Analyze Definition:
“To study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts of by analysis.” Analyze suggests separating or distinguishing the component parts of something (as a substance, a process, a situation) so as to discover its true nature or inner relationships. (Webster’s Dictionary)
The ADDIE model asks several questions in the ANALYZE phase in order to determine the components necessary for the next phases of development.
Who is the audience? Learner characteristics
What do they need to learn? Write the instructional goals For each instructional goal, write the instructional objectives
Create a concept map based on preliminary research. Products of a series of brainstorming sessions, and are the starting points for the flow charts providing clear directions for the production of the product.
What are the delivery options? Web, CD, Hyperstudio, Director, Book, etc.
What constraints exist? Learner age, time, computer resources for design and learners
What will the students do to determine competency? Accuracy in completing assignments, worksheets, quizzes, etc.
What is the timeline for project completion? Including management, assigning tasks, flowcharting, storyboarding, design, etc.
What are the classroom/Web learning differences? Ensuring all students do their own work, teaching of the Web concepts, computer literacy, etc.
What are the online pedagogical considerations? Verbal, visual, tactile, auditory, etc.
Glossary |
ADDIE ResearchIdaho State University College of Education
Science, Math, & Technology Education
A. W. Strickland, Ph.D.Campus Box 8059, Pocatello ID 83209-8059
(208) 282-3780 | (208) 282-2244 Fax