Development of this glossary is ongoing. You can contribute to the glossary and to your grade for course participation by submitting words and jargon that you would like to see defined.
Definitions: For additional information or to see the source from which the definition was obtained, click on the headword.
Functional Context Education(FCE)
"Functional context education is based upon theoretical constructs and research from action research to develop more effective technical and literacy training programs for use in the world of work, from experimental studies of the effects of contextualizing instruction in the schools, and from laboratory and field research aimed at understanding human cognitive development and its use in school and non-school settings."
Inform. To give form or share to; to give vital or organizing power to; to give life to; to imbue and actuate with vitality; to animate; to mold; to figure; to fashion.
instructional strategy
An overall plan for sequencing instructional events and related learning activities in order to facilitate achievement of an instructional objective.
ISD Models
Models for developing instruction based (often very loosely) on the Interservice Procedures for Instructional Systems Development developed by the US military in the mid-1970s; any model that employs systematic approaches to development of instructional products and/or services.
QED Instructional Design Modelmetacognition
Thinking about how to think; monitoring one‘s cognitive processes and making judgments about the effectiveness of such processes; invoking or modifying cognitive strategies so that they are appropriate to one‘s plans, tasks, or activities.
OperationalizeThe defining of a psychological or physical attribute by the way it is measured. For example, teacher expectation may be operationalized by the number of higher-order versus lower-order questions the teacher asks of individual students. See Attribute, Construct, Operational Definition.
abbr. Latin
Quod erat demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated or that proves it.)
Acronym for: Quite Easily Done
QED Instructional Design Model
A 3-phase instructional design model focused on design of preliminary prototypes for instructional products. Employed by Quality Educational Design of San Diego, a hypothetical corporation.
MoreSITE Model
Sociocultural Informational Technical Educational
A learner-centered instructional development model that considers sociocultural influences on values, motives, and goals; the technical means for accomplishing goals; the informational resources for acquiring knowledge and data related to goals and technical means; and the educational context that empowers learners to use the technical means to pursue their goals while simultaneously improving their literacy and mediacy. SITE is also a convenient term for a situation or environment (such as a website) in which learners/users develop or acquire new knowledge/skills.
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