來源A letter to … A, whom I met on the internet | Life and style | The Guardian
I may never send this because I’m not really into dramaor revenge. Or maybe I’ll send it as a sort of belated thank-you letter,for I still feel grateful to you for seven years of support, friendshipand company, and what I thought was love. Do you think of me sometimes?I have thought of you, and I have tried to recapture some of thehappiness by looking you up on the dating website and rereading yourprofile. You have not logged in for three years – indeed, I did thinkyou had stopped your membership after we had known each other for a fewmonths. I did – but it turns out that you went on paying yoursubscription.
You haven’t changed the photo. An earnest expression,balding but with some beautiful white hair, thin lips, a sharp chin,glasses … I remember thinking you were not handsome enough for me.
Yet when we met, I wanted you immediately. I think weboth felt that way – it was what they call chemistry. I could hardly sitstill in the restaurant, and when we parted that day, we just smiled ateach other and you said: “Now what shall we do?” I almost said, “Don’tgo”, but I tried to be demure and said: “Let’s meet next week.” When yougot home, you sent a lovely email – I still have it.
Over those seven years, you gave me such a lot. Youtaught me to dance. You persuaded me to visit places that I had neverdreamed of seeing and, best of all, you let me cook with you and gardenwith you and sit in front of the television with your cat. When I wasresting on the sofa you would sometimes stroke my hair as you walkedpast.
When we met, you warned me of your wanderlust. Longjourneys to inhospitable parts of the world. You were happy travellingalone and, anyway, I was not free to accompany you. When you were away,we wrote or phoned daily and I enjoyed your trips at secondhand. Youcame with me when I paid duty visits to elderly neighbours andrelatives. You accompanied me to hospital appointments. When my motherdied, you helped with the arrangements and emptying her flat, and youheld me close when I cried.
I had never had this, and the day you told me it was overI wished I were dead. A cliche, I know, and until then I had notgrasped what that feels like. As the years have passed I have tried topiece it all together. You said you loved me, but not enough. I havetold myself that I very nearly gained the love of a truly kind andhonourable man and had known seven years of happiness.
So reading your profile again on the website, I noticedwith surprise that it had been modified in 2004 – three years into ourtime together. You had logged in and written: “I’m on my travels atpresent, but don’t let that put you off. I’ll be back in May so if youare interested, do please get in touch.”
Of course I don’t know whether any new woman did get intouch. But now I know that, even then, you were looking for someoneelse. For another four years you continued to be kind to me – but mymemory of those years, as it turns out, is a false memory. Were youcynically staying with me till you found someone better? Or were yousecretly struggling with yourself – not wanting to hurt me, waiting tillyou had supported me through some of the painful times I faced in thoseyears?
What have I learned from all this? Not a lot. The past isnot always what we think it is. But perhaps it is better not to knowthat.
One last thing. That huge vase you brought back from India for me. It is in the charity shop window now.
I wish you well, B