










第一部分 聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分30分)



第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分40分)




I like writing; I like meeting people; I like discoving newthings than telling everyone about them; and I couldn’t keep asecret if you paid me. So I become a journalist.

I wrote for my school maganize,did unpaid work on my localpaper, took a master’s degree, got a part-time job and then becamea fulltime journalist.

Or at least that is what my resume(簡(jiǎn)歷) would say; but the lifeof a journalist is more exciting than that --- even if thatexictment can come with pain and frustration.

I have lost count of numbers of e-mails I have had ignored. Ihave spent hours at meetings listening as hard as I could for astory ----- only to go home empty-handed.

Once I ran around knocking on doors in a dark, dangerous-lookingstreet in then snow to find a women who( my editor had told me) “woke in the night to find water pouring on her head”. Somehow Ifound her. I took photos. I interviewed her, the building owner andthe firemen. I wrote the story....... then I opened the paper tofind it at the back, with no name on it, only 100 words long.

Strangly, though, that challenge made me want to keep going. Ifyou do succeed, the rewareds of journalism are truly great.

I once wrote about an old people’s home where residents(thepeople living there), including a 90-year- old blind man, wereliving in rooms that were full of fleas(跳蚤) and being told todotheir own repairs. A week after the story was published, theresidents phoned me, full of joy. The managers had apologized andpromised to change their ways.

Journalism can be dangerous and boring, with long andunpredictable work hours. And the pay(at least in the UK) isusually terrible. But it’s also one of the most thrilling,rewarding jobs around. For me, yhere is no better career thanmaking a difference----and telling the world about it.

21. What is the article mainly about?

A. Getting started in a career in journalism.

B. The author’s colorful experiences as a journalist.

C. How you can be a good journalist.

D. Why life is easier for male journalists.

22. According to the author, her frustration in her job oftencomes from_____.

A.fruitless efforts B.unfair treatment C.misunderstandingD.dangers and risks

23. What deeply attracts the author as a journalist isthat_______.

A.she gets to see her name printed

B.she earns a lot through writing fun stories.

C.She can meet different people and hear their stories.

D.She can help others and bring about changes in people’slives.

24. From the article we can conclude that theauthor_________.

A.is not good at keeping secrets

B.is not appreciated by her editor

C.does not mind the challenges in her career.

D.is interested in exciting and dangerous work.


Kind-hearted parents have unknowingly left their chil

dren defenseless against failure.The 
generation born between 1980 and 2001 grew up playing sports wherescores and performance were

played down because "everyone's winn

er." And their report cards sounded morepositive than ever be
fore. As a result, Stanford Universityprofessor Carol Dweck, PhD, calls them "the overpraisedgeneration."
     Dweck has been studying how people deal with failure for 40 years.Her research has led her to find out two clearly differentmind-sets that have a great effect on how we react to it. Here'show they work:
    A fixed mind-set is grounded in the belief that talent (才能) isgenetic - you're a born artist, point

guard, or numbers person.The fixed mind-set believes it's sureto succeed without much effort and regards failure as personalshame. When things get difficult, it's quick to blame, lie, andeven stay away from

future difficulties.
    On the other hand, a growth mind-set believes that no talent isentirely heaven-sent and that effort and learning make everythingpossible. Because the ego (自尊) isn't on the line as much,the growthmind-set sees failure as a chance rather than shame. When facedwith a difficulty, it's quick to rethink, change

and try again. In fact, it enjoys this experience.

We are all born with growth mind-sets. (Otherwise, we wouldn'tbe able to live in the world.) But

parents, teachers, and instructors often push us into fixedmind-sets by encouraging certain actions and

misdirecting praise. Dweck's book, Mind-set: The

New Psychology of Success, and onlineinstructional

program explain this in depth. But she says there are manylittle things you can start doing today to

make sure that your children,grandchildren and even you are never defeated by failure.
25. What does the author think about the present generation?_____.

A. They don't do well at school. B. They are given too muchpraise.

C. They are eager to win in sports.               D. They are often misunderstood.
26. A fixed mind-set person is probably one who ______ .
A. doesn't want to work hard                     B. cares a lot about personal safety
C. cannot share his ideas with others               D. can succeed with the help of teachers
27. What does the growth mind-set believe?_______.
A. Admitting failure is shameful.                 B. Talent comes with one's birth.
C. Scores should be highly valued.                D. Getting over difficulties is enjoyable.
28. What should parents do for their children based on Dweck's study?______

A. Guide them in doing little things.

B. Prevent them from making mistakes.

C. Inspire them to learn from failures.
D. Help them grow with praise.


Easter(復(fù)活節(jié)) is still a great day for worship, running around theyard finding eggs, but every year it gets quite a bit worse forbunnies.

And no, not because the kids like to pull their ears. Theculprit is climate change, and some researchers found that risingtemperatures arc having harmful effects on at least five species ofrabbit in the US.

Take the Lower Keys March rabbit, for instance. An endangeredspecies that lives in the Lower Florida Keys, this species ofcottontail is a great swimmer - it lives on the islands! - but itis already severely affected by development and now by risinglevels. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, an oceanlevel rise of only 0. 6 meters will send these guys jumping tohigher ground and a 0.9-meter rise would wipe out their habitat(棲息地) completely.

The snowshoe hare, on the other hand, has a color issue. Most ofthese rabbits change their fur color from white in the wintertimeto brown in the summer, each designed to give them better coverfrom predators(捕食者). As the number of days with snow decreases allacross the country, however, more and more bunnies arc being leftin white fur during brown dirt days of both fall and spring, makingthem an easier mark for predators. Researchers know that the colorchange is controlled by the number of hours of sunlight, butwhether the rabbit will be able to adapt quick enough to survive isa big question. The National Wildlife Federation has reported thathunters have noticed their numbers are already markedly down.

American pikes or rock rabbits, a relative of rabbits and hares,might be the firs' of these species to go extinct due to climatechange. About 7-8 inches long, pikes live high in the cool, dampmountains west of the Rocky Mountains. As global temperatures rise,they would naturally migrate (遷徙) to higher ground - but theyalready occupy the mountaintops. They can't go any higher. TheNational Wildlife Federation reports that they might not be able tostand the new temperatures as their habitat beats up.

The volcano rabbit has the same problem. These rabbits live onthe slopes of volcanoes in Mexico, and recent studies have shownthat the lower range of their habitat has already shifted upwardabout 700 meters, but there are not suitable plants for them tomove higher, so they are stuck in the middle.Scientists areconcerned about their populations.

Native to the US, pygmy rabbits weigh less than 1 pound and livein the American West. They are believed to be the smallest rabbitsin the world. Their habitats have been destroyed by development.Several populations, such as the Columbia Basin pygmy, almost wentextinct and were saved by zoo breeding programs. Pygmy rabbits alsorely on winter cover by digging tunnels through the snow to escapepredators, but lesser snowfall is leaving them exposed.

All of this gives new meaning to dressing up in a giant bunnycostume this Easter.

29.The writer mentions Easter at the beginning of the passage inorder to_______.

A. show the importance of Easter Day

B. remind people of Easter traditions

C. introduce the issue about bunnies

D. discuss the relationship between Easter and bunnies

30. The word "culprit" ( Paragraph 2) is closest in meaningto______.

A. criminal B. judge C. victim D. producer

31.According to the passage, some rabbits can now be easilyUncovered by predators because they___.

A. are exposed lo more skillful hunters

B. have moved to habitats with fewer plants

C. haven't adapted themselves to climate change

D. can't change their fur color into white in the fall and thespring

32.Which best describes the writer's tone in the postage?

A. Favorable B. Concerned C.Indifferent D. Doubtful


Some people are so rude!

Who sends an e-mail or a text message that just says “Thankyou”? Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you? Whoasks for a fact easily found on Google? Don't these people realizethat they're wasting your time?

Maybe I'm the rude one for not appreciating life's littlepoliteness. But many social agreed standards just don't make senseto people drowning in digital communication.

In texts, you don't have to declare who you are or even sayhello; E-mail, too, is slower than a text; Voice mail is a nowimpolite way of trying to connect.

My father learned this lesson after leaving me a dozen voicemail messages, none of which I listened to. Exasperated, he calledmy sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned hisphone calls. “Why are you leaving him voice mails?” my sisterasked. “Just text him.”

In the age of the smartphone, there is no reason to askonce-acceptable questions about: the weather forecast, a business'sphone number, or directions to a house, a restaurant, which can beeasily found on Google Maps. But people still ask these things. Andwhen you answer, they respond with a thank-you e-mail.

How to handle these differing standards? Easy: Consider youraudience. Some people, especially older ones, appreciate athank-you message. Others, like me, want no reply.

The anthropologist(人類(lèi)學(xué)家) Margaret Mead once said that intraditional societies, the young learn from the old. But in modernsocieties, the old can also learn from the young. Here's hopingthat politeness never goes out of fashion but that time-wastingforms of communication do.

33. What does the underlined word "exasperated" mean in thefifth paragraph?

A. Worried. B. Annoyed. C. Surprised. D. Tired.

34. Which of the following does the writer agree to?

A. People needn’t turn to Google for help when in trouble.

B. Declaring who they are or saying hello in texts isnecessary

C. People needn't learn from one another in traditionalsocieties.

D. Dealing with voice mail should vary with each individual.

35. What's the best title of this passage?

A. What means should we use in communication

B. Do you like leaving others a voice message

C. What should we do with text messages

D. Do you need a thank-you message



With around 100 students scheduled to be in that 9 am Mondaymorning lecture, it is no surprise that almost 20 people actuallymake it to the class and only 10 of them arc still awake after thefirst 15 minutes; _____36____ Obviously, students are terrible atadjusting their sleep cycles to their daily schedule.

___37____, this governs the sleep/wake cycle and is thereforeone of the main processes which govern sleep behaviour.____38_____. And it leads to many students not feeling sleepy untilmuch later in the evenings. This typical sleep pattern is usuallyreferred to as the "night owl" schedule of sleep.

____39____, and is a kind of disorder where the individual tendsto stay up much past midnight. Such a person has great difficultyin waking up in the mornings. ____40___. Research findings haveshown that about 20 percent of people can be classified as "nightowls" and only 10 percent can be classified as "early birds" - theother 70 percent are in the middle. Although this is clearly nottrue for all students, for the ones who are true night owls thisgives them an excellent excuse for missing their lectures whichunfortunately fall before midday.

A.All human beings possess a body clock. Along with otheralerting (警報(bào)) systems

B.Unfortunately, most of them can’t bear waking up early.

C.Research suggests that night owls feel most alert and functionbest in the evenings and at night.

D.This is opposed to the "early bird" schedule

E.It is not even a surprise that most of them are still in theirpyjamas (睡衣).

F.Typically, the preferred sleep/wake cycle is delayed inadolescents

G. “Night owls”often find it very hard to operate during themorning.

第三部分 英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分45分)

第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,滿(mǎn)分30分)

閱讀下列短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中選出可以填入空白處的 最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。

The other night I was eating a plate of noodles, and enjoyingit. I was out to __41__ with a friend, . The restaurant was newlyopened and highly regarded. Life was good. And the food was___42___.

But then it happened. Again.

“Are you done with that?” the __43__ asked, fingers alreadycomfortable with the rim of my __44___. “Can I get it out of yourway?”

Yes, I had __45___ eating, there was no food left in front ofme. ___46____ my friend had not. His meal was onlyhalf-consumed.

“No,” I said. “We’re not done eating.”

Without my permission, restaurants have abandoned, or simplyoverlooked, a classic tenet of service etiquette. Rather than clearplates once __47___ at the table has finished the meal, which haslong been the ___48___, servers instead walk around diners, untilthe very instant someone puts down a fork. Like eagles, they thenquickly pick up the silverware—along with everything else in frontof the ___49___.

Those who are still eating are made to feel as though they areholding others up; those who are not are made to feel as thoughthey have __50__ the meal. What was originally a group diningexperience becomes a group exercise in __51__.

Why the restaurants tend to __52__ the service etiquette isunclear.It’s possible that there’s an __53__ push behind it. “Theprice of land is going up, which pushes up the __54__ of eachtable,” said Cowen. “That makes moving people along moreimportant.”

A similar trend, after all, sees many restaurants hoping thatdiners don’t __55__ dessert, because the course isn’t terriblyprofitable and it __56__ people to hang around.But maybe waitersare clearing individual plates because they __57__ that’s whatcustomers want. I have heard as much from servers andrestaurateurs.

No excuse, however, should be enough. __58__, restaurants mightargue that they are trying to avoid clutter20; privately, theymight encourage waiters to speed tables along; but what it amountsto is an __59__ dining experience.

I might go back for those noodles, because they were delicious.But don’t expect me to talk up the __60__ to anyone. It was justokay.

41. A. work B. journey C. dinner D. exercise

42. A. strange B. great C. enough D. expensive

43. A. serve B. friend C. manager D. cleaner

44. A. chair B.plate C. fork D. table

45. A.kept B. started C.finished D. enjoyed

46. A. When B. But C. And D. Still

47. A. someone B. everyone C. anyone D. no one

48. A. law B. trend C. fact D. custom

49. A. waiter B. friend C.visitor D. customer

50. A. paid B. disliked C. skipped D. rushed

51. A. regret B. anger C. guilt D. surprise

52. A.ignore B. improve C. support D. practice

53. A. natural B. environmental C. economic D. social

54. A. size B. value C. benefit D. function

55. A. order B. ask C. share D. book

56. A. shows B. requests C. reminds D. encourages

57. A. doubt B. understand C. believe D. discover

58. A. Publicly B. Officially C. Honestly D. Generally

59. A. interesting B. expensive C. unforgettable D.uncomfortable

60. A. menu B. service C. dessert D. food




We always believe life will be 61 (good) after we getmarried and have a baby. Then we 62 (frustrate) that ourkids aren’t old enough to look after themselves and then we haveteenagers 63 (deal) with. We are sure that our life will becomplete when we get 64 nice car and are able to go on nicevacations. The 65 ( true) is, we can’t be happy right now.If not now,when?

Our life will always be filled with 66 (challenge). It’sbest to admit this and decided to be happy now anyway. One of myfavorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza. He said, “For a long timeit seemed to me real life was about to begin. But there were alwayssome troubles and obstacles in the way, such as some 67(unfinish) business, or a debt to be paid off. At last I begin toknow that these troubles and obstacles, 68 cannot beavoided, were my life.”
Alfred’s words have helped me see that there is no direct way69 happiness. And I will treasure every moment I have and Iknow time waits for no one.

Stop 70 (wait) until you finish school, until you getmarried and have kids,... until you retire. You know, there is nobetter time than right now.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

第四部分 寫(xiě)作(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分35分)

第一節(jié) 短文改錯(cuò)(共10小題;每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分10分)







Dear Allen,

I’ve got your e-mail. Thank you for your rapidly reply. You knowit was the first time for me to write a e-mail, and it was so fun!Ieven write the wrong address for the first time. How silly I was!In the e-mail you sent me, the flash game is so interested, and Ihave showed them to my classmates. Everybody says it’s the bestgame they ever played so far. It’s so nice of you to send me thegame. Where did you find for the game? By the way, would you liketo see a movie with me this Saturday? I’ve heard that there will bea cool movie this Saturday and I have two ticket. Please give me areply before Friday, because I can make the plan.

I want to beat my classmates in the game. Could you tell me whento win the game? Thanks a lot.

Best regards!

第二節(jié) 書(shū)面表達(dá)(滿(mǎn)分25分)

假定你是李明,濟(jì)寧一中學(xué)生會(huì)主席。下周美國(guó)猶他國(guó)際學(xué)校將來(lái)你校進(jìn)行文化交流。學(xué)校擬安排Jack入住你家。為了更好交流,請(qǐng)你寫(xiě)一封郵件給Jack, 介紹有關(guān)情況。信件內(nèi)容包括:








完型: 41-45CBABC 46-50 BBDDD 51-55 CACBA 56-60 DCADB


61.  better      62.frusted      63. todeal      64.a      

65.truth    66.challenges     67.unfinished       68.  which    69.to     70.waitting

改錯(cuò):Dear Allen,

I’ve got your e-mail. Thank you for your rapidlyreply. You know it was the first time for me to write ae-mail,

rapid an

and it was so fun!I even write the wrongaddress for the first time. How silly I was! In the e-mail you sentme,


the flash game is so interested, and I have showedthem to my classmates. Everybody says it’s the bestgame

interesting it

they ever played so far. It’s so nice of you to sendme the game. Where did you find for the game? By theway,

加have 去掉

would you like to see a movie with me this Saturday? I’veheard that there will be a cool movie this Saturday

and I have two ticket. Please give me a reply beforeFriday, because I can make the plan.

tickets so

I want to beat my classmates in the game. Could you tell mewhen to win the game? Thanks a lot.


Best regards!

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