Master Data Management (MDM) – The authoritative,reliable foundation for data used across many applications andconstituencies with the goal to provide a single view of the truthno matter where it lies.

- Acxiom
- AMB-Dataminers
- Amdocs
- Austin Tetra
- BEA (acquired by Oracle)
- Business Objects (acquired by SAP)
- Chordiant
- Composite Software
- Cordys
- D&B (D&B 360; Purisma)
- Data Foundations (acquired by Software AG)
- DataFlux
- DataLever
- Experian
- Fair Isaac
- First Logic (acquired by Business Objects March 2006; in turnacquired by SAP)
- Global IDs
- Group 1 (acquired by Pitney Bowes 2004)
- Heiler Software
- Human Inference
- Hybris
- Hyperion (acquired Razza 2005; in turn acquired by Oracle)
- i2 Technologies (MDM sold to Teradata)
- IBM Master Data Services (Initiate Systems)
- IBM MDM Server (WCC; DWL)
- IBM Enterprise Integration Suite (Ascential)
- IBM MDM4PIM (WCC; Trigo)
- Informatica (acquired Similarity February 2006; acquiredSiperian)
- Initiate Systems (acquired by IBM)
- Innovative Systems
- Ipedo
- Kalido
- MetaMatrix (acquired by Red Hat)
- Microsoft Master Data Services
- Oracle (MDM; CDH; DRM; UCM)
- Orchestra Networks
- Riversand
- SeeBeyond (acquired by Sun summer 2005)
- Siebel (acquired by Oracle February 2006)
- Siperian (acquired by Informatica)
- Software AG (acquired Data Foundations)
- Stibo Systems
- Stratature (acquired by Microsoft)
- Sun Open MDM & SeeBeyond (acquired by Oracle;rebadged as Oracle Master Person Index)
- Talend (acquired Amalto)
- Teradata
- TIBCO (acquired ObjectStar, Velosel &Netrics)
- Trillium
- Visionware
- ABeam Consulting (Deloitte inJapan)
- Accenture
- Adastra
- Attevo
- Arhis
- Atos Origin
- BackOffice Associates
- Business & Decsion
- Capgemini BIM (formerly CapGemini Ernst & Young)
- CGI-American Management Systems
- Cognizant TechnologySolutions
- CSC (Computer Sciences Corp.)
- Deloitte Consulting
- Detica
- EMC Consulting
- eCentra
- Evaxyx
- eVerge Group
- First San FranciscoPartners
- Fujitsu (formerlyDMR)
- HCL Technologies Limited
- HighPoint Solutions
- Hitachi Consulting
- HP Information Services (inclEDS & Knightsbridge Solutions)
- IBM BAO/GBS (formerly IBM BCS& IBM Global Services)
- Infosys
- InfoTrellis
- ITC InfoTech
- Knowledgent
- L&T InfoTech
- Logica Management Consulting
- LumenData
- Mahindra Satyam
- Northgate InformationServices
- Oracle ProfessionalServices
- Patni
- Perficient
- Platon
- Project Performance Corporation
- PwC
- Serene Corporation
- Sierra Atlantic (acquired by Hitachi)
- SITA Corp.
- Steria
- Synergic Partners
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Unisys
- UTelco
- Utopia
- Wipro