus into 7-9 links, with a“view all” or “more” link to see all categories).
Different types of products may spike in different months, sofeaturing them on your home page at different times of the year makessense. You also provide the category or product page links a bit of anSEO boost by linking directly from the home page (makes it look moreimportant in search engine’s eyes).
From content on’s home page
Melissa and Doug and V Smile seem to be in-demand brands - why notfeature them on the home page, or in the Educational Toys or LearningToys category? Even if your sales data shows your sales for thesebrands are low, it may be because you’ve buried them in your site andyou’re not attracting SEO or PPC traffic for these terms.
You can also manually tweak your site search to make the hottestbrands appear on top (as long as your site search tool allows you).
You should also pay attention to synonyms that you may not have optimized internal site searchfor. Perhaps you lost 50 sales last month simply because you delivered“0 results found” for “educational games” because your category iscalled “Learning Games.”
If you use keyword tagging for products (which may create keywordoptimized pages in search engines, depending on how you implement), youcan tag with synonyms.
Boost your SEO by creating new content (or blog content), addingkeywords to your title tags, or using keywords in “anchor text” foryour internal linking and in external link building campaigns. Or usekeywords and hot products in your email marketing headlines and offers.If you’re really daring, register keyword domains and redirect to yoursite (to capture type-in-traffic) or build out niche microsites.
Despite how uber-excellent this tool is, it’s not perfect. Do keep in mind:
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