Most popular hot pot style in China
1. Sichuan hot pot
2. Northern style hot pot
3. Cantonese hot pot
Most popular hot pot ingredients in China: beef, goose intestine, frozen tofu, lamb.
火鍋鍋底 soup base
清湯鍋 plain broth
麻辣鍋 spicy broth
微辣 mildly spicy
中辣 moderately spicy
特辣 very spicy
菌湯鍋 mushroom soup pot
鴛鴦鍋 double-flavor hot pot
調(diào)料 seasoning
芝麻醬 sesame paste
海鮮醬 hoisin sauce
辣椒醬 chili sauce
花生醬 peanut sauce
香菜 coriander
肉類 meat
肥牛 beef
羊肉卷 sliced mutton
牛百葉 omasum
牛蹄筋 beef tendons
毛肚 tripes
腦花 brain
鴨血 duck blood curd
鴨舌 duck tongue
鴨腸 duck intestine
鵝腸 goose intestine
鵪鶉蛋 quail eggs
雞脯肉 fresh grade breast
蔬菜 vegetable
白菜 Chinese cabbage
空心菜 water spinach
生菜 lettuce
茼蒿 crown daisy
菠菜 spinach
韭菜 Chinese chive/leek
韭黃 leek shoot
冬瓜 white gourd
青筍 endive sprout
豆芽 bean sprout
黃瓜 cucumber
西蘭花 broccoli
花菜 cauliflower
白蘿卜 white radish
土豆 potato
山藥 Chinese yam
蓮藕 lotus root
胡蘿卜 carrot
黑木耳 black fungus
海帶 seaweed
香菇 shiitake mushrooms
野山菌 wild edible fungi
平菇 oyster mushrooms
金針菇 golden mushrooms
豆腐 tofu
油豆腐 fried bean curd puff
油面筋 fried gluten puff
粉條 starch noodles
海鮮 seafood
鱔魚片 eel slice
墨魚仔 cuttlefish
蟹肉 crab
大蝦 prawn
龍蝦 lobster
小龍蝦 crawfish
扇貝 scallop
鮑魚 abalone
蛤 clam
肉丸 meatball
蝦丸 shrimp meatballs
撒尿牛丸 juicy beef balls
牛肉丸 beef meatballs
豬肉丸 pork meatballs
脆皮腸 crispy intestine
香腸 sausage
魚丸 fish balls
午餐肉 luncheon meat/spam
主食 staple
玉米 corn
餃子 dumplings
面 noodles
燒餅 clay oven rolls
Yosenabe 寄鍋
One of Japan’s winter favorites is yosenabe. The word means “putting ingredients together in a cooking pot”, so it is also known as the Japanese hot pot. Yosenabe includes a broth made of miso and soy sauce. Though its filling is vegetable-based, it is especially appealing to seafood lovers, since it has a lot of prawns, fish balls and jellyfish on top. After you finish eating them, you can also put rice and eggs in the broth to transform the yosenabe into a pot of porridge.
Curry hot pot 咖喱鍋
Though India’s climate is largely tropical, the country has come up with a dish perfectly suited for chilly weather – the curry hot pot. It is a steaming pot of soup, stew and curry. Vinegar and coconut cream are added to the spices, making the dish mild and its taste intricate.
On cold days, curry hot pot is served with ingredients like fish head, chicken and rice noodles.