approx: approximately = 大約,大概
beg: begin(ning); begins(s) = 開始
BO: bind off = 收針
BOR: beginning of rnd = 一圈的開頭
CO: cast on = 起針
CC: contrasting color = 對比色,配色
circ: circular needle = 環(huán)形針
cm: centimeter(s) = 厘米
cn: cable needle = 麻花針
cont: continue(s); continuing = 繼續(xù)
dec('d): decrease(d) = 減少(減了。。。,通常是 減針)
dpn(s): double-pointed needle(s) = 雙頭針
est: establish(ed) = 確立的
g: gram(s) = 克
inc('d): increase(d) = 增加(增加了。。。,通常是 加針)
k: knit = 下針 K 數(shù)字 =幾下,幾個(gè)下針
LH: left hand = 左手握的針
MC: main color = 主色
meas: measures = 測量
mm: millimeter(s) = 毫米
m: marker = 記號(hào)圈
p: purl = 上針 P 數(shù)字= 幾上,幾個(gè)上針
patt(s): pattern(s) = 款式
pc(s): pieces = 織片
pm: place marker = 放記號(hào)圈
psso: pass slipped stitch(es) over = 滑過的針圈套過
rem: remain(s); remain(ing) = 剩下
rep: repeat(ing) = 重復(fù)
RH: right hand = 右手上的針
rib: ribbing = 羅紋
rnd(s): round(s) = 圈
RS: right side =正面
sl: slip =滑
sl m: slip marker = 滑過記號(hào)圈 (通常將記號(hào)圈從左針挪到右針)
st(s): stitch(es) = 針(針數(shù))
St st: stockinette stitch = 平針
tbl: through the back loop = 通過后側(cè)針圈
tog: together = 在一起
wyib: with yarn in back = 線在后的情況下 (當(dāng)前編織的織片后側(cè),眼睛看不到的叫后)
wyif: with yarn in front = 線在前的情況下 ( 當(dāng)前編織的織片前方,眼睛可以看到的一面)
yd: yard(s) = 碼
k1-f/b (knit 1, front and back 對同一個(gè)針圈, 前織一針,后織一針): Knit into the front loop, then the back loop of next stitch (1 stitch increased) then the back loop of next stitch (1 stitch increased).
從前針圈(正常下針入針)織出一針不要將針圈從左針上脫落, 然后從針圈后側(cè)入針織出一針,將針圈從左針上脫落(加了1針)
k1/L (left lifted increase 左側(cè)提升加針): Pick up the left leg of the stitch two rows/rnds below the stitch just worked on RH needle and knit it (1 stitch increased).
k1/R (right lifted increase 右側(cè)提升加針): Pick up the right leg of the stitch below the next stitch on LH needle and knit it, then knit the next stitch (1 stitch increased).
m1 (make 1 加1針): Insert LH needle from front to back under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch, knit lifted strand through the back loop (1 stitch increased).
M1L (make 1 left slanting 向左斜加針): Same as m1. 同m1
M1R (make 1 right slanting 向右斜加針): Insert LH needle from back to front under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch, knit lifted strand through the front loop (1 stitch increased).
m1-p (make 1 purlwise 以上針方向加1針): Insert LH needle from front to back under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch, purl lifted strand through the back loop (1 stitch increased).
m1-p/L(make 1 purlwise left slanting 上針加1針向左斜): Same as m-1-p. 同m-1-p
m1-p/R (make 1 purlwise right slanting 上針加1針向左斜): Insert LH needle from back to front under horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch, purl lifted strand through the front loop (1 stitch increased).
p1-f/b (purl 1, front and back 對同一個(gè)針圈,前織一針上針,后織一針上針): Purl into the front loop, then the back loop of next stitch (1 stitch increased).
p1/L (left lifted increase 左側(cè)提升加針): Pick up the left leg of the stitch two rows/rnds below the stitch just worked on your RH needle and purl (1 stitch increased, leans to the right on knit side).
p1/R (right lifted increase 右側(cè)提升加針): Pick up the right leg of the stitch below the next stitch on LH needle and purl it, then purl the next stitch (1 stitch increased, leans to the left on knit side).
yo (yarn over 線在....上 = 掛線):
Between 2 knit stitches: Bring yarn between needles to the front, then over RH needle ready to knit the next stitch.
Between a knit and a purl stitch: Bring yarn between needles to the front, over RH needle, then between needles to front again, ready to purl the next stitch.
Between 2 purl stitches: Bring yarn over RH needle, then between needles to the front, ready to purl the next stitch.
Between a purl and a knit stitch: Bring yarn over the RH needle, ready to knit the next stitch.
yo inc (yarn over increase): Bring yarn over needle, making a new stitch. On the next row or round, work the yarn over through the back loop (1 stitch increased).
k2tog: Knit 2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased, leans to the right).
k2tog-tbl: Knit 2 stitches together through the back loops (1 stitch decreased).
k3tog: Knit 3 stitches together (2 stitches decreased, leans to the right).
s2kp (central double decrease 中心減2針): Slip 2 stitches tog knitwise to the RH needle, k1, pass 2 slipped stitches over knit stitch (2 stitches decreased).
sk2p: Slip 1 stitch knitwise to RH needle, k2tog, pass slipped stitch over stitch created by k2tog (2 stitches decreased, leans to the left).
skp: Slip 1 stitch knitwise to RH needle, k1, pass slipped stitch over (1 stitch decreased).
spp: Slip 1 stitch knitwise to RH needle, p1, pass slipped stitch over (1 stitch decreased).
ssk (slip, slip, knit): Slip 2 stitches one at a time knitwise to the RH needle; return stitches to LH needle in turned position and knit them together through the back loops (1 stitch decreased, leans to the left).
ssp (slip, slip, purl): Slip 2 stitches one at a time knitwise to the RH needle; return stitches to LH needle in turned position and purl them together through the back loops (1 stitch decreased).
sssk (slip, slip, slip, knit): Slip 3 stitches one at a time knitwise to the RH needle; return stitches to LH needle in turned position and knit them together through the back loops (2 stitches decreased, leans to the left).
p2tog: Purl 2 stitches together (1 stitch decreased). 將2針織在一個(gè)上針里(減了1針)
p2tog-tbl: Purl 2 stitches together through the back loops (1 stitch decreased).
p3tog: Purl 3 stitches together (2 stitches decreased). 將3針織在一個(gè)上針里(減了2針)
k1rb: Knit the next stitch in the row below. 從下一針的下方一針入針,編織一個(gè)下針 (也用K1b),即將左針的第一針和它下方的一針織在同一個(gè)下針里。
k1-tbl: Knit 1 stitch through the back loop to twist stitch. 下針扭針(從下一針的針圈后側(cè)入針織出一針“下針”)
p1rb: Purl the next stitch in the row below. 從下一針的下方一針入針,編織一個(gè)上針(也用P1b),
p1-tbl: Purl 1 stitch through the back loop to twist stitch. 上針扭針(從下一針的針圈后側(cè)從左向右入針,織出一針“上針”)
(RS) Slip next stitch to the RH needle and bring yarn between needles to the front of work. Return slipped stitch to the LH needle. Turn work and bring yarn between needles to front, ready to work next WS row.
(WS) Slip next stitch to the RH needle and bring yarn between needles to the back of the work. Return slipped stitch to the LH needle. Turn work and bring yarn between needles to back, ready to work next RS row.
(In garter stitch) Slip next stitch to the RH needle and bring yarn between needles to the front of work. Return slipped stitch to the LH needle. Turn work and leave yarn in back, ready to knit the next row.
(RS) Insert the right needle tip into the wrap from below, front to back, then into the stitch that it wraps, and knit the two together, making sure that the wrap falls to the purl side of work.
(WS) Insert the right needle tip into the wrap from below, back to front, lifting it over the wrapped stitch, and purl the two together, making sure that the wrap falls to the purl side of the work.
brk (brioche knit): Knit the next stitch together with its yo.
br-k3tog (brioche knit three together): Knit next 3 stitches together, along with corresponding yarn overs (2 stitches decreased, slants to the right).
brp (brioche purl): Purl the next st together with its yo.
br-sssk (brioche slip, slip, slip, knit): Slip the next 3 stitches, along with corresponding yarn overs, one at a time knitwise to the RH needle; return stitches to LH needle in turned position and knit them together through the back loops (2 stitches decreased, slants to the left).
sl1yo (slip 1 yarn over 滑1針 并 掛線):
Before a brk (or a knit stitch): Bring the yarn to the front, between the needles, then slip the next stitch purlwise. Bring the yarn over the needle, to the back, ready to knit the next stitch (creates a yarn over traveling over a slipped stitch).
在brk 前(或在一個(gè)下針前):線從兩針之間置前,然后以上針入針方向滑1針。將線繞過右針上方,到后側(cè),準(zhǔn)備按下針編織下一針 (制造了一個(gè)掛線在滑過的一針上)
Before a brp (or a purl stitch): With the yarn in front, slip the next stitch purlwise. Bring the yarn over the needle, to the back, then between the needles to the front, ready to purl the next stitch (creates a yarn over traveling over a slipped stitch).