1 be bent out of shape=get angry 生氣
I got really bent out of shape yesterday about those guys making much noise next door. 我昨天很生氣,因為隔壁那些家伙發(fā)出很大噪音。
2 have a chip on your shoulder =have an angry attitude 采取挑釁的態(tài)度,像要跟人打架似的()
3 drive me up the wall =讓我抓狂
Shut up! You are driving me up the wall. 不要說了,你讓我很崩潰。
4 fly off the handle=lose one's temper 突然很生氣
My girlfriend sometimes flew off the handle. 以前我女朋友有時候突然很生氣。
iPhone 用戶戳我贊賞喲~