Syntax highlighting is very important especially when we want to show our code example on the blog. By enabling the syntax highlighting on the blog, readers can read the code blocks easier.
There are a lot of free and useful syntax highlightingscripts around us. Most of the scripts are written using Javascripts,though some of them are powered by other programming languages such asPhyton or Ruby.
Today, we are going to look into 9 Syntax Highlighting Scripts that powered by Javascript.
1. SyntaxHighlighter
I believe this is the most common syntax highlighting script used bymost of us. It supports a lot of different languages and you can easilycreate new “brush” for your language if it is not supported by default.Check out the custom brushes list compiled by Abel Braaksma.

SHJS stands for Syntax Highlighting in Javascript. It uses languagedefinations from GNU Source-highlight and support a lot of differentprogramming languages. SHJS has been tested and support major browserssych as Firefox 2 and 3, IE 6 and 7, Opera 9.6, Safari 3.2 and Chrome1.0.

3. beautyOfCode
beautyOfCode is a jQuery plugin for syntax highlighting. It uses theSyntaxHighlighter scripts by Alex Gorbatchev and makes it moreXHTML-compliant.

4. Chili
Chili is a jQuery code syntax highlighting plugin. It comes bundledwith recipes for a lot of languages and supports many configurationoptions.

5. Lighter.js
Lighter.js is a free syntax highlighting plugin for MooTools. Usinglighter.cs is as simple as adding a single script to your webpage.

6. Highlight.js
highlight.js is easy to use and supports a lot of programminglanguages. It has some plugins for easily integrations to other CMS,forum or blog.

7. DlHighlight
DlHighlight is a simple syntax highlighting scripts that supports only 4 programming languages: JavaScript, CSS, XML, HTML.

8. Google Code Prettify
Google Code Prettify a Javascript module and CSS file that allowssyntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page. It is thescripts wich powers

JUSH is yet another jQuery syntax highlighting plugin which supportsdifferent programming languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, PY and SQL.