Getting motherhood on the first time by a woman gives a sensation of perfect woman. In this way, not only a woman becomes a mother but also her husband becomes a father.
Mostly, both male and female show too much interest for the birth of the first child. Both husband and wife divert their minds towards sexual intercourse during this period but it does not happen for many days. Some men cannot live without sexual intercourse for many days because it is impossible for them. They persuade their wives any way to make sexual relations. A man thinks before intercourse that he will not insert his penis into the deep of the vagina and he will separate soon.
A man keeps this thing in his mind for some time during sexual intercourse but a little later, he loses his control over himself and involves in sexual intercourse like before. In this condition, the man puts his full weight on the body of the woman and adopts the process of stroking. Besides it, he adopts the wrong sexual techniques during sexual intercourse. The woman stops her husband by doing so but he listens nothing.
It may be happen that there are blood spots on the clothes of the pregnant. By seeing blood spots on her clothes, the pregnant woman becomes disturbed naturally. This condition should not be ignored and consult to a gynecologist immediately. The doctor ask to the pregnant woman whether sexual relation has been made or not during night. The woman should conceal nothing from the doctor and describe the truth. Telling truth to the doctor is very necessary for a pregnant woman so that the doctor may prescribe good medicine. Sometimes, such conditions create that abortion becomes necessary.
This situation becomes the cause not only pregnant woman but also whole family.
The pregnant woman has to develop to the child in her womb for 9 months. A little carelessness during sexual intercourse may be the cause of great difficulty. Sometimes, abortion becomes necessary because of any problem originated due to sexual intercourse. It is not true that a woman cannot become pregnant again after abortion one time but all love to the first baby very much. Both husband and wife start to dream as the woman becomes pregnant. Some women start to prepare small clothes for the new coming baby. They start to knit woolen clothes to avoid their children from the cold.
They become attached to their new coming babies mentally. If something wrong happens with the woman during this period because of any accident or showing too much enthusiasm and carelessness while making sexual intercourse, a situation of abortion create. This thing is very big stroke for a woman and she cannot get over this shock for many days.
In our society, marriage means not only taking sexual pleasure because sexual pleasure connects itself with the man just after marriage. Two kinds of responsibilities fall on both husband and wife after marriage. First is arranging to the family and second one is begetting children to advance generation. Life of husband and wife is not considered complete until they follow both kinds of responsibilities.
Therefore, betting children and their nourishment have been considered very important and essential responsibilities for both husband and wife. Hence, both husband and wife should forward each step carefully when the woman becomes pregnant. Self-restraint becomes very essential for them. A little carelessness during this period may be very harmful for children and sometimes this condition becomes proves danger for the life of the pregnant woman too.
Many men do not have control over their sexual urge. They have more attraction towards sexual intercourse than the birth of new coming baby developing into the womb. Such men and women do not have control over their sexual urge during pregnancy and want always to make sexual relation. They do not understand the thing how much harmful can be the sexual relation made on this time.
Sexual intercourse during pregnancy:-
Doctors think that generally, a man should avoid from sexual relations completely during pregnancy. He should not establish sexual relation after 6 weeks of pregnancy. In this way, this period includes 10 and half months. Here one question arises whether a man can remain far away from sexual relations or not? The inventors of such principles can say it that sexual relations cannot be established at any rate during this period. On the other hand, many men do not accept this fact. Such men present good reasons and fact, which also cannot be ignored.
Nowadays, a man gets married in the age group of 21-25 years. In addition to, a girl gets married in the age group of 18-23 years. Both husband and wife have uncontrollable sexual urge during this period. Sexual relations are made more than one time and doing so is not considered wrong
A time for the fulfillment of such sexual desires comes after marriage. A husband wants to take excessive sexual pleasure by making sexual relation with his wife because sexual intercourse is the prime attraction of the husband towards his wife. Many women get pregnant after 3-4 months of marriage. Family member also want the birth of a child after one year of marriage. Sexual relations become prohibited for a man when his wife gets pregnant. Actually, this period proves very troublesome for a man.
It has been observed that a woman fills with sweet feeling for her baby, as she gets pregnant. On the contrary, the husband does not possess such kinds of feelings. He thinks that this is not an apt period for the birth of a child. This is the reason that he keeps on making sexual relations with his pregnant wife without gap of single day. His attraction towards sexual relation with his wife does not reduce.
Before today when there is a system of joint family then the man was approximately separated after the pregnancy of his wife by family members. In some cases, women of the family slept with the pregnant woman at night. At that time, no problem related to womb took place. Today, conditions have been changed completely. In many homes, wife and husband live in their single family. If there are other members in the family, no restrictions are imposed by them over the husband and wife.
At present, as sexual attraction of a man may increase by seeing this it seems impossible that a man will be able to remain far away for 10 and half month. Qualified doctors accept also the thing that sexual relations should not be made at any rate during full period of pregnancy and 6 weeks after delivery. This thing does not seem applicable. In this situation, we should have to search a way through which both man and woman may face any kind of problem. Besides it, the husband may satisfy his sexual urge through this way.
Warning for the husbands:-
A warning is necessary for husbands how they can make sexual relations during pregnancy and how they can control to their sexual excitement during this period. A little carelessness or excessive sexual excitement while making sexual relation during pregnancy not only becomes the cause of abortion but also the pregnant woman may be the victim of death. The man should connect himself to the new baby that is about to come in this world along with the attraction towards his wife mentally. Have control over sexual excitement during pregnancy is as much important as fast is in life.
During fast, a man gives up foodstuff completely and takes little eatable things. A man eats once a day or he drinks only water. Such conditions will have to be accepted in the reference of sexual intercourse. A man should try to connect himself with his wife mentally and emotionally along with sexual relation with her. If a husband does this, the love in the heart of the wife will increase.
Method of sexual intercourse during pregnancy:
A man should not make sexual relation until two months pass after knowing about the fact of pregnancy. He should not make sexual intercourse in the last of pregnancy too. Four weeks after delivery passes easily. Mostly men do not want to make sexual relation during this period. Here some tips have been given which can be adopted by men during the period of pregnancy:-
1. Sexual relations should not be made in the first and last three weeks of conception. Doing this will be proved very beneficial for the pregnant woman. A man should have control over his sexual urge during this period. He can take sexual pleasure by touching or fondling his wife. In this situation, the wife may help her husband by her palms in the ejaculation of semen. Sometimes, a man gets too much sexual pleasure in such kinds of activities like sexual relation. No pressure should be given on the woman at this time. Many sexologists do not consider wrong to the oral-sex. The man gets sexual pleasure in oral-sex but mostly women do not adopt it according to their wish.
They involve in oral-sex to avoid from the anger of their husbands. This is the reason that they fulfill the desire of their husband. All the men should mention one thing that no woman should be hurt mentally at any rate.
2. The man should not insert full penis into the vagina. He should keep his elbows on the bed and start the process of stroking gently. Glans of the penis is too much sensitive. Glans of the penis plays a very important role in the process of ejaculation. Hence, the process of stroking should be started in a gentle way after inserting the glans of the penis into the vagina. A man gets complete sexual pleasure in this technique. The penis should not be penetrated into the deep of the vagina and the process of stroking should not be increased at any rate. He should keep his weight on his elbows not on the woman.
3. Conditions should be changed in the last three months of pregnancy. The penis should not be inserted into the deep of the vagina. A man can insert the glans of the penis into the vagina. Put palms on the surface and keep the hand erect. Body of a man will be enough above than the body of woman by doing so. At this time, the embryo has been getting completeness. The stomach of the woman comes out very much. A man should try not to touch with the stomach of the woman as much as it is possible while inserting the glans of the penis into the vagina. The body of the man will be enough above from the body of the woman if the man puts his palms on the surface of the bed. The penis should not be inserted into the deepness of the vagina by mistake.
4. Sexual relation can be established by lying side by side during pregnancy. Some men may face difficulty in doing so. They can feel a problem while inserting the penis into the vagina but they may insert his penis into the vagina if he adopts good technique. Full penis should not be penetrated into the vagina by the man at any rate. Only glans of the penis can be inserted into the vagina. In this situation, weight of the man does not stay on the woman.
5. Some sexologists think that a man can ejaculate without inserting his penis into the vagina. He can ejaculate by rubbing his penis on the vagina. A woman can be aroused by fondling her clitoris. The woman gets also pleasure when the man fondles her clitoris with his fingers or tongue. Sexologists think that ejaculation is the prime aim of sexual intercourse during pregnancy. The semen can be ejaculated only by rubbing the penis on the vagina. Some men consider masturbation as a good method to satisfy sexual excitement whereas some men do not adopt masturbation after marriage at any rate especially when the wife is present.
6. Besides it, a man can consult to his doctor. He may advice you about some easy sexual techniques suitable for sexual intercourse. A man can adopt a sexual technique that is beneficial for him and his wife.
Special note:
First, both man and woman are advised not to make sexual relation at any rate during pregnancy. Often, doctors also refuse to make sexual relation during this period. They do not get success in persuading husband and wife in this reference. Hence, they finally say not to make sexual relation during the full period of pregnancy. They do so to get rid of them.
Now, it does not seem just and appropriate that a man may remain far from sexual relations for 9-10 months. If sexual relations are made by adopting some precautions, it cannot be said wrong by any way. An unfavorable condition should be created during sexual intercourse. Condition of abortion should not be created because of sexual intercourse. A man should consider over such things carefully. If the husband forces a woman to make sexual relation or shows anger, the woman has no option except surrendering before the husband.
After surrendering by the woman, everything depends on the husband. Here it means to say that woman has no control when a man makes sexual relation with her during this period. If a woman faces the problem of abortion, the man will be considered responsible for it. a man can make sexual relation but he should adopt easy and favorable sexual techniques. He should not behave like a beast at the time of sexual intercourse.
We have met several such kinds of men who made sexual relations with their wives during pregnancy without any problem. Most of them think that sexual intercourse can be made by inserting the glans of the penis into the vagina. The process of stroking should not be fast here it means to say that he should stroke gradually. The man should not stress his weight on the body of the woman. If sexual relations are made in this way, the woman also takes pleasure mentally. If there is no fear of any danger, both get pleasure naturally. If getting motherhood is the dream of a woman, fatherhood is the dream of a man. Both husband and wife try to fulfill this dream.
Precautions during pregnancy:
If a pregnant woman follows above-mentioned rules, she will enhance her beauty. Besides it, she will not suffer from any kind of health and beauty related problems.