梅奧診所(Mayo Clinic)是當今美國最富盛名、最具有競爭力和生命力的醫(yī)療服務品牌,在2014-2015年的美國醫(yī)院排名中名列全美第一,其多個科室連年排名全美第一,全部科室長期位居全美前三名。
雖然Mayo醫(yī)學中心的地理位置并不很好,美國政界、商界的不少人士會專程到這里來治病,前總統(tǒng)里根的老年性癡呆就在此住院治療, 前總統(tǒng)福特在此安裝了永久起搏器,前總統(tǒng)布什夫婦的四個股骨頭都是在這里置換的。在醫(yī)院頂層有極高級的四個病房專為此階層服務。中東國家的政界富有階層也會慕名到這里來治療,約旦前國王侯賽因在這里就醫(yī)直至逝世。據說,臺灣的電影明星林青霞因高齡孕育曾兩次到這里作婦科檢查。
Tai chi: Discover the many possible health benefits
The ancient art of tai chi uses gentle flowing movements to reduce the stress of today's busy lifestyles and improve health. Find out how to get started.太極的古老藝術,使用溫和的流線運動減少今天繁忙生活方式的壓力和改善健康狀況。揭秘如何開始。
By Mayo Clinic staff 梅奧診所
If you're looking for another way to reduce stress, consider tai chi (TIE-chee). Tai chi is sometimes described as 'meditation in motion' because it promotes serenity through gentle movements — connecting the mind and body. Originally developed in ancient China for self-defense, tai chi evolved into a graceful form of exercise that's now used for stress reduction and to help with a variety of other health conditions.如果你正在尋找另一種方法來減壓,建議考慮太極。太極有時被形容為“在運動中冥想”,因為它通過溫和的運動來促進平靜——接通大腦和身體。太極最初在中國古代是為了自衛(wèi),后來進化成一個優(yōu)雅的鍛煉,現在用于減壓和幫助其他許多健康問題。
Understanding tai chi理解太極
Tai chi, also called tai chi chuan, is a noncompetitive, self-paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. To do tai chi, you perform a series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner. Each posture flows into the next without pause, ensuring that your body is in constant motion. 太極,也被稱為太極拳,是一個非競爭性的、溫柔的體育運動和伸展運動自我步調系統(tǒng)。打太極時,你在以溫柔、優(yōu)美的方式做一系列的姿勢或動作。每一個體式都沒有停頓地流入下一個體式,以確保你的身體也在不斷地運動。
Tai chi has many different styles, such as yang and wu. Each style may have its own subtle emphasis on various tai chi principles and methods. There are also variations within each style. Some may focus on health maintenance, while others focus on the martial arts aspect of tai chi. 太極有許多不同的風格,如楊式和吳式。每一種風格都以它自己的微妙方式,強調各種太極原理和方法。每一個風格也有變化。一些可能集中在健康維護,而另一些則關注太極拳的武術方面。
The result of all this variation is that there are more than 100 possible movements and positions with tai chi, many of which are named for animals or nature. 所有這些變化的結果是, 太極有超過100種可能的運動和位置,其中許多以動物或自然命名。Regardless of the variation, all forms of tai chi include rhythmic patterns of movement that are coordinated with breathing to help you achieve a sense of inner calm. 不論如何變化,各種形式的太極都包括與呼吸協(xié)調的運動節(jié)奏,幫助你達成內心的平靜。The concentration required for tai chi forces you to live in the present moment, putting aside distressing thoughts. 太極所需的專注迫使你活在當下,擱著痛苦的思想。
Who can do tai chi誰能做打太極
The intensity of tai chi varies depending on the form or style practiced. 太極的不同是因為有不同形式和風格上的練習。Some forms of tai chi are more fast-paced and exerting than are others, for instance. 例如有些形式的比其他人太極更快節(jié)奏和發(fā)揮。However, most forms are gentle and suitable for everyone. 然而,大多數形式是溫和的,適合所有人。So you can practice tai chi regardless of your age or physical ability — tai chi emphasizes technique over strength. 你可以練習太極不管你的年齡或物理能力- - -在太極強調技術力量重于。In fact, because tai chi is low impact, it may be especially suitable if you're an older adult who otherwise may not exercise.事實上,由于太極是低影響,這尤其合適的如果你是一位上了年紀的成年人,否則不得行使。
You may also find tai chi appealing because it's inexpensive, requires no special equipment and can be done indoors or out, either alone or in a group.你也許會發(fā)現太極吸引人的,因為它不貴,不要求特殊設備,可以在室內進行,獨自一個人或者成群進行。
Although tai chi is generally safe, consider talking with your doctor before starting a new program. This is particularly important if you have any problems with your joints, spine or heart, if you are pregnant, if you have any fractures, or if you have severe osteoporosis. 雖然太極一般是安全的,考慮要開始一個新的計劃還是要和你的醫(yī)生溝通。這一點尤其重要,如果你有任何問題,你的關節(jié)、脊骨或心有問題, 如果你懷孕,或者你有任何骨折,或者如果您有嚴重的骨質疏松癥。
Why give tai chi a try為什么太極值得一試
Like other complementary and alternative practices that bring mind and body together, tai chi can help reduce stress. During tai chi, you focus on movement and breathing. This combination creates a state of relaxation and calm. Stress, anxiety and tension should melt away as you focus on the present, and the effects may last well after you stop your tai chi session. Tai chi also might help your overall health, although it's not a substitute for traditional medical care. 像其他使大腦和身體一起的補充和替代做法一樣,太極可以幫助減輕壓力。在打太極時你的注意力集中運動和呼吸。這種組合創(chuàng)造一種放松和鎮(zhèn)定的狀態(tài)。當你專注于現在,緊張、焦慮和緊張就會消失,這種影響在你停止打太極后會依然持續(xù)。太極也可能幫助你的整體健康,雖然它不能替代傳統(tǒng)的醫(yī)療護理。
Despite its long history, tai chi has been studied scientifically only in recent years. 盡管有悠久的歷史,太極的科學研究只在最近幾年。And although more research is needed, preliminary evidence suggests that tai chi may offer numerous benefits beyond stress reduction, including:雖然還需要做更多的研究,初步證據顯示,太極可以提供許多減壓之外的好處,包括:
· Reducing anxiety and depression減輕焦慮和抑郁
· Improving balance, flexibility and muscle strength提高平衡、靈活性和肌肉力量
· Reducing falls in older adults減少老年人摔倒
· Improving sleep quality提高睡眠質量
· Lowering blood pressure降低血壓
· Improving cardiovascular fitness in older adult改善老年人心血管健康
· Relieving chronic pain緩解慢性疼痛
· Increasing energy, endurance and agility增加你的精力、耐力和靈活性
· Improving overall feelings of well-being提高整體幸福感
Getting started with tai chi太極入門指南
Wondering how to get started in tai chi? Even though you can rent or buy videos or books about tai chi, consider seeking guidance from a qualified tai chi instructor to gain the full benefits and learn proper techniques. A tai chi instructor may also be able to teach you about the philosophy underlying this relaxation technique. 想知道太極怎么入門嗎?即使你可以購買或者租賃有關于太極的影片或書,還是建議考慮尋找一個合格的太極教師全面指導及學習適當的技術。一個太極教練還可以教你這一放松技術的基本原理。
A tai chi instructor can teach you specific positions and how to regulate your breathing. An instructor also can teach you how to practice tai chi safely, especially if you have injuries, chronic conditions, or balance or coordination problems. Although tai chi is slow and gentle, with virtually no negative side effects, it's possible to get injured if you don't know how to do tai chi properly. It's possible you could strain your muscles or overdo it when first learning, or you could aggravate an existing condition. And if you have balance problems, you could possibly fall during tai chi. 一個太極教練可以教你特殊的體式和如何調整自己的呼吸。教師還可以教你如何安全打太極,尤其是如果你有損傷、慢性疾病、平衡或協(xié)調問題。雖然太極是緩慢而輕柔,事實上沒有負面影響,但如果你不知道如何恰當地打太極也可能受傷。第一次學習你很可能會拉傷肌肉或矯正過枉,或者加劇現有的問題。而且如果你有平衡問題,你可能打太極的時候摔跤。
You can find tai chi classes in many communities today. To find a class near you, contact your local: 今天在許多社區(qū)你可以找到太極課。你可以找到一個就近的班,通過聯(lián)系當地的:
· Senior center老人中心
· YMCA基督教青年會
· YWCA基督教女青年會
· Health club健康俱樂部
· Community education center社區(qū)教育中心
· Wellness facility健身廣場
Keep in mind that tai chi instructors don't have to be licensed, and there are no standard training programs for instructors. So check an instructor's training and experience, get recommendations if possible, and make sure that you're comfortable with his or her approach. Eventually, you may feel confident enough to do tai chi on your own. But if you like the social element, consider sticking with group tai chi classes. 記住太極教師不必持證上崗,也沒有教師培訓標準項目。請注意教師的培訓和經驗, 如果可能的話找人推薦,確保他或她的方法使你舒服。最后,你可能會覺得自己有足夠的信心靠自己打太極了。但是如果你喜歡社會因素,建議堅持參與太極課團隊。
Maintaining the benefits of tai chi保持太極的好處
To reap the greatest stress reduction and other health benefits from tai chi, consider practicing it regularly. While you may get some benefit from a 12-week tai chi class, you may enjoy longer and bigger benefits if you continue tai chi for the long term and become more skilled. 要獲得太極最大的減壓作用和其他健康利益,建議定期練習它。你可以從12周的太極班受益,但如果你長期訓練太極成為更加熟練,您將享受更久更大的收益。
You may find it helpful to practice tai chi in the same place and at the same time every day to develop a routine. 你會發(fā)現每天在同一個地方、同一時間來練習太極并形成習慣是非常有益的。But if your schedule is erratic, do tai chi whenever you have a few minutes. 但是如果你的日程安排飄忽不定,不論什么時候只要你有幾分鐘時間也打打太極。You can even draw on the soothing mind-body concepts of tai chi without performing the actual movements if you get stuck in stressful situations — a traffic jam or a contentious work meeting, for instance. 例如,你甚至可以在應急情況下—在一個交通堵塞或有爭議的工作會議的時候,不必進行實際運動,通過進行臆想太極舒緩身心。