本指南的中文翻譯版本由“黑俊堂譯友會” 成員:丹尼斯、 湯曉磊、 任楓、 年輪、刀鋒 、 胖胖虎 、郭郭、丹尼斯 、Engine、heidi、余天穎 、Friedrich、Job ??.???2?1? ,紅娘 等成員共同合作翻譯,中文翻譯版本所有權歸所有參與翻譯成員所有,未經授權禁止轉發(fā),用于牟利的目的。
Respect for Associates -- Communicating Effectively
Imagine for a minute that you are an hourly associate working in the job process you’ve worked for years, performing your job the way you’ve been taught (or that you’ve “invented” yourself if there is no standardized work for that process) and 5-7 strangers from local management, Seattle, international sites and non-Operations groups begin to tear down workstations around you, move supplies to different locations, or stand behind you, glaring, as they time you with a stop-watch. You’d likely feel pretty perturbed. Imagine that you begin to overhear words and sentences like, “we can eliminate three jobs this way,” or, “associates can now produce twice as many units per hour,” or, “that’s the stupidest way to do things I’ve ever seen.” Sound like something that wouldn’t happen at Amazon? Think again……
想象一下這個場景:你是一名一線的員工工,正在你曾經干了好幾年的崗位工作,一切按部就班的進行(按照你所被培訓的或者沒有標準作業(yè)書而你自己發(fā)明的方式去工作);有5 到7 名陌生者,來自本地工廠的管理層、西雅圖、海外工廠和非生產運營部門,他們把你周圍的工作臺拆掉,把物料挪到其它地方,站在你后面,盯著你,拿著一個秒表給你測工時。你可能會感到非常的心神不寧。你在無意中聽到諸如此類的詞語和句子--“我們這樣做可以消除掉3 個工位?!被蛘摺皢T工每小時的產出可以提升2 倍,”或者“那是我見過最愚蠢的工作方式?!?--- 聽上去這些好像不會在亞馬遜發(fā)生?好好想想...
As a large part of our journey to Lean, we are trying to incorporate the Respect for People model into our way of life. As such, changes that occur because of kaizen events must include buy-in from associates or they will likely be rejected as soon as the visitors leave and the fanfare dies down. One essential way to respect our people is to give them heads-up communication about kaizen events before, during and after they take place. It’s not essential that every associate weighs-in on every change that will take place – that type of collaboration would be a little overboard – but, it is essential that the local management ensures communication about what we’re planning to study and why we’re planning to study it.
作為我們精益之旅的很重要的部分,我們正嘗試將“人性的尊重”模式吸收進我們的生活方式。同樣地,因為改善活動所發(fā)生的改變必須包括員工參與,否則當訪問者離開或者儀式上的號角聲停止的時候,他們可能會被裁員。尊重人的基本套路就是在改善活動開始前、活動中和結束時 和他們一對一的促膝交談。也不是說每一位員工對即將發(fā)生的每一個改變做個權衡,那樣的協(xié)作會有點過頭。但是,本次管理層起碼要和員工說清楚我們正計劃要探討什么以及為什么要探討這些。
Begin each kaizen event by asking the associates on the team to list their pain points.While not every pain point expressed will be correlated to waste elimination or increased productivity, many will. For example, if an associate claims that it’s a major pain to hunt for supplies that are located across the department several times a shift, study the location of the supplies and seek to eliminate this wasted walking distance (and reduce lead time). Another way of asking this question is to simply ask associates, “What are the barriers or things that get in the way of you doing your job more efficiently?” You’ll likely be surprised by the gold mine of waste elimination information that comes pouring out at you.
開始每次改善活動時,要詢問團隊里各員工的痛點并在紙上羅列出來。并不是列出的每個痛點將會和“消除浪費”或“生產力提升”有關聯(lián),但多數(shù)會。舉例說明,如果有員工抱怨他的主要痛點是每班總有幾次要穿過車間去尋找 物料,那么就去考察物料存放點并找到消除這段“行走浪費”的方案(減少提前時間)。發(fā)現(xiàn)并解決這個問題的另外一條途徑就是直接問改員工,“你認為是什么妨礙了你的工作效率?” 你可能會驚訝你發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個消除浪費的“金礦”,各種信息會一股腦地流到你的面前。
Pre-Communication: What to Say Before a Shingijutsu Event
事先溝通:在Shingi 改善活動開始前要說些什么
Some of the comments heard from associates during past Shingi kaizens held at fulfillment center sites include:
在物流配送中心舉行的Shingi 改善活動中,從員工那里聽到一些觀點:
“Some dude was totally standing in my way the whole day, moving things around and getting in my way. I finally got so frustrated that I told him where he could stick his stopwatch. Turns out he was some big-wig with Amazon here for a kaizen event orsomething. Man, I wish I had known.”
“I saw this lady walk within 20 feet of PIT with its forks up and I don’t even think she saw it. I thought she was a green badge, but it turns out she was a computer person from Seattle who has never been in an FC before. I wish I had known we had visitors working in the building. I would have yelled at her to stop or something.”
我看到一位女士就在叉車的20 英尺范圍里走來走去,叉齒朝上,我甚至以為她
“I have production rates to meet or I’m going to get in trouble, but this big group of
people is standing in my way. Not only are they slowing me down, but they keep
moving things were I can’t find them. As soon as they leave, I’m just going to move everything back to where it was before they got here. Jeesh. I wish they would leave and get out of my way.
“Why is there some Japanese guy yelling at my manager? Is my manager in trouble or something, and who is that guy yelling at him?”
“I’ve been doing this job for five years. Now a bunch of people are here talking about how this job can be eliminated. They sound really excited about it too. Do I need to go home and tell my wife I don’t have a job anymore? From what they keep saying, they’re going to eliminate my job!!”
Letting associates know what’s going on in their building (i.e. in their “office”) is the right thing to do. All of the comments above could have easily been avoided if we had taken time to prepare the local associates for the kaizen event before it launched. Set expectations with associates about why the visitors are on-site -- that the visitors are working hard to make the associates’ jobs easier with less wasted activity, and advise associates that they are the ambassadors of good-will toward the visitors. Doing so will pay-off dividends beyond your wildest dreams!
當務之急是讓這些員工知曉在他們工作場所里(比如他們的“辦公室”)正在發(fā)生的事情。如果我們在改善活動開展前花點時間來讓當?shù)貑T工準備溝通,以上所有的評論原本可以輕松地避免出現(xiàn)。給員工們建立關于這些訪客為什么出現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)場的預期—這些訪客在努力工作來讓我們的員工更輕松并且浪費活動更少 ,并且勸告員工們他們是向訪客們表達善意的大使。做以上事情將收獲遠超預期的匯報分紅!
Just to balance the comments above with some positive news, when tools have been used that clearly communicate to associates about the kaizen event and the expectation to be good-will ambassadors, associates can rise to the level of greatness they have within them. During the SDF kaizen event in June 2008, SDF being the very large building that it is has ample opportunity for visitors to get lost, one of the members of the ACES team was wandering around somewhat misguided when an associate stopped and said, “You look lost and I’d like to help you if you need it. Tell me where you need to go and I’d be happy to take you there.”Wow....the power of pre-communication and setting expectations!
僅僅對上面的論述枚舉一些正面的信息,當工具被應用在那些已明確溝通了改善活動和成為親善大使的期望的員工,員工們能提升到他們內在所具備的偉大水平。在2008年6 月SDF 改善活動期間,SDF 作為一個大型設施對于訪客來說有非常多的機會迷路,ACES 團隊中的一員踟躕于被錯誤引導的某處,一名員工停下腳步并伸出援手:“你看上去迷路了,如果你需要的話我非常樂意幫助你。告訴我你需要去哪里,我將很高興把你帶到那里”。看看預先溝通和設立預期的效果!
Some of the tools that have been developed and used in prior Shingi kaizen events include the following two examples of pre-kaizen communications.
The first is a letter from the GM/Site Leader letting associates know what to expect in the coming weeks during the Shingi kaizen. The letter can be blown up on plotter sized paper and posted in a high-traffic area, can be attached to paychecks, or can be placed in table tents in the break room.
The second tool is a list of Talking Points for managers to use during stand-up or quad meetings prior to the Shingi kaizen event.
第二套方式是在Shingi 改善活動之前,管理者在站立會議或四方會議中宣布這個事情。
示例3:Shingijutsu 前郵件給同事的例子(來自GM/site Leader 的郵件)
收件者: 所有<插入廠名>員工
主題:即將來臨的ACES Shingijutsu 改善活動
在<插入日期>這一周,我們的<運營中心或者客服呼叫中心>將接待大約20-30 名來訪者,他們將與我們的團隊專注于消除特定區(qū)域的浪費進行改善交流。這些訪客一般來自于其他FC 或CS 工廠,西雅圖和國際工廠的地方。有些人具有特殊的角色,如軟件開發(fā)、工業(yè)或控制工程師。
亞馬遜聘請了一家名為Shingijutsu 的日本公司來挑戰(zhàn)和輔導每一個改善團隊。我們引進了Shingijutsu,是因為他們具有教授領導才能的技能,如何通過kaizen 在流程改進中最佳地利用前線同事的才能。他們與團隊合作的重點將完全集中在如何帶領我們的團隊來消除流程中的浪費。
在改善周的每一天,你都應期待在你部門發(fā)生的任何變化進行溝通。如果你對ACES Shingi 改善活動有任何疑問,請隨時與你的經理、運營經理或人力資源部成員聯(lián)系。一如既往,我歡迎你直接向我反饋。
我知道,在即將到來的活動中,我可以指望你們每一個人代表<插入廠名>以最專業(yè)的態(tài)度和熱情好客地接待來訪者. 感謝你的貢獻,使亞馬遜成為一個努力工
Example 4: Example of pre-Shingijutsu communication to associates (Letter from
GM/Site Leaders)
Shingijutsu 改善活動
注意:每一個部門或區(qū)域經理應該在Shingijutsu 改善活動前一周,在站立會議期間宣傳以下談話要點。談話要點旨在告知員工即將開展的活動事件,它的目的和期望是如何對待訪客以及為什么他們可能會在一周內遇到一些暫時的干擾。
從周末到周五,我們的履行中心將舉辦ACES(亞馬遜客戶卓越系統(tǒng)) “Shingijutsu” 改善活動。我們非常高興能舉辦這次活動! 通過消除浪費和改變工藝路徑,其他地區(qū)以往的活動預計已經節(jié)省了高達100 萬美元的成本節(jié)省。參與其他FC 場所的員工已經對他們的區(qū)域進行了重大改進,包括更換工具以消除不必要或冗余的步驟,以及移動工作站,機器和傳送帶,因此來減少走動。
什么是ACES 新技術改善活動?
Shingijutsu 是一家日本公司的名稱,該公司幫助教授其他公司,如何通過改善活動讓人們在“車間”里更有影響力。亞馬遜帶來了“新技術”以幫助我們在運營中學習更好的方式來執(zhí)行改善。
每個改善活動將包括當?shù)氐墓芾碚吆屯?,以及其他訪問亞馬遜的FC 網站,西雅圖,客戶服務或 來自其他國家的同事。
為什么要舉行一次Shingi 改善活動?
? 很多陌生人訪問我們的物流配送中心(他們在這里學習并幫助我們)
? 在改善區(qū)域進行了大量的實物的改變
? 一個或多個日本顧問在整個車間中行走觀察,為所有改善團隊提供幫助
? 項目會研究出一些非常令人興奮和有趣的結果
? 我們將服務你們每個人就像作為幫助游客們的大使,指引方向、遵守安全規(guī)則,以及他們可能提出的任何其他需求。
? 像往常一樣,會給我們的客人們展示我們的自豪和熱情好客。
? 您的角色是繼續(xù)按照您的意愿繼續(xù)工作-安穩(wěn)地滿足客戶的期望,并考慮到質量-同時改變我們的工作環(huán)境
? 請不要被工作場所的任何實際變化所困擾-所有的變化都是有效的,來自時刻工作在一起的同事,與你(你的同事)相關,并且旨在幫助緩解你每天在工作中遇到的困難。
Active Communication: What to Say During a Shingijutsu Event
積極溝通:在Shingijutsu 活動期間說些什么
Communication during a kaizen event is perhaps the most important time to successfully communicate kaizen efforts than any other time in the process. Why? Revisit the beginning of this section…..when associates do not understand why the changes are being made to their workplace, when they are not consulted on their opinion of the changes, the probability of the changes being sustained after the kaizen ends is very low. Getting buy-in or consensus through educating associates on why the changes are being made, how the team came up with the ideas, and who on the kaizen was representing the associates’ perspective, will go a long way to help smooth and sustain execution.
A few simple communication methods to be used during a kaizen event include:
1. Have a member of the kaizen team attend the affected department’s stand up
meetings (both day shift and night shift) to explain changes. Make sure to include
the weekend or off-shift too.
2. Designate some members of the kaizen team as ambassadors to walk around the department during the kaizen week and talk to associates who are not on the kaizen team. The inclusion felt by non-team, affected associates by simply being informed about the changes and asked for their opinion is important to getting long-term sustainability.
指定改善小組的一部分成員作為改善大使, 在改善周期間在該部門走動, 并與改善小組之外的同事交談。如果讓改善團隊之外的同事感受到融入和參與, 并能讓受到改善活動影響的同事們僅通過了解這改善變化, 以及在改善過程中征求他們的意見, 那么這對于獲得改善的長期的可持續(xù)性很重要.
3. Hang flip-charts in the department where associates can see pictures, diagrams anddata relevant to the kaizen. The examples below were created and used during a Shingi kaizen lead by Carlos DeLaGarza in SDF.
在部門(辦公室/現(xiàn)場)中掛起掛紙白板(Flip-Chart), 同事可以看到與改善有關的圖片、圖表和數(shù)據(jù). 下面兩個圖片的皮子是在SDF 的Shingi 改善活動中Carlo DeLaGarza 團隊領導創(chuàng)建和使用的.
Post-Communication: What to Say After a Shingijutsu Event
后續(xù)溝通:在shingi 改善周完成后該說些什么?
After the Shingi week is over, as a result of the team’s in-depth study of the process, there will be a list generated of future actions to be finalized and implemented. Each Team Leader should make arrangements to have communication about future changes continue with the affected department.
Each site GM should have a process in place, with timeline for action items, to make sure each action item that was identified during the kaizen is actually implemented, tested, corrected and re-implemented (using the Plan, Do, Check, Act model).
After the Shingi week is over, the real work begins at the site level. Each Team Leader should present cost-savings estimates to their GM and Controller within one week of the kaizen. The Controller will then work to validate cost-savings at an initial glance, at 30-days and again at 90-days.
The hosting site should ensure that some type of communication via All-hands meetings or posters is provided to associates to educate the associates on the power of kaizen.
Forgetting to Celebrate忘記慶祝
Don’t blow the success of the kaizen byforgetting to celebrate and recognize participation! Establish a recognition regime with siteparticipants who contributed to kaizen results. Kaizen participants work hard to improve theprocess and the business. Therefore,celebrate their effort and recognize them publicly.
Communication with all site Amazonians,especially hourly associates, before,during and after a Shingi kaizen event is critical to the success of thekaizen.
Respect associates by lettingthem know when a kaizen event will be taking place in their “office” or workarea. Telling associates why visitorsare present and what they’re studying may help ease any angst of changes thatwill occur. Associates should also bemade aware in advance that some of the visitors are not as fluent with Safetyexpectations as are they, and they should help coach visitors to ensure thesafety of those visitors. Set anexpectation with site associates that they are goodwill ambassadors for thesite during the kaizen event.
Getting buy-in from associatesas try-storming occurs is a good way to helpensure sustainability of changes after the kaizen concludes.
Team leaders should start thebrainstorming process by asking hourly associates on the team what the barriersare for them to be able to do their job effectively. This is a great way to initially identifywaste in the process, and is a win for associates who will have some of thosepain points resolved.
Communication about whathappened and how the changes positively affected the process path should occurvia an All-hands meeting or through department stand-up Talking Points afterthe kaizen concludes.
Celebrate and recognizeparticipation efforts!