- 永遠不要斥責對方的錯誤。
- 如果發(fā)現(xiàn)自己錯了,馬上承認。
- 保持愉快。
- 想辦法讓對手說“對”。
- 讓對方盡情說。讓他們黔驢技窮,言多必失。
- 保持寬容,善于接受。我們都承認自己會犯錯誤,還怕什么?
- 讓對方說出你想要的結論。
- 善于運用對方的需求和愿望。
- 以德服人。
- 如果你有確鑿的證據,拿出來。
- 找到能夠挑戰(zhàn)對方觀點的論據,讓他們啞口無言。
- 保持冷靜。爭論往往讓大家熱血上頭,但總是保持冷靜的那一方得勝。
12 Keys To Winning an Argument
Aguments are an all too common part of life. They should be avoided if possible. But, if you can’t avoid them you may as well win.
Here’s how.
- Never Accuse your opponent of being wrong.
- If you realize you made a mistake admit it immediately.
- Be pleasant.
- Get your opponent saying “yes” It is a proven technique.
- Let them talk. “Enough rope,” “digging a hole” all that.
- Be receptive. We’ve already established we could be wrong.
- Make it their idea.
- Play on their wants.
- Plea for righteousness. Every body wants “whats right.’
- Back it up. If you’ve got data, use it.
- Issue a challenge. Men especially will fall for this.
- Be a Cool Hand Luke. Aguments can get emotional. It is to your advantage to be the calm rational one.
There you have it, now play nice.