1. 回籠覺:unprotected sleep
什么叫unprotected sleep?字面上理解是無保護(hù)的睡眠或風(fēng)險睡眠,指的是turning off your alarm clock and immediately going back to sleep; risking not waking up for a job, class, or other daily task. 冒著工作遲到的風(fēng)險關(guān)掉鬧鐘睡回籠覺,這是不是很多人每天生活的真實(shí)寫照?
I"m lucky that I didn"t miss my final exam after having 30 minutes of unprotected sleep。
有研究表明早上被鬧鐘吵醒容易造成神經(jīng)衰弱現(xiàn)象,可是試問現(xiàn)在有哪個人早上不是被鬧鐘吵醒的?當(dāng)然也有鬧鐘吵不醒的筒子們。ditch the alarm clock是需要很大勇氣的!
The second school says you should listen to your body"s needs and go to bed when you"re tired and get up when you naturally wake up。
Louis was so tired that he hit the sack soon after supper。