


[推薦]五種簡單方法 讓你過上想要的生活

You’re waiting for something to change in your life before you can be happy. You might think if only you had a different partner (or one at all), a better job, or kids that did their homework then surely you’d be happy. Surely then you’d wake each morning with the glow of one living a life worth loving. Enough! Here are 7 ways to get started:
你在等待你生命中出現(xiàn)轉機,然后你才能開心。你可能認為只有等你有了一個不同的搭檔 (或是所有的一切),一個更好的工作,或者是孩子完成了他們的家庭作業(yè)之后你才能開心。這樣你才能每天醒來的時候伴著一縷希望。 夠了!這里有5種方法讓你開始新生:

1. Be present – You must be aware of your current existence and that you have control over your perspective. Whether you’re willing away early morning grouchiness or seeing a messy house as a chance to teach teamwork, your choice of perspective will make all the difference between just living and loving.
1. 活在當下 – 你必須意識到你的現(xiàn)在,你可以掌控自己的觀點。無論你是想逃離晨間抱怨或是見到一團糟的屋子,作為一次團隊精神教育。你對觀點的選擇會在生活和愛產(chǎn)生不同的結果.

2. Practice gratefulness – Every day, no excuses. Pretend to be grateful if you must. It’s one of those things that catches up to you quickly as life reciprocates your emotional generosity. Seeing the good in your life will allow you to keep your heart fed while you work to change the more unsavory parts. Try it. Live it. You’ll love it.
2. 學會感恩 – 每天都要感恩,不要用任何借口逃避。 如果有必要的話裝也要裝著感恩。這是一樣能迅速趕上你就像生活回報你在感情上的寬容。當你嘗試改變生活中不好的地方時,發(fā)現(xiàn)生活之美會讓你的心暖洋洋。嘗試一下,這樣的生活,你會愛上的。

3. Pursue balance - As a person given to extremes this has always been a tough one for me. I’ll go from taking great care of myself and communicating well to abandonment and silence as I let work consume me. The pursuit of balance requires constant adjustment as your life shifts but every time I really try for the_middle I end up happier about my life. And that’s truly the point.
3. 尋求平衡 - 做一個極端的人對我來說很艱難。我將會更加關懷我自己,從聯(lián)絡能力良好到置之不理再到保持靜默,就好像我讓工作毀了我自己。這種對平衡的追求要求隨著你的生活轉變不斷進行調(diào)整,但是每次我試著求得平衡,我的生活就更加開心,這才是最重要的

4. Nurture friendships – You know the people who for some reason or other welcome you into their lives? Treasure them. Make time to spend with them. It is those relationships that you’ll look back on with satisfaction when you get old and begin to wonder what your life was worth. Many of us spend far too much time thinking about how some material possession will improve our lives. An iMac would be nice. A good friend is worth just about everything though!
4. 維系友情 –你了解那些因各種原因歡迎你進入他們生活的人嗎?請珍惜他們,花些時間和他們在一起。等你老的時候,開始回想過去的功過,這些人際關系能帶給你滿足感。很多人花了很多時間思考物質(zhì)如何能改善自己的生活。一臺蘋果電腦就很好。事實上,一個好友抵得上世間的一切。

5. Embrace simplicity –  You don’t need to have all your gold-plated ducks in a row in order to love the life you’re living. You don’t need lots of stuff and relationships so driven by drama that you often wish just to be left alone in silence. Instead you might try for a simpler approach and enjoy things because they are useful and not because they are expensive. You might join a friend just to talk and not worry about all the expensive trappings we so often heap on get-together’s. Try for simplicity and if complexity sneaks up on you, so be it. In learning to love the basics you’ll find a wondrous appreciation for the nicer things that come along.
5. 追求簡單 –  你不需要一排排的鍍金鴨子來愛你現(xiàn)在過的生活。你不需要很多東西和各種人際關系這些東西來驅動你,這樣反而會讓你希望能清靜一下。你可能會想嘗試一下更加簡單的生活方式,享受生活是因為這樣做有益而不是因為這樣做很奢侈。 你可能會想和一個朋友隨便聊聊,不用擔心高昂的聚會花費。試著簡單,如果復雜靠近你,就順其自然。學會基本的愛生活,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)隨之而來的對美好事物的美妙感受。

What have you found helps bring you back to the moment you’re in and really start to enjoy the life you’re living right now?

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