airway bill of lading 空運提單
air freight 空運
alongside delivery 船邊交貨
bill of lading 海運提單,提單
bulk 散裝;正貨
cargo in bulk 散裝貨
carrier 運送人 ,運輸業(yè)者
carrying vessel 運貨船只
cartage 搬運費
change of sailing 變更船期
charter-party 租船契約
charter plane (ship) 租機(船)
charterer 租船(機)人
claim indemnity 索賠
clearance of goods 報關
clearance B/L 運費后付提單
combined transport bill of lading 聯(lián)合貨運提單
conference rates 公會費率
consignee 收貨人
consigner 發(fā)貨人
container 集裝箱,貨柜
customs clearance fee 報關費
custom(s)house 海關
customhouse broker 報關行
date of completion of discharge 卸訖日期
delayed shipment 裝船延期
delivered weight 卸貨時的重量
delivery ex-warehouse 倉庫交貨
delivery order 提貨單
delivery point 交貨地點
destination port 目的地港口
deviation from voyage route 改變航線
different shipment 裝船差異
discharge of goods 卸貨
dock receipt 收貨單
documents against payment 付款交單,付款后交付貨物
dual rate system 雙重運費制度
entrepot 中轉港
ex-bonded warehouse 關倉交貨
export license (permit) 出口許可證
exporting vessel 出口船只
ex-ship (wharf) 船上(碼頭)交貨
free port 自由港
freight space 艙位
full container load 集裝箱整裝或整交
gross landed weight hatch 卸貨毛重
hatch 船艙
import licence (permit) 進口許可證
indemnity and guarantee delivery without B/L 擔保提貨書
instalment shipment 分批裝船
interior transportation 國內運輸
international railway through transport 國際鐵路聯(lián)運
land transportation 陸運
lay days 裝卸時間
letter of indemnity 賠償保證書
measurement cargo 輕量貨物
measurement tons 體積噸
minimum freight 最低額運貨
negotiable bill of lading 可轉讓提單
ocean bill of lading 海運提單
ocean freight 海運水腳,海運運費
optional cargo 任意港卸貨貨件
optional shipment 任選港卸貨的裝船
order bill of lading 不記名提單,裝貨人抬頭提單
part or whole of space 部分或全部艙位
partial shipment 分批裝船
port of call 停靠港
shifting charge 碼頭搬運卸貨費
shipping advice 裝運通知
shipping claim 裝運索賠
shipping conference 航運公會
shipping document(invoice) 貨運單據(jù)(發(fā)票)
shipping notice 裝運通知單
shipping port 輸出口港
shipping space 載位
short delivery 短交
short shipment 裝載不足
spot delivery 現(xiàn)場交貨
storage 碼頭倉棧費
through bill of lading 聯(lián)運提單,直達提單
tramp 不定期貨輪
transit 轉口
transshipment 轉船裝運