) 13:20, June 24, 2014Email|
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit As the birthplace of Eastern and Western civilizations, China and Greece have arelationship that is a natural attribute for two 'civilized' partners. Both countries representancient civilizations, and Greece has a good understanding of China from this perspective;it is one of the European countries most friendly to China.
As the birthplace of European classical civilization and one of the cradles of theMediterranean Sea civilization, Greece is a typical maritime country. Chinese maritimetrade often leases ships from countries including Greece and Denmark, and Greece hascontributed significantly to helping China along the road to globalization.
The traditional Maritime Silk Road was from Quzhou in southeast China's Fujian Provinceto Venice in Italy. Today, the 21st century Maritime Silk Road starts from Lianyungang ineast China's Jiangsu Province and arrives in Greece, from where it can extend into theEuropean hinterland via the Balkans. Compared to the traditional route, it shortens thedistance by seven to ten days, and as such is an important link between China and Centraland Eastern Europe.
Seaport cooperation is another highlight of the relationship between China and Greece. In2009, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) signed a 35-year operating rightsagreement for Piraeus port, the largest Greek sea port. The port played a key role in theevacuation of Chinese people during the Libyan crisis. China pursues sustainable maritimedevelopment, and will unite with the international community to create a sea of peace andharmony.
In terms of modern civilization, Greece is the birthplace of the European debt crisis. WhenGreece was confronted by a severe sovereign debt crisis and the wider European debtcrisis, China took practical actions to help Greece and the euro zone out of the crisisthrough a massive purchase of Greek olive oil and other investments, as well as activebuying of Greek bonds and the euro as a reserve currency.
As part of its role as a contemporary civilization Greece holds the EU's rotating presidencyin the first half of this year. Greece is a role model in setting cooperation links betweenChina and EU. Greece's strong support for China's Olympic development is a typicalexample. Greece offered extensive help and guidance during the 2008 Beijing OlympicGames, the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, and Zhangjiakou's bid for the 2022Winter Olympics.
Therefore, from a wide range of perspectives including classical civilization, moderncivilization, and contemporary civilization, the China-Greece relationship can be regardedas a reflection of the significance of China and EU as partners in civilization. Moreover, bothChina and EU are in a historical phase of revival, thus it is natural for the two sides to worktogether to create a bright future for mankind.
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