1. Write about your problems
1. 寫下你的問題
To do complex tasks we rely on our 'working memory'. A more efficient working memory contributes to better learning, planning, reasoning and more. One way to increase working memory capacity indirectly is through expressive writing. You sit down for 20 minutes a few times a month and write about something traumatic that has happened to you. Yogo and Fujihara (2008) found that it improved working memory after 5 weeks.
2. Look at a natural scene
2. 看看自然風(fēng)景
Nature has a magical effect on us. One of nature's beneficial effects is improving memory. In one study people who walked around an arboretum did 20% better on a memory test than those who went for a walk around busy streets. In fact you don't even need to leave the house. Although the effects aren't as powerful, you can just look at pictures of nature and that also has a beneficial effect .
3. Say words aloud
3. 大聲讀出來
This is surely the easiest of all methods for improving memory: if you want to remember something in particular from a load of other things, just say it out loud. A study found memory improvements of 10% for words said out loud.
4. Meditate (a bit)
4. 稍稍思考一下
Meditation has been consistently found to improve cognitive functioning, including memory. In one recent study, participants who meditated only 20 minutes, once a day, saw boosts to their working memory and other cognitive functions (the study is described here, also see my beginner's guide to meditation).
5. Use your body to encode memories
5. 用肢體動(dòng)作來幫助記憶
We don't just think with our minds, we also use our bodies. For example, research has shown that we understand language better if it's accompanied by gestures.
We can also use gestures to encode memories. Researchers trying to teach Japanese verbs to English speakers found that gesturing while learning helped encode the memory (Kelly et al., 2009). Participants who used hand gestures which suggested the word were able to recall almost twice as many Japanese words a week later.