Well, if you answered that you’d be looking around, you do not have leadership skills yet.
Leaders enter every place having in mind that they are the leader and that people will be looking at them for cues on how to behave in their presence. They have an aura of confidence and they let no one walk on their foot.
Improving your leadership skills
Increasing your leadership skills is a question of taking responsibility and especially assuming them.
First, you must accept to take responsibility you would not take in the past and you must accept that you might do them not correctly. It is fine for everyone to learn and to make errors. Imagine if you were to start learning out to write and you wouldn’t be allowed to practice. If after a few time you were not able to write correctly, you would have quit, who would you been now? Well, you wouldn’t be able read this and you wouldn’t be able to comment or to write anything. You would not be able to get a job that requires you to report to someone else. You would not be able to communicate over the Internet with others using e-mails. You see, it’s okay to fail even if it’s the first time or 2000th time.
Second, like it was stated before, you must take responsabilities and then assumed them. Assuming means you must take action and to take action is to take decisions. Not only will it take decision, but you will follow them. When you follow what you’ve decided you go forward. This way you’ll be learning much faster from your errors, and you’ll become one of the best.
You see people call other geniuses. What is a genius? Someone was born with the talents or someone that is so good that everyone thinks he’s a genius? You see, most people accept that geniuses are people that are good at what they’re doing. I don’t think that someone was born with the talent of a genius so he could play the piano. They must have learned, failed, worked hard to become what is called a genius. It’s not that hard to become a genius. All you have to do is dedicate some time to one of your passions and get into it as far as you can.
Everyone wants to become a leader but most don’t become leaders because it involves too much work and especially too much stress. All that stress is caused by fear. Fear of the unknown. When you know what to do and you accepted to take responsabilities and assume them, becoming a leader is much more interesting than being one of the crowd.
Go work on your leadership skills. Accept your responsabilities and take actions.