Salmon (2000) has developed a model for e-moderators that demarcates the progression of tasks that the online teacher moves through in the process of effectively moderating an online course.
The process begins with providing students with access and motivation. In this stage, any technical or social issues that inhibit participation are addressed, and students are encouraged to share information about themselves to create a virtual presence, as described above.
In the second stage, Salmon suggests that the emoderator continues to develop online socialization by “building bridges between cultural, social and learning environments” (p. 26).
In the third stage, referred as “information exchange,” Salmon suggests that the teaching task moves to facilitating learning tasks, moderating content-based discussions, and bringing to light student misconceptions and misunderstandings.
In the fourth stage, that of“knowledge construction,” students focus on creating knowledge artifacts and projects that collaboratively and individually illustratetheir understanding of course content and approaches.
In the final “development” stage, learners become responsible for their own learning and that of their group by creating final projects, workingon summative assignments, and demonstrating achievement ofLearning outcomes.
Salmon’s model provides a useful guide and planning tool for online learning teachers,