By Leanne Li (
Shanghai Daily) 09:16, December 17, 2013
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit An 18-month-old boy who was beaten up by a girl and then fell from the 25th floor of theirapartment building in southwest China’s Chongqing City late last month underwentcraniotomy yesterday.
The infant, nicknamed Yuanyuan, had his endocranium repaired and necrotic brain tissuescleaned in the six-hour surgery at the Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University,his father Li Shengzhong said.
Yuanyuan is now in the intensive care unit as he is still at risk of bleeding and contractingvirus, Li told China Central TV.
Li said Yuanyuan had severe brain injuries, skull fractures and lung bleeding. The boy wasin a coma until December 3. He could eat food on December 8, Li wrote on
The China Social Assistance Foundation and Sina have together raised 100,000 yuan(US$16,470) to cover the boy’s medical bills. Also, his mother has received publicdonations of nearly 250,000 yuan, Li said.
The incident occurred on November 25. Yuanyuan’s grandmother failed to take thetoddler away from the elevator in time before the door closed. The girl surnamed Li got in.
Security camera footage from the elevator showed the girl holding Yuanyuan up and thendropping him. Later she kicked him in the head and threw him out when the lift dooropened.
The girl’s father said his daughter later took the baby to the balcony of their apartment onthe 25th floor. She kicked him because he didn’t smile or was not “friendly.” Yuanyuan felldown after being taken aback by a dog’s bark, he said.
Since she was under the age of 10, the girl wasn’t detained or charged. Her mother hassince taken her away to northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, where sheworks.
Yuanyuan’s family has filed a civil suit at a local district court, seeking compensation. Policesaid that the girl’s father had already paid 78,000 yuan.
(Editor:SunZhao、Yao Chun)
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