TagCloud is an automated Folksonomy tool. Essentially, TagCloud searches any number of RSS feeds you specify, extracts keywords from the content and lists them according to prevalence within the RSS feeds. Clicking on the tag‘s link will display a list of all the article abstracts associated with that keyword. TagCloud lets you create and manage clouds with content you are interested in, and lets you publish them on your own website.Sound Interesting?Lots of other people think so too. The technology behind TagCloud.com was created just for fun by IonZoft developer John Herren, and word quickly spread through the blogosphere. After numerous requests for his source code, we decided to produce this service based on John‘s original idea. Sign up for our service absolutely free, or just learn more about what TagCloud does. Maybe you‘re interested in IonZoft, the company behind the scenes. If you can‘t find what you‘re looking for, please contact us. What does a TagCloud look like?It‘s a list of keywords taken from the news feeds you specify. Larger fonts indicate a higher prevalence for an individual keyword. Using Cascading Style Sheets, you can customize almost every aspect of your TagClouds to make it match your website. Of course, we provide a nice default set of styles out of the box. amd apparently apple asks autopia big brother blog bloggers browser business model case cell phones chips chris kohler cisco collaborate computer computers cope dalton david discovery donations drm earth engineers exploit fuel google google maps help hybrid intel ipod joanna glasner kohler law enforcement live mail media mice microsoft miles mirrormask missouri mobile mobile phone mozilla firefox open source operating system oregon org partnership peer to peer performance privacy advocates proprietary robotic running scientists search service slashdot socket space spyware state stem cell stem cells story tiny traffic university wi fi wired magazine |