AJET 20(2) Williams and Jacobs (2004) - exploring blogs as learning spaces in higher education
阅933转14刚刚AJET 19(1) Treleaven (2003) - evaluating a communicative model for web mediated collaborative learning
阅1008转15刚刚AJET 19(1) Peat and Franklin (2003) - student learning and online and offline formative assessment
阅531转13刚刚AJET 18(2) McLoughlin (2002) - computer supported teamwork - evaluating cooperative learning online
阅611转13刚刚AJET 18(2) Lyons and Milton (2002) - learning to evaluate - evaluating to learn
阅294转11刚刚AJET 18(1) Draper, Cargill and Cutts (2002) - electronically enhanced classroom interaction
阅643转11刚刚AJET 15(1) Oliver and Omari (1999) - using online technologies to support problem based learning
阅1053转14刚刚AJET 11(2): Taylor (1995) - distance education technologies - fourth generation
阅830转8刚刚AJET 5(2): Hedberg (1989) - selection of learning technologies
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