


11 amazing Twitter chats for educators

11 amazing Twitter chats for educators

A variety of content-rich Twitter chats are held each week

Social media is one of the top ways educators and students interact and learn from one another. Students in Florida can collaborate with students in Minnesota, and administrators and teachers are able to share best practices and support their own learning.

Some of the most engaging professional development and professional learning occurs on Twitter.

Through organized Twitter chats, administrators and educators can discuss a number of topics, from special education and IT management to content-specific resources.

Below is a round-up of different Twitter chats, when they occur, and some of the most recent tweets to come out of each chat. (All times are in EST.)

#eSNEdChat, Dec. 17 from 7-8 p.m. eSchool News hosted its last Twitter chat on Dec. 10, and Managing Editor Laura Devaney discussed eRate and personalized learning with participants. Today, Dec. 17, Associate EditorMeris Stansbury will lead a Twitter chat at 7 p.m. Don’t miss it!

#edtechchat: Educational technology chat, Mondays from 8-9 p.m. Administrators, teachers, curriculum directors, and technology coordinators covered how they use digital tools in the classroom, they addressed technology problems, use of mobile devices, and more. In fact, stats revealed more than 1,600 tweets during the most recent hour-long Twitter chat.

#edleadchat: School administrator and leadership chat, Mondays from 8-9 p.m. During the most recent chat, Twitter participants shared some of the major projects or tasks they accomplished this semester and what goals they set for themselves and their staff.

#scichat: Science teachers chat, Tuesdays from 9-10 p.m. This Twitter chat covers an incredibly wide variety of science information, including videos, resources, lesson plans, labs, and more.

#STEMchat: STEM education chat, Tuesdays from 9-10 p.m. Twitter participants share STEM success stories from their own states, compare strategies, and share other STEM news. While this chat has a designated day and time, tweets are tagged with #STEMchat every day.

#ipadchat: iPads in education, Wednesdays from 1-2 p.m. Participants trouble-shoot iPad problems, trade tips and advice, and learn about implementation strategies.

#libchat: Librarians, Wednesdays from 8-9:30 p.m. The changing role of school librarians and library media specialists is a near-constant topic today, and this Twitter chat covers all aspects of a school librarian’s role.

#mathchat: Math teachers chat, Thursdays from 7-8 p.m. Like the science Twitter chat, participants tag posts with #mathchat all week long, which makes for a steady stream of math discussion, resources, and more.

#DENchat: Discovery Educator Network chat, Thursdays from 8-9 p.m. DEN members are found across the country, and the tweets and topics are as varied as the DEN members themselves. They include teacher resolutions, learning management, standards, and local DEN member meet-ups.

#levelupED: Gamification chat, Thursdays from 9-10 p.m. This Twitter chat, which resumes its schedule in January 2014, includes topics and discussions on gaming apps, digital badges, how gaming supports STEM education, and more. Participants also discuss ways to support gaming from top to bottom.

#byotchat: Bring your own technology (BYOT) chat, Thursdays from 9-10 p.m. All things BYOT are discussed during this chat, including policy, strategy, resources, tips for student engagement, and more.

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