



校對:大智 dazhi312@hotmail.com

The Participant side

The Participant side of the lab is designed to simulate a normaloffice environment. We can easily change the layout of theparticipant‘s side to fit a variety of study scenarios.
實驗室的參與者那邊設(shè)計成模擬正常的辦公室環(huán)境. 我們能很容易的改變參與者那邊的布局來適應各種不同的研究場景。

There are two cameras that can be positioned at virtually any angleby the engineer on the Observer side. Cameras are used to record theparticipant‘s facial expressions and mouse movements while evaluatingsoftware.

The participant and the observer can communicate easily using microphones and speakers within the rooms.

For studies using software, a scan converter provides a direct feedfrom the subject‘s computer screen to tape recorders and monitors onthe observer side. The scan converter allows us to record a much higherquality image than what we would get from pointing a camera at thesubject‘s monitor. We also have the ability to put a free-standingcamera in the lab if an additional camera angle is needed for thestudy.

The engineer can control the camera orientation and zoom from theobserver side. This flexibility is especially useful when we are doinga paper prototype or documentation test where the participant typicallymoves around a lot.

With all those video inputs, we have to have some way to switch backand forth among them. That black box located under the monitor with allthe sliders and buttons is a video mixer.

The mixer allows us to quickly switch among the video sources, andto put multiple sources of video on the screen at once. Normally, themain source is an image of what the participant sees on his or her  computer. A reduced image of the participant‘s face and mouse movementsusually appear as a small picture within that main picture. We can movethis small picture around on the screen if it gets in the way of animportant action on the screen.

The engineer can communicate with the participant via the microphoneon the desk, which is activated by a button on the microphone‘s base.The participant can only hear what is said on the observer side whenthe engineer activates the microphone. This reduces the likelihood thatparticipants will be distracted from discussions by the engineersduring the test.

A large monitor (not seen in photo above) provides a better view ofthe study for the observers. The picture is large enough for observersin the hall to see the action.

As part of our Nationwide Site Visit Program, our product design anddevelopment teams go out into the field to observe users in their ownwork or home settings throughout the United States.

By meeting with people in their own unique environments, we arebetter able to understand the "real life" needs, expectations andcircumstances behind today‘s dynamic software users.

We’re interested in meeting with a mix of people who work with alltypes of products and who have varying levels of computer experience.  In fact, you don‘t even need to be using Microsoft products to beeligible to participate.

The visits themselves are designed to be as non-disruptive in natureas possible.   They typically last one to two hours in your own officeor home.   We watch, we listen, and we learn while you work.

As a thank you for involvement in our program, each person whoparticipates in one of our Usability Site Visits receives his or herchoice of a software gift from our Usability Gratuity List.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to have a direct line of feedbackto the product design and development teams at Microsoft.   Click hereto enroll!


Usability is About People 可用性因人而來
Usability is where the vision of our product development teams meets the real-world demands of our customers.

When you consider that Microsoft‘s mission is to enable people to dotheir best, the importance of usability is clear. This work is as muchabout people as it is about technology. Fostering usability draws onexpertise from varied fields, including anthropology, cognitivepsychology, computer science, and educational psychology.

Microsoft maintains state-of-the-art facilities (more than 30participant/observation rooms and five analysis labs) devoted toexploring how customers can better interact with our products.

A few job titles found here:
Usability Engineer可以性工程師
Designs and conducts software and hardware usability studies; gathers, analyzes, interprets, and reports findings.

Usability Manager可用性經(jīng)理
Directs usability engineers tasked with planning and conductingusability studies, and works with team to identify and implementappropriate data-gathering and analysis techniques.

Software Test Manager軟件測試經(jīng)理
Oversees product testing within a product unit, designs master testplans and schedules, and manages test organization via test leads.

Software Design Engineer in Test 負責測試的軟件設(shè)計工程師
Tests and critiques software components and interfaces in moretechnical depth, writes test programs to assure quality, and developstest tools to increase effectiveness.

Software Test Architect 軟件測試架構(gòu)師
Identifies test design and implementation improvements, runs pilotprojects to measure their impact, and drives adoption across variousMicrosoft product development teams

Below is a listing of published papers and presentations from Microsoft‘s Usability Engineers.  

Usability Engineering

Articles: 文章
(2000) MSN Explorer: A Study in Usability In MSN, Microsoft PressPass, August 2000 Copyright © 2000 by Microsoft Corporation  
Fulton, B (2002).   Beyond Psychological Theory: Getting Data thatImprove Games.   Game Developer‘s Conference 2002 Proceedings, San JoseCA, March 2002. Reprinted on the front page of Gamasutra.com on3.21.02, viewable at http://www.gamasutra.com/gdc2002/features/fulton/fulton_01.htm
Medlock, M. C., Wixon D., Terrano, M., Romero R., Fulton B. (2002).  "Using the RITE Method to improve products: a definition and a casestudy."   Usability Professionals Association, Orlando FL July 2002
Pagulayan, R. J., Keeker, K., Wixon, D., Romero, R., & Fuller, T.(2003).   User-centered design in games.   In J. Jacko and A. Sears(Eds.), Handbook for Human-Computer Interaction in Interactive Systems(pp. 883-906).   Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Pagulayan, R. J., Steury, K. R., Fulton, B., & Romero, R. L. (inpress). Designing for fun: User-testing case studies. In M. Blythe, K.Overbeeke, A. Monk, and P. Wright, (Eds.), Funology: From Usability toEnjoyment. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Methods & Techniques:方法和技術(shù)
Benedek, J., Miner, T. (2002). Measuring Desirability: New methods forevaluating desirability in a usability lab setting. In Proceedings ofUsability Professionals Association 2002, Orlando, July 8-12.
Benedek, J., Miner, T. (2002). Product Reaction Cards. Appendix topublished paper “Measuring Desirability” in Proceedings of UsabilityProfessionals Association 2002, Orlando, July 8-12.
Caulton, D. (1999). Relaxing the Homogeneity Assumption in DiscountUsability. Submitted to Behavior and Information Technology.
Czerwinski, M. (1999). Research methods for next generation HCI. InProceedings of Human-Computer Interaction International 1999, Munich,August 21-27.
Denning, S., Hoiem, D., Simpson, M., & Sullivan, K. (1990). TheValue of Thinking-Aloud Protocols in Industry: A Case Study atMicrosoft Corporation. In Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 34thAnnual Meeting, 1285-1289.
Gilman, E. & Butler, S. (1999). Object Oriented GUI Design: APractical Application of "The Bridge" Methodology. Proceedings ofUsability Professionals Association 99 (Scottsdale AZ, June 29-July 2):199-208.
Graf, R. (1996). Exploring the design of a sales automation workstationusing field research. In D. Wixon and J. Ramey (Eds.), Field MethodsCasebook for Software Design, John Wiley & Sons.
Graf, R. (1998). Participatory Design: A case study in designingsoftware for the home. A workshop presentation at the fifth biennialParticipatory Design Conference, Seattle, WA, November 12-14, 1998.
Hanna, L., Risden, K., Czerwinski, M., & Alexander, K. (1999). Therole of usability research in designing children’s computer products.In A. Druin (Ed.), The Design of Children’s Technology (pp. 3-26). SanFrancisco, CA: Morgan Kaufman.
Kanerva, A., Keeker, K., Risden, K., Schuh, E. & Czerwinski, M.(1997). Web Usability Research at Microsoft Corporation. In J. Ratner,E. Grosse and C. Forsythe (eds.) Human Factors for World Wide WebDevelopment, Lawrence Erlbaum, New York.
Muller, M. & Czerwinski, M. (1999). Organizing usability work tofit the full product range. In Association for Computing Machinery’s(ACM) Communications of the ACM, May, 42 (5), pp.87-90. Copyright ©1999 by ACM, Inc.

Nodder, C., Williams, G., & Dubrow, D. (1999). Evaluating theusability of an evolving collaborative product --changes in user type,tasks and evaluation methods over time. In proceedings of theinternational ACM SIGGROUP conference on supporting group work(GROUP99) p150-159

Risden, K. (1999). Toward usable browse hierarchies for the Web. InBullinger, H. and Ziegler, J. (Eds.) Human Computer Interaction:Ergonomics and User Interfaces, 1, 1098-1102.
Spencer, R. (2000). The streamlined cognitive walkthrough method,working around social constraints encountered in a software developmentcompany. In Proceedings of the CHI 2000 conference on Human Factors incomputing systems, Pages 353 - 359.

Hanna, L., Risden, K., & Alexander, K. (1997, September + October).Guidelines for usability testing with children. interactions, 4(5),9-14. Copyright © 1997 by ACM, Inc.

Keeker, K. (1997, July 24). Improving Web Site Usability andAppeal. Microsoft Developer Network Web Workshop (online ed.).  Copyright © 1997 by Microsoft Corporation.

Hoiem, D. & Sullivan, K. (1994). Designing and Using IntegratedData Collection and Analysis Tools: Challenges and Considerations.Behaviour and Information Technology, 13, 160-170.
Sullivan, K. (1993, July). Dealing with Limited Data Analysis Time andLimited Availability of Usability Specialists. In K. Sullivan (Chair),Usability Lab Tools: How Organizational Constraints Shape TheirDevelopment (session 11). Panel conducted at the UsabilityProfessionals Association Conference, Redmond, WA.

Human-Computer Interaction 人機交互
Benedek, J. (2002). MSN.com Redesigned: Usability and organizationaltradeoffs in the redesign of a popular portal. In Proceedings ofUsability Professionals Association 2002, Orlando, July 8-12.
Caulton, D. and Dye, K. (1997). Do Users Always Benefit When UserInterfaces Are Consistent? In Thimbleby, H., O’Conaill, B. and Thomas,P. (Eds) People and Computers XII - Proceedings of HCI ‘97, Springer,New York.
Chen, C. & Czerwinski, M. (1997). Spatial ability and visualnavigation: An empirical study. In The New Review for Hypertext andMultimedia, Volume 3, pp. 40-66.
Chen, C. & Czerwinski, M. (1998). From latent semantics to spatialhypertext--An Integrated Approach. In Hypertext ‘98, The Proceedings ofthe 9th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pp. 77-86.Copyright © 1998 by ACM, Inc.

Chen, C., Czerwinksi, M. & Macredie, R. (1998). Human factors in virtual environments. In Virtual Reality, 3, pp. 223-225.
Czerwinski, M. & Larson, K. (1998). Trends in future Web designs:what‘s next for the HCI professional? In ACM Interactions, Volume 5:6,November-December 1998, pp. 9-14. Copyright © 1998 by ACM, Inc.

Czerwinski, M. (1999). Trends in future web designs. In Proceedings ofHuman-Computer Interaction International 1999, Munich, August 21-27.
Czerwinski, M., Dumais, S., Robertson, G., Dziadosz, S., Tiernan, S.and van Dantzich, M. (1999). Visualizing implicit queries forinformation management and retrieval. In Proceedings of CHI ’99, HumanFactors in Computing Systems, (Pittsburgh, May 17-20, 1999), ACM press,560-567. Copyright © 1999 by ACM, Inc.

Czerwinski, M., van Dantzich, M., Robertson, G.G. & Hoffman, H.(1999). The contribution of thumbnail image, mouse-over text andspatial location memory to web page retrieval in 3D. In Proceedings ofInteract ‘99, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 1-4.
Dziadosz, S. and Chandrasekar, R. (2002) Do Thumbnail Previews HelpUsers Make Better Relevance Decisions about Web Search Results? InProceedings of SIGIR 2002, Conference on Research and Development inInformation Retrieval (Tempere, Finland, August 11-15, 2002), ACMPress, 365-366.
Graf, R. C. (1993). A Three Level Connectionist Model for ContextualInterference Effects in Open Loop Motor Skills. Doctoral dissertation,The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Johnson, P., McLoone, H., Adams, E., and Arms, S. (2000). DevelopingMiniature Force-Sensing Technologies for Measuring the forces Appliedto a Computer Mouse. In Proceedings of the XIVth Triennial Congress ofthe IEA and the 44th Annual Meeting of the HFES, (San Diego, July29-August 2, 2000), Vol. 6, pp629-632.
Konrad, C. & Angevine, P. (2000). Cooperative Design of MicrosoftOffice. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on HumanInteraction with Complex Systems, Urbana, IL, April 30 - May 2, 2000.
Larson, K. & Czerwinski, M. (1998). Web page design: Implicationsof memory, structure and scent for information retrieval. InProceedings of CHI ’98, Human Factors in Computing Systems (LA, April21-23, 1998), ACM press, 25-32. Copyright © 1998 by ACM, Inc.

Lee, W.O. (1998) Analysis of User Testing using an ApproximateModel of User Action. In Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction ‘98,Johnson, H., Nigay, L., Roast, C. (Eds.)
McLoone, H., Jacobson, M., Adams, E., and Johnson, P. (2000). InfraredThermography to Qualify and Quantify Interaction Between Hand andComputer Mouse and Its Relationship to Comfort. In Proceedings of theXIVth Triennial Congress of the IEA and the 44th Annual Meeting of theHFES, (San Diego, July 29–August 2, 2000), Vol. 6, pp47-50.
Robertson, G., Czerwinski, M., Larson, K. & van Dantzich, M.(1997). Immersion in Desktop Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of UIST‘97, 10th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology,pp. 11-19. Copyright © 1997 by ACM, Inc.

Robertson, G. , Czerwinski, M., Larson, K., Robbins, D., Thiel, D.& van Dantzich, M. (1998). Data Mountain: Using spatial memory fordocument management. In Proceedings of UIST ‘98, 11th Annual Symposiumon User Interface Software and Technology, pp. 153-162. Copyright ©1998 by ACM, Inc.

Shafer, S., Krumm, J., Brumitt, B., Meyers, B., Czerwinski, M., &Robbins, D. (1998). The New EasyLiving Project at Microsoft Research.Joint DARPA/NIST Smart Spaces Workshop, July 30-31, 1998, Gaithersburg,Maryland.
Shea, J. & Graf, R. (1991, October 10-11). A Model for ContextualInterference Effects in Motor Learning. Paper presented at theinvitational conference, Cognitive Assessment: InterdisciplinaryDialog, sponsored by the College of Education, Texas A&MUniversity, College Station, TX.
Shea, J. & Graf, R. (1992). A model for contextual interferenceeffects in motor learning. In C. R. Reynolds (Ed.), CognitiveAssessment: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, New York: Plenum Press.
Sullivan, K. (1991). Using Task Analysis in Documentation FieldResearch. In ACM Ninth International Conference on SystemsDocumentation, 149-153. Copyright © 1991 by ACM, Inc.

Sullivan, K. (1996). The Windows 95 User Interface: A Case Study inUsability Engineering. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 96 Conference on HumanFactors in Computing Systems, 473-480. Copyright © 1996 by ACM, Inc.

Sullivan, K. (1997). The Windows 95 user interface: Iterative designand problem tracking in action. Proceedings of the 1997 InternationalConference on Software Engineering, 562-563. Copyright © 1997 by ACM,Inc.  
Wixon, D. (1995). The Sales Automation Workstation: A Case Study OfField Oriented Design. A paper presented at the workshop, FieldOriented Design Techniques: Case Studies and Organizing Dimensions. CHI‘95, Denver, CO. Copyright © 1995 by ACM, Inc.

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