We all know that woman live longer than men but scientists often debate the cause of this phenomenon. Here in the US, the current life expectancy for women is 81 years and for men it’s several years shorter. Well, we think we may have cracked the code. These men are bringing down the average for the rest of us.
Some guys do the stupidest things…
“C’mon bro, you can do it…”
“We need a taller ladder…”
“Hold On, I think I got it…”
Probably not the best way to trim the hedges…
Should’ve brought along some rope…
What would possible go wrong…
Just looking for a little shade…
This one makes my stomach queezy…
Look closely, that’s a step-ladder…
Got room for one more?
I’m not too sure what’s going on here…
Hold it right there…
This one makes me SOOOO nervous…
“Look! I’m just like Harry Potter…”
That’s one way to change a light bulb…
Do not mix electricity with alcohol…
Does this look sturdy to you?
I think he misplaced his jack…
Seemed like such a good idea at the time…
“I just about got it…”
Thumbs up, Bro!
“Don’t worry, I got ya…”
Just wedge it in there a bit…
Okay, the guys in the pool were almost too much for me. I mean, water, electricity…what could possibly go wrong?