發(fā)布日期: 2008年6月13日
Hunan International Trade & Development Corp., hereinafter called the Seller, agrees to sell and The Blacks Brother Import & Export Company , hereinafter called the Buyer , agrees to buy the under mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stipulated below:||湖南國際貿(mào)易發(fā)展有限公司,以下簡稱:賣方,同意向布萊克兄弟進出口公司,以下簡稱:買方,根據(jù)所訂立的條款,出售以下貨物:
1)Commodity: T-shirt||商品:T恤
2)Unit Price : USD 80 per dozen CFR Shanghai||價格:每打上海到岸價80美元
3)Specifications: S,M,and L equally assorted||規(guī)格:大、中、小號平均搭配
5)Total Value: USD160.000||總價值:160.000美元
6)Packing: half a dozen packed to a carboard box ,six dozens to a carton.||包裝:每一紙皮盒裝半打,每6打裝一紙箱
7)Delivery: Within 50 days after the confirmation of the contract by both sides.||交貨:合同經(jīng)雙方確認后,50天內(nèi)
8)Insurance: To be arranged and covered by the Buyer||保險:由買方負責(zé)投保
9)Payment: Payment shall be effected against the following documents.||付款:憑以下單據(jù)支付:
a. Full set clean on board B/L ||a. 全套已裝船清潔提單
b. Invoice one original and three copies||b. 保險單:正本一份,副本三份
c. Inspection Certificate on Quality issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau: one original and two copies.||c. 由中國商檢局出具的檢驗證書:正本一份,副本兩份
d. Certificate of Origin: one original and two copies.||d. 原產(chǎn)地證書:正本一份,副本兩份
1)This contract shall become effective immediately after being signed by the two parties concerned.||本合同一經(jīng)雙方簽字后,立即生效。
2)This contract is written in English and Chinese, both versions having the same force. Where there is not complete equivalence between the two versions the English version shall prevail.||本合同用中英文書寫就,兩個文本具有同等效力。如中英不完全對等,以英文為準。
3)This contract is written in two originals, one of which is held by each party.||本合同正本兩份,雙方各執(zhí)一份。
(signature) Bill Black||(簽章)——比爾·布萊克
(signature)Chen Dong|(簽章)陳東
Contract No.:||合同編號
Signing Date:||簽約時間
Signing Place:||簽約地點:
The contract is made by and between the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:||茲經(jīng)買賣雙方同意按照以下條款由買方購進,賣方售出以下商品:
Name of Commodity and Specifications||商品名稱及規(guī)格:
Unit Price||單價:
Total Value||總值:
Packing||包 裝:
Country of Origin & Manufacturer||生產(chǎn)國別及制造廠商
Terms of Payment||支付條款
After conclusion of business the Buyer shall open with the Bank of China, ______________________ ,an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the Sellers payable at the issuing Bank against presentation of the shipping documents as stipulated under Clause of the Terms of Delivery of this Contract after departure of the carrying vessel . The said letter of credit shall remain in force till the day after shipment.||買方于成交后通過_______________中國銀行開出以賣方為抬頭的不可撤銷的信用證,賣方在貨物裝船啟運后憑本合同交貨條款 所列單據(jù)在開證銀行議付貨款。信用證有效期為裝船后 天止。
Insurance: To be covered by the Seller for 110 percent of the invoice value against War Risks and Strike Risk as per Institute Cargo Clauses.||8.保 險:由賣方根據(jù)貨物協(xié)會條款投保一切險和戰(zhàn)爭險、罷工險,保險額為商業(yè)發(fā)票金額的110%。
Time of Shipment||裝運期限
Port of Loading||起運港
Port of Destination||目的港
Shipping Mark||嘜頭
On the surface of each package, the package number ,measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting position, the above shipping mark and the wordings “FRAGILE”,“RIGHT SIDE UP”,“HANDLE WITH CARE” and “KEEP DRY” shall be stenciled with fadeless paint(For dangerous or poisonous cargo, the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package).在每個包裝件的表面應(yīng)用不褪色油漆清楚地刷上件號、尺寸、毛重、凈重、起吊位置、合同嘜頭和“易碎品”、“向上”、“小心輕放”、“保持干燥”、等字樣(如系危險或有毒貨物,應(yīng)按慣例在每件貨物上明顯刷出有關(guān)標(biāo)記及性質(zhì)說明)。
The contract is made per _________________ in two originals in English and Chinese. Each party keeps one original.||本合同根據(jù)————-_____________正本兩份,用中英文書寫就,雙方各執(zhí)一份。
The General Terms and Conditions on the back page constitute part of this Contract and shall be equally binding upon both parties.||列在合同反面的“一般交易條款和條件”對雙方具有同等的約束。
to make a contract||簽訂合同
to place a contract||訂合同
to sign a contract||簽合同
to draft a contract||起草合同
to countersign a contract||會簽合同
to repeat a contract||重復(fù)合同
an executory contract||尚待執(zhí)行的合同
a nice fat contract||一個很有利的合同
originals of the contract||合同正本
copies of the contract||合同副本
It was stipulated that the goods should be delivered within three days.||按規(guī)定貨物須在三日內(nèi)送交。
The stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated conditions in our sales confirmation.||相關(guān)信用證中的條款必須與銷售確認書一致。
The letter is chiefly concerned with export commodities.||這封信主要是關(guān)于出口商品的。
execute a contract||履行合同
We now confirm our acceptance of your quotation.||現(xiàn)在我方確認接受貴方的報價。
The offer is subject to our final confirmation.||報盤以我方最終確認為有效。
1. We’ll prepare the contract according to the result of our discussion. To avoid any possible mistakes, may I repeat what we have agreed upon? ||我們根據(jù)談判的結(jié)果起草了合同。為了避免可能出錯,我是否可以重復(fù)一下我們已達成的條款?
2. Before we sign the contract, let’s check the terms and conditions of the contract once more so as to avoid any disputes over some minor details in the future. ||在我們正式簽署合同之前,讓我們再來核對一下有關(guān)條款,以免日后對一些不重要的細節(jié)問題發(fā)生爭議。
3. Enclosed please find our Sales Contract No. in duplicate for your counter-signature. Please sign and return one copy to us for our records as soon as possible. ||隨函附上我方 號合同一式兩份,請會簽后盡快寄回一份供我方備案。
4. If one party fails to comply with the terms of the contract, the other party is entitled to terminate the contract. ||假如一方不能遵守合同條款,另一方有權(quán)終止合同。
5. The contract is made out in English and Chinese languages in quadruplicate, both texts being equally authentic, and each Party shall hold two copies of each text. ||本合同用英文和中文兩種文字寫成,一式四份。雙方執(zhí)英文本和中文本各一式兩份,兩種文字具有同等效力。
不可抗力(Force Majeure)
修訂 (Modification)
通知 (Notice)
責(zé)任限制(Limitation of Liability)
內(nèi)容保密(No publicity)
完整合同 (Entire Agreement)
法律適用(Governing Law)
簽署 (Signatures)
合同編號(Contract NO):CGC001
簽訂日期(Date):July 21,1999
簽訂地點(Signed at):Beijing,China
買方(The Buyer):Tiger International LLC
ADD: Postal Code:
賣方(The Seller):Beijing ssvan tech Co.
TEL: FAX: 86-10-
The Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forthstated below:
(1)貨號 Article No.
(2)商品名稱、規(guī)格 Name of Commodity&Specifications
(3)數(shù)量 Quantity
(4)單價 Unit Price
(5)總值 Total Value
Fresh Water Cultured Pearls
(6)生產(chǎn)國和制造國家 Country of Origin and Manufacturer
(8)裝運期限:不晚于2003年8月20日 Time of Shipment:no later than Aug.20.1999
(9)裝運口岸:北京機場 Port of loading:BEIJING AIRPORT, CHINA
(11)保險: 由___方負責(zé),按本合同總值110%投保_____險。
Insurance:To be covered by the___for 110% of thefull invoice value against_______.
Terms of Payment:By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit in favour of _____payable at sight with TT reimbursement clause/___days’/sight/date allowing partial shipment and transshipment. The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers before _____and is to remain valid in _____.China until the 15th day after the aforesaid time of shipment, failing which the Sellers reserve the right to cancel this Sales Contract without further notice and to claim from the Buyers for losses resulting therefrom.
By confirmed,irrevocable,transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before**/**/**and to remain valid for negotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment.Tje L/C must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowd.]
Inspection:The Inspection Certificate of Quality / Quantity / Weight / Packing / Sanitation issued by_______of China shall be regarded as evidence of the Sellers’ delivery.
(14)裝運嘜頭: Shipping Marks:
1. 異議:品質(zhì)異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起30天內(nèi)提出,數(shù)量異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起15天內(nèi)提出,但均須提供經(jīng)賣方同意的公證行的檢驗證明。如責(zé)任屬于賣方者,賣方于收到異議20天內(nèi)答復(fù)買方并提出處理意見。
Discrepancy:In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized Public Surveyors agreed to by the Sellers. Should the responsibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on the part of the Sellers, the Sellers shall, within 20 days after receipt of the claim, send their reply to the Buyers together with suggestion for settlement.
2. 信用證內(nèi)應(yīng)明確規(guī)定賣方有權(quán)可多裝或少裝所注明的百分數(shù),并按實際裝運數(shù)量議付。(信用證之金額按本售貨合約金額增加相應(yīng)的百分數(shù)。)
The covering Letter of Credit shall stipulate the Sellers’s option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted and be negotiated for the amount covering the value of quantity actually shipped. (The Buyers are requested to establish the L/C in amount with the indicated percentage over the total value of the order as per this Sales Contract.)
3. 信用證內(nèi)容須嚴格符合本售貨合約的規(guī)定,否則修改信用證的費用由買方負擔(dān),賣方并不負因修改信用證而延誤裝運的責(zé)任,并保留因此而發(fā)生的一切損失的索賠權(quán)。
The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in strict conformity with the stipulations of the Sales Contract. In case of any variation there of necessitating amendment of the L/C, the Buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The Sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C and reserve the right to claim from the Buyers for the losses resulting therefrom.
4. 除經(jīng)約定保險歸買方投保者外,由賣方向中國的保險公司投保。如買方需增加保險額及/或需加保其他險,可于裝船前提出,經(jīng)賣方同意后代為投保,其費用由買方負擔(dān)。
Except in cases where the insurance is covered by the Buyers as arranged, insurance is to be covered by the Sellers with a Chinese insurance company. If insurance for additional amount and /or for other insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers’ agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the Buyers’ account.
5. 因人力不可抗拒事故使賣方不能在本售貨合約規(guī)定期限內(nèi)交貨或不能交貨,賣方不負責(zé)任,但是賣方必須立即以電報通知買方。如果買方提出要求,賣方應(yīng)以掛號函向買方提供由中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會或有關(guān)機構(gòu)出具的證明,證明事故的存在。買方不能領(lǐng)到進口許可證,不能被認為系屬人力不可抗拒范圍。
The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, to make delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales Contract or cannot deliver the goods. However, the Sellers shall inform immediately the Buyers by cable. The Sellers shall deliver to the Buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authorities, attesting the existence of the said cause or causes. The Buyers’ failure to obtain the relative Import Licence is not to be treated as Force Majeure.
6. 仲裁:凡因執(zhí)行本合約或有關(guān)本合約所發(fā)生的一切爭執(zhí),雙方應(yīng)以友好方式協(xié)商解決;如果協(xié)商不能解決,應(yīng)提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會,根據(jù)該會的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。
Arbitration:All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by way of amicable negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case at issue shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisions of the said Commission. The award by the said Commission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties.
7. 附加條款(本合同其他條款如與本附加條款有抵觸時,以本附加條款為準。):
Supplementary Condition(s)(Should the articles stipulated in this Contract be in conflict with the following supplementary condition(s),the supplementary condition(s)should be taken as valid and binding.)
Contract No.:
Signed At:
The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:
Name of Commodity and Specification2. 數(shù)量
Quantity3. 單價
Unit Price4.金額
Total Value
數(shù)量及總值均得有 %的增減,由賣方?jīng)Q定。
With % more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the Seller’s option.
6. 包裝:
7.裝運期限 :□ 收到可以轉(zhuǎn)船及分批裝運之信用證 天內(nèi)裝 出。
Time of Shipment:□ Within days after receipt of L/C allowing transhipment and partial shipment.
8. 裝運口岸:
Port of Loading:
9. 目的港:
Port of Destination:
10.付款條件:□ 開給我方100%不可撤銷即期付款及可轉(zhuǎn)讓可分割之信用證,并須注明可在上述裝運曰期后15天內(nèi)在中國議付有效。
Terms of Payment:□ By 100% confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible Letter of Credit to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the aforesaid Time of Shipment.
11.保險:□ 按中國保險條款,保綜合險及戰(zhàn)爭險(不包括罷工險)。
Insurance:□ Covering all risks and war risk only (excluding S.R.C.C.) as per the China Insurance Clauses.
□ 由客戶自理。
□ To be effected by the buyers.
12. 裝 船 標(biāo) 記:
Shipping Mark:
13. 雙方同意以裝運港中國進出口商品檢驗局簽發(fā)的品質(zhì)的數(shù)量(重量)檢驗證書作為信用證項下議付所提出單據(jù)的一部分。買方有權(quán)對貨物的品質(zhì)和數(shù)量(重量)進行復(fù)驗,復(fù)驗費由買方負擔(dān)。如發(fā)現(xiàn)品質(zhì)或數(shù)量(重量)與合同不符,買方有權(quán)向賣方索賠。但須提供經(jīng)賣方同意的公證機構(gòu)出具之檢驗報告。
It is mutually agreed that the Inspection Certificate of Quality (Weight) issued by the China Import and Export Commodity Ispection Bureau at the port of shipment shall be part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant L/C. The buyers shall have the right to reinspect the Quality and Quality (Weight) of the cargo. The
reinspection fee shall be borne by the Buyers. Should the Quality and/or Quantity (Weight) be found not in conformity with that of the contract, the Buyers are entitled to lodge with the Sellers a claim which should be supported by survey reports issued by a recognized Surveyer approved by the Sellers.
14. 備注
(1) 買方須于 年 月 曰前開到本批交易的信用證(或通知售方進口許可證號碼),否則,售方有權(quán)不 經(jīng)通知取消本確認書,或接受買方對本約未執(zhí)行的全部或一部,或?qū)σ虼嗽馐艿膿p失提出索賠。
The buyers shall have the covering Letter of Credit reach the Sellers (or notify the Import. License Number)before ________ otherwise the Sellers reserve the right to rescind without further notice or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyers, or to lodge a claim for lossees this sustained of any.
(2) 凡以CIF條件成交的業(yè)務(wù),保額為發(fā)票的110%, 投保險別以本售貨確認書中所開列的為限,買方要求增加保額或保險范圍,應(yīng)于裝船前經(jīng)售方同意,因此而增加的保險費由買方負責(zé)。
For transactions concluded on C.I.F.basis it is undrstood that the insurance amount will be for 110% of the invoice value against the risks specified in the Sales Confirmation. If additional Insurance amount of coverage is required, the buyers must have the consent of the Sellers before Shipment and the additional premium is to be borne by the buyers.
(3) 品質(zhì)數(shù)量異議:如買方提出索賠,凡屬品質(zhì)異議須于貨到目的口岸之曰起3個月內(nèi)提出,凡屬數(shù)量異議須于貨到目的口岸之曰起15在內(nèi)提出,對所裝運物所提任何異議屬于保險公司、輪船公司及其他有關(guān)運輸機構(gòu)或郵遞機構(gòu)所負責(zé)者,售方不負任何責(zé)任。
QUATLITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancey, claim should be filed by the Buyers within 3 months after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while of quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Sellers shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping company, other transportation, organization/or Post Office are liable.
(4) 本確認書所述全部或部分商品,如因人力不可抗拒的原因,以致不能履約或延遲交貨,售方概不負責(zé)。
The Sellers shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Confirmation on consequence of any Force Majeure incidents.
(5) 買方開給售方的信用證上請?zhí)钭⒈敬_認書號碼。
The buyers are requested always to quote THE NUMBER OF THIS SALES CONFIRMATION in the Letter of Credit to be opened in favour of the Sellers.
(6) 仲裁: 凡因執(zhí)行本合同或與本合同有關(guān)事項所發(fā)生的一切爭執(zhí), 應(yīng)由雙方通過友好的方式協(xié)商解決。 如果不能取得協(xié)議時,則在被告國家根據(jù)被告仲裁機構(gòu)的仲裁程序規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁決定是終局的,對雙方具有同等約束力。仲裁費用除非仲裁機構(gòu)另有決定外,均由敗訴一方負擔(dān)。
Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by negotiation between two parties. If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in the country of defendant in accordance with the arbitration regulations of the arbitration organization of the defendant country. The decision made by the arbitration organization shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties. The arbitratio expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization.
(7) 買方收到本售貨確認書后立即簽回一份,如買方對本確認書有異議,應(yīng)于收到后5天內(nèi)提出,否則認為買方已同意本確認書所規(guī)定的各項條款。
The Buyers are requested to sign and return one copy of this Sales Confirmation immediately after receipt of the same. Objection, if any, should be raise by the Buyers within five days after the receipt of this Sales Confirmation, in the absence of which it is understood that the Buyers have accepted the terms and conditions of the Sales Confirmation.
Contract No. Date: Signed at:
Tel: Fax: E-mail:
Tel: Fax: E-mail:
約首: This Sales Contract is made by and between the Sellers and the
Buyers whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the
under-mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated be
Name of the commodity, Specifications, Packing term Quantity Unit price Total Amount
White Rice, Long-shaped
Broken Grains ( max.)
25% Admixture ( max.)
0.25% Packed in gunny
bags of 50 kilos each
1 000 M/T USD 200 per M/T CIF New York Two hundred thousand US Dollars only
Shipment 3% more or less at Seller’s option and the price shall be calculated according to the unit price
嘜頭: Shipping Mark
To be designated by the Sellers / At the Sellers’ option.
保險條款: Insurance
在FOB, CFR 合同下,保險條款可訂為:
Insurance to be covered by the Buyer.
在CIF 合同下,保險條款可訂為:
Insurance to be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against W.P.A / All Risks / War Risk including shortage in weight as per and subject to the Ocean Marine Carge Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan. 1, 1981. If other coverage or an additional insurance is required, the Buyers must have the consent of the Sellers before shipment, and the additional premium is to be borne by the Buyers.
裝運條款: Shippment
Time of Shipment: during Feb./Mar. 2005 in two equal monthly lots
Port of loading / shipment :
Port of destination :London. Transhipment at HongKong allowed.
The carrying vessel shall be provided by the sellers. Partialshipment and transshipment are allowed. After loading is completed, the seller shall notify the buyers by cable of the contract number, name of commodity, name of the carring vessel and date of shipment.
付款條件: Terms of Payment
The Buyers shall open with a acceptable to the Sellers an Irrevocable Sight Letter of Credit to reach the Sellers 30 days before the month of shipment, valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the month of shipment. ( Export )
By Irrevocable Letter of Credit for 90% the total invoice value of the goods tb be shipped, in favour of the Sellers, payable at the issuing bank against the Sellers’ draft at sight accompanied by the shipping documents stipulated in the Credit. The balance of 10% of the proceeds is to be paid only after the goods have been inspected and approved at the port of destination. ( Import )
By confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor o9f the Sellers payable at sight against Presentation of shipping documents in China , with partial shipments and transshipment allowed. The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers 15 days before the contracted month of shipment6 and remain valid in the above loading port until the 15th day after shipment , failing which the Sellers reserve the right to cancel the contract without further notice and to claim against the Buyers for any loss resulting there from.
To be effeced by documentary draft under D / A terms.
Payment shall be made by documentary draft to be payable under D / P terms.
交貨條件: Delivery Terms
Certificates of Quality, Quantity, Weight and Qrigin are required. The Buyers have the right to have the goods re—inspected by the Guangzhou Entry—Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the People’s Republic of China at the prt fo discharge. The relevant Inspection Certigficates may serve as the basis of any claim to be lodged by the Buyers against the Sellers.
檢驗條款: Commodity Inspection
It is mutually agreed that he Certificate of Quality and Weight issued by——( eg: China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau ) / surveyor at the port of shipment shall be ( taken as the basis of delivery. ) / part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant weight of the cargo. The re—inspection fee shall be borne by the Buyer. The claim with the cargo, if any, shall be lodged to the Seller within ——-days after arrival of the cargo at the port of destination.
索賠條款: Discrepancy and Claim
Any claim by the Buyers regarding the cargo shall be supported by survey report issued by a surveyor approved by the Seller and lodged within 45 days after the arrival of the cargo at the port of destinaton. The Seller will not consider claims in respect of matters within responsibility of insurance company or shipping company.
Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time, the buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on the conditon that the Seller agrees of pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank at the time of payment. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% of the total value of the cargo whose delivery has been delayed for every week, odddays less than a week should be counted as a week. But the total amount of penalty shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the cargo involved in the late delivery. In case the Seller fail ot make delivery 10 weeks later than the time of shipment stipulated on the contract, the Buyer shall havbe the right to cancel the contract and the Seller shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buer without delay.
Quality / Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:
In case the quality and/or quantity / weight are found the Buyers to be not in conformity with the Contract after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyers may lodge claim with the Sellers supported by survey report issued by an inspection organizaiton agreed upon by both parties, with the exception, however, of those claims for which the insurance company and/or the shipping company are tobe held responsible. Claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by the Buyers within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity/weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyers within 15days after arrival of the goods at port of destination. The Sellers shall, within 30 days after receipt of the notification of the claim, aend reply to the Buyers.
索賠期限: Validity of Claim
The Buyers have the rihgt to lodge claims for all losses sustained within 60 days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination.
綜合式不可抗力條款:Force Majure
The Seller shall not be held responsible for late delivery or non—delivery of the goods due to flood, fire, earthquake, snowstorm, drought, hailstorm,hurricane, or other events that are beyond the control of the Seller. But the Seller shall notify the Buyer by cabel as soon as possible and give the Buyer a certificate by6 registered mail issuedd by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or other competent authorities.
If shipment of the contracted goods is prevented or delayed in whole or in part due to Force Majeure, the Sellers shall not be liable for non—shipment or late shipment of the goods under this Contract. However , the seller shall notify the Buyers by fax or telex and furnish the latter within 15 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by the competent authorities at the place of occurrence attesting such event or events.
仲裁條款: Arbitration
All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case shall be submitted to the China intermational Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing for arbitraiton in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration court.
All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached betweenthe two parties, the case shall be submitted for arbitration. The location of arbitration shall be in the country of thew domicile of the defendant. If in China, the arbitration shall be conducted by the Cjhinea International Economic and Trade Arbitratiton. If in——, the arbitration shall be conducted by——in accordance with its arbitral rules. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shalll be borne by the losing paryt unless otherwise awarded bythe arbitration court.
All disputes in connection with or arising from the contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case shall be submitted to——for arbitration in accordance with its Rules of Arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded bythe arbitration court.
適用法律: Governing Law
This contract shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.
定金條款: Earnest money
The Buyer shall pay –% of the total value of the cargo by T/T to the Seller as the earnest money. In the case that the Buyer fulfilled the obligations in the contract, the earnest money shall be deducted by the paying bank at the time of payment. Otherwise the earnest money shall not be returned. In the case that the Seller failed to fulfill any obligation the the contract, the Seller shall pay twice the earnest money to the Buyer.
1. Any claims of whatever nature regarding the goods sold hereunder shall be notified to the Seller within_____ days after the arrival of the goods at the destination specified in the bills of lading. Full particulars of such claim, together with sworn surveyor’s written report, shall be made and forwarded within _____days after the said notification to the seller.
2. Upon the arrival of the goods at place of delivery, the Buyer shall immediately inspect the goods and shall give written notice of any claim to the Seller within_____ days after their arrival. Claims for losses or damages will not be considered unless supported by railroad agent’s acknowledgement on freight bill. The failure to give such notice shall constitute irrevocable acceptance of the goods by the Buyer, and he shall be bound to pay the price of the goods in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
3. In case discrepancy on the quality of the goods is found by the buyers after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, claim maybe lodged against the Seller within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor. The seller then shall consider the claim in light of actual circumstances. For the loss or losses due to the natural causes within the responsibilities of the Shipowners or the Underwriters, the Seller shall not consider any claim for compensation.
4. Within_____ days after arrival of the goods at destination, should the quality, specification, or the quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the Contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessels are liable, the Buyer shall, on the strength of Inspection Certificate issued by_____, have the right to claim for replacement with new goods, or for compensation, and all the expenses (such as inspection charges, freight for returning the goods and for sending the replacement, insurance premium, storage and loading and unloading charges, etc.) shall be borne by the Seller.
售 貨 合 同
1.賣方: 環(huán)宇貿(mào)易有限公司 合同編號
2.地址: 中國上海浦東東方路131號美陵廣場1201-1216室 合同日期
TEL: 021-58818844; 58818766 FAX: 021-58818840
E-MALL: youngl@www.universal.com.cn
TEL: +(31) 74 12 37 21 FAX: +(31) 74 12 37 37
E-MALL: chila@www.tvl.com.ntl.
Art.No.KB0677 New Design Brown Bear
Art.No.KB7900 Toy Bear in Sweater
Art.No.KB2273 Charming Pig
Art.No.KC2048 Long Hair Cat
Art.No.KB0278 Plush Twin Bear
PACKING: PACKED IN CARTONS OF 8 SETS (KB0677), 8 PCS. (KB7900), 60 PCS. (KP2273), 30 PCS. (KC2048) AND 4 SETS (KB0278) EACH ONLY.
TERMS OF PAYMENI: The Buyers shall open with A bank to be accepted by both the Buyers and Sellers an irrevocable transferable letter of credit, allowing partial shipment, transshipment in favor of the Seller and addressed to Sellers payable at sight against first presentation of the shipping document to Opening Bank. The covering letter of credit must reach the Sellers 30 days.
INSURANCE: To be covered by the Buyers/Sellers for the full invoice valve plus 10% against all risks and war risks. If the Buyers desire to cover for any other extra risks besides aforementioned of amount exceeding the aforementioned limited, the Sellers’ approval must be obtained beforehand and all the additional premiums thus incurred shall be for the Buyers’ account.
INSPECTION: The inspection Certificate of Quality/Weight issued by CCIB shall be taken as basis for the shipping quality/Weight.
FURCEE MAJEURE: The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they, owing to Force Majeure causes. Fail to make delivery within the time stipulated in the contract or can’t deliver the goods. However, in such a case the sellers shall inform the Buyers immediately by cable. The Sellers shall send to the Buyers by registered letter at the quest of the Buyers a certificate attesting the existence of such a cause or causes issued by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or by a competent Authority.
DISCREPANCY AND CLAIM: In case discrepancy on quality of the goods is found by the Buyers after arrival of the goods at port of destination, claim may be lodged within 30 days after arrival of the goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim may be lodged within 15 days after arrival of the goods at port of destination, being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor agreed upon by both party. The Seller shall, then consider the claim in the light of actual circumstance. For the losses due to natural cause or causes falling within the responsibilities of the Ship-owners or the Underwriters, the Sellers shall not consider any claim for compensation. In case the Letter of Credit not reach the Sellers within the time stipulated in the Contract, or under FOB price terms Buyers do not send vessel to appointed ports or the Letter of Credit opened by the Buyers does not correspond to the Contract terms and the Buyers fail to amend therefore its terms by telegraph within the time limit after receipt of notification by the Sellers, the Sellers shall have right to cancel the contract or to delay the delivery of the goods and shall have also the right to lodge claims for compensation of losses.
ARBITRATION: All disputes in connection with the contract or the execution thereof, shall be settled amicable by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case under dispute may then be submitted to the “China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission” for arbitration. The arbitration shall take place in China and shall be executed in accordance with the provisional rules of Procedure of the said Commission and the decision made by the Commission shall be accepted as final binding upon both parties for setting the dispute. The fees, for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.
賣方: 買方:
分析證書 certificate of analysis 一致性證書 cettificate of conformity 質(zhì)量證書 certificate of quality 測試報告 test report 產(chǎn)品性能報告 product performance report 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格型號報告 product specification report 工藝數(shù)據(jù)報告 process data report 首樣測試報告 first sample test report 價格/銷售目錄 price /sales catalogue 參與方信息 party information 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品加工廠證書 mill certificate 家產(chǎn)品加工廠證書 post receipt 郵政收據(jù) post receipt 重量證書 weight certificate 重量單 weight list 證書 cerificate 價值與原產(chǎn)地綜合證書 combined certificate of value adn origin 移動聲明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1 數(shù)量證書 certificate of quantity 質(zhì)量數(shù)據(jù)報文 quality data message 查詢 query 查詢回復(fù) response to query 訂購單 purchase order 制造說明 manufacturing instructions 領(lǐng)料單 stores requisition 產(chǎn)品售價單 invoicing data sheet 包裝說明 packing instruction 內(nèi)部運輸單 internal transport order 統(tǒng)計及其他管理用內(nèi)部單證 statistical and oter administrative internal docu-ments 直接支付估價申請 direct payment valuation request 直接支付估價單 direct payment valuation 臨時支付估價單 rpovisional payment valuation 支付估價單 payment valuation 數(shù)量估價單 quantity valuation request 數(shù)量估價申請 quantity valuation request 合同數(shù)量單 contract bill of quantities-BOQ 不祭價投標(biāo)數(shù)量單 unpriced tender BOQ 標(biāo)價投標(biāo)數(shù)量單 priced tender BOQ 詢價單 enquiry 臨時支付申請 interim application for payment 支付協(xié)議 agreement to pay 意向書 letter of intent 訂單 order 總訂單 blanket order 現(xiàn)貨訂單 sport order 租賃單 lease order 緊急訂單 rush order 修理單 repair order 分訂單 call off order 寄售單 consignment order 樣品訂單 sample order 換貨單 swap order 訂購單變更請求 purchase order change request 訂購單回復(fù) purchase order response 租用單 hire order 備件訂單 spare parts order 交貨說明 delivery instructions 交貨計劃表 delivery schedule 按時交貨 delivery just-in-time 發(fā)貨通知 delivery release 交貨通知 delivery note 裝箱單 packing list 發(fā)盤/報價 offer/quotation 報價申請 request for quote 合同 contract 訂單確認 acknowledgement of order 形式發(fā)票 proforma invoice 部分發(fā)票 partial invoice 操作說明 operating instructions 銘牌 name/product plate 交貨說明請求 request for delivery instructions 訂艙申請 booking request 裝運說明 shipping instructions 托運人說明書(空運) shipper’s letter of instructions(air) 短途貨運單 cartage order(local transport) 待運通知 ready for despatch advice 發(fā)運單 despatch order 發(fā)運通知 despatch advice 單證分發(fā)通知 advice of distrbution of document. 商業(yè)發(fā)票 commercial invoice 貸記單 credit note 傭金單 commission note 借記單 debit note 更正發(fā)票 corrected invoice 合并發(fā)票 consolidated invoice 預(yù)付發(fā)票 prepayment invoice 租用發(fā)票 hire invoice 稅務(wù)發(fā)票 tax invoice 自用發(fā)票 self-billed invoice 保兌發(fā)票 delcredere invoice 代理發(fā)票 factored invoice 租賃發(fā)票 lease invoice 寄售發(fā)票 consignment invoice 代理貸記單 factored credit note 銀行轉(zhuǎn)帳指示 instructions for bank transfer 銀行匯票申請書 application for banker’s draft 托收支付通知書 collection payment advice 跟單信用證支付通知書 document.ry credit payment advice 跟單信用證承兌通知書 document.ry credit acceptance advice 跟單信用證議付通知書 document.ry credit negotiation advice 銀行擔(dān)保申請書 application for banker’s guarantee 銀行擔(dān)保 banker’s guarantee 跟單信用證賠償單 document.ry credit letter of indemnity 信用證預(yù)先通知書 preadvice of a credit 托收單 collection order 單證提交單 document. presentation form 付款單 payment order 擴展付款單 extended payment order 多重付款單 multiple payment order 貸記通知書 credit advice 擴展貸記通知書 extended credit advice 借記通知書 debit advice 借記撤消 reversal of debit 貸記撤消 reversal of credit 跟單信用證申請書 document.ry credit application 跟單信用證 document.ry credit 跟單信用證通知書 document.ry credit notification 跟單信用證轉(zhuǎn)讓通知 document.ry credit transfer advice 跟單信用證更改通知書 document.ry credit amendment notification 跟單信用證更改單 document.ry credit amendment 匯款通知 remittance advice 銀行匯票 banker’s draft 匯票 bill of exchange 本票 promissory note 帳戶財務(wù)報表 financial statement of account 帳戶報表報文 statement of account message 保險賃證 insurance certificate 保險單 insurance policy 保險申報單(明細表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau) 保險人發(fā)票 insurer’s invoice 承保單 cover note 貨運說明 forwarding instructions 貨運代理給進口代理的通知 forwarder’s advice to import agent 貨運代理給出口商的通知 forwarder’s advice to exporter 貨運代理發(fā)票 forwarder’s invoice 貨運代理收據(jù)證明 forwarder’s certificate of receipt 托運單 shipping note 貨運代理人倉庫收據(jù) forwarder’s warehouse receipt 貨物收據(jù) goods receipt 港口費用單 port charges document. 入庫單 warehouse warrant 提貨單 delivery order 裝卸單 handling order 通行證 gate pass 運單 waybill 通用(多用)運輸單證 universal (multipurpose) transport document.承運人貨物收據(jù) goods receipt, carriage 全程運單 house waybill 主提單 master bill of lading 提單 bill of lading 正本提單 bill of lading original 副本提單 bill of lading copy 空集裝箱提單 empty container bill 油輪提單 tanker bill of lading 海運單 sea waybill 內(nèi)河提單 inland waterway bill of lading 不可轉(zhuǎn)讓的海運單證(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document.nbsp(generic) 大副據(jù) mate’s receipt 全程提單 house bill of lading 無提單提貨保函 letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading 貨運代理人提單 forwarder’s bill of lading 鐵路托運單(通用條款) rail consignment note (generic term) 陸運單 road list-SMGS 押運正式確認 escort official recognition 分段計費單證 recharging document.公路托運單 road cosignment note 空運單 air waybill 主空運單 master air waybill 分空運單 substitute air waybill 國人員物品申報 crew’s effects declaration 乘客名單 passenger list 鐵路運輸交貨通知 delivery notice(rail transport) 郵遞包裹投遞單 despatch note (post parcels) 多式聯(lián)運單證(通用) multimodal/combined transport document.nbsp(generic) 直達提單 through bill of lading 貨運代理人運輸證書 forwarder’s certificate of transport 聯(lián)運單證(通用) combined transport document.nbsp(generic) 多式聯(lián)運單證(通用) multimodal transport document.nbsp(generic) 多式聯(lián)運提單 combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading 訂艙確認 booking confirmation 要求交貨通知 calling foward notice 運費發(fā)票 freight invoice 貨物到達通知 arrival notice(goods) 無法交貨的通知 notice of circumstances preventing delvery (goods) 無法運貨通知 notice of circumstances preventing transport (goods) 交貨通知 delivery notice (goods) 載貨清單 cargo manifest 載貨運費清單 freight manifest 公路運輸貨物清單 bordereau 集裝箱載貨清單 container manifes (unit packing list) 鐵路費用單 charges note 托收通知 advice of collection 船舶安全證書 safety of ship certificate 無線電臺安全證書 safety of radio certificate 設(shè)備安全證書 safety of equipment certificate 油污民事責(zé)任書 civil liability for oil certificate 載重線證書 loadline document.免于除鼠證書 derat document.航海健康證書 maritime declaration of health 船舶登記證書 certificate of registry 船用物品申報單 ship’s stores declaration 出口許可證申請表 export licence, application 出口許可證 export licence 出口結(jié)匯核銷單 exchange control declaration, exprot T出口單證(海關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)運報關(guān)單)(歐共體用) despatch note moder T T1出口單證(內(nèi)部轉(zhuǎn)運報關(guān)單)(歐共體用) despatch note model T1 T2出口單證(原產(chǎn)地證明書) despatch note model T2 T5管理單證(退運單證)(歐共體用) control document.nbspT5 鐵路運輸退運單 re-sending consigment note T2L出口單證(原產(chǎn)地證明書)(歐共體用) despatch note model T2L 出口貨物報關(guān)單 goods declaration for exportation 離港貨物報關(guān)單 cargo declaration(departure) 貨物監(jiān)管證書申請表 application for goods control certificate 貨物監(jiān)管證書申請表 goods control certificate 植物檢疫申請表 application for phytosanitary certificate 植物檢疫證書 phytosanilary certificate 衛(wèi)生檢疫證書 sanitary certificate 動物檢疫證書 veterinary certifieate 商品檢驗申請表 application for inspection certificate 商品檢驗證書 inspection certificate 原產(chǎn)地證書申請表 certificate of origin, application for 原產(chǎn)地證書 certificate of origin 原產(chǎn)地申明 declaration of origin 地區(qū)名稱證書 regional appellation certificate 優(yōu)惠原產(chǎn)地證書 preference certificate of origin 普惠制原產(chǎn)地證書 certificate of origin form GSP 領(lǐng)事發(fā)票 cosular invoice 危險貨物申報單 dangerous goods declaration 出口統(tǒng)計報表 statistical doucument, export 國際貿(mào)易統(tǒng)計申報單 intrastat declaration 交貨核對證明 delivery verification certificate 進口許可證申請表 import licence, application for 進口許可證 import licence 無商業(yè)細節(jié)的報關(guān)單 customs declaration without commercial detail 有商業(yè)和項目細節(jié)的報關(guān)單 customs declaration with commercial and item detail 無項目細節(jié)的報關(guān)單 customs declaration without item detail 有關(guān)單證 related document.海關(guān)收據(jù) receipt (Customs) 調(diào)匯申請 application for exchange allocation 調(diào)匯許可 foreign exchange permit 進口外匯管理申報 exchange control declaration (import) 進口貨物報關(guān)單 goods declaration for implortation 內(nèi)銷貨物報關(guān)單 goods declaration for home use 海關(guān)即刻放行報關(guān)單 customs immediate release declaration 海關(guān)放行通知 customs delivery note 到港貨物報關(guān)單 cargo declaration (arrival) 貨物價值申報清單 value declaration 海關(guān)發(fā)票 customs invoice 郵包報關(guān)單 customs deciaration (post parcels) 增值稅申報單 tax declaration (value added tax) 普通稅申報單 tax declaration (general) 催稅單 tax demand 禁運貨物許可證 embargo permit 海關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)運貨物報關(guān)單 goods declaration for customs transit TIF國際鐵路運輸報關(guān)單 TIF form TIR國際公路運輸報關(guān)單 TIR carnet 歐共體海關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)運報關(guān)單 EC carnet EUR1歐共體原產(chǎn)地證書 EUR 1 certificate of origin 暫準進口海關(guān)文件 ATA carnt 歐共體統(tǒng)一單證 single administrative document.海關(guān)一般回復(fù) general response (Customs) 海關(guān)公文回復(fù) document.nbspresponse (Customs) 海關(guān)誤差回復(fù) error response (Customs) 海關(guān)一攬子回復(fù) packae response (Customs) 海關(guān)計稅/確認回復(fù) tax calculation /confirmation response (Customs) 配額預(yù)分配證書 quota prior allocation certificate 最終使用授權(quán)書 end use authorization 政府合同 government contract 進口統(tǒng)計報表 statistical document. import 跟單信用證開證申請書 application for document.ry credit 先前海關(guān)文件/報文 previous Customs document.message MC SM 一般貿(mào)易 ordinary trade 易貨貿(mào)易 barter trade 國家之間不通過貨幣媒介直接交換貨物 補償貿(mào)易 compensation trade 利用外資進口國外技術(shù)或設(shè)備,用產(chǎn)品償還 協(xié)定貿(mào)易 agreement trade 根據(jù)各國政府間簽訂的貿(mào)易協(xié)定和清算協(xié)定進行的貿(mào)易 進料加工 processing with imported materials 進口原材料、零部件,加工成品后再出口 來料加工 processing with customer’s materials 由國外廠商提供原材料、零部件,由國內(nèi)廠商按外商要求加工裝配,成品交外商銷售,加工方收工繳費 出料加工 outward processing 由國內(nèi)廠商提供原材料、零部件,國外廠商按要求加工裝配,成品返銷,加工方收取工繳費 寄售貿(mào)易 consignment trade 寄售人氫貨物運到國外,委托代銷人銷售 國際租賃 international lease 根據(jù)國際租賃契約,出租人將設(shè)備租憑給他國承租人使用 邊境貿(mào)易 frontier trade 邊境城鎮(zhèn)與接壤國家邊境城鎮(zhèn)之間及邊民互市貿(mào)易 轉(zhuǎn)口貿(mào)易 entrepot trade 經(jīng)過轉(zhuǎn)口國進行的進出口貿(mào)易 許可貿(mào)易 license trade 商標(biāo)、專利技術(shù)、專有技術(shù)以許可協(xié)議形式進行的貿(mào)易 期貨貿(mào)易 forward trade 通過國際期貨市場進行遠期商品買賣 承包工程 contract project 承包國外工程技術(shù)項目或勞務(wù)項目的進出口設(shè)備和貨物 國際招標(biāo) international bid 通過國際招標(biāo)形式進行的一種進出口貿(mào)易 國際展覽 international exhibition 通過國際展覽會和國際博覽會等形式進出口貨物 際拍賣 international exhibition 通過國際拍賣進行的一種貿(mào)易 國際貨款進口 international loan 國際金融機構(gòu)或外國政府提供貸款項目的進口 歸還貸款出口 reimburse loan 國家批準的國際貸款項目通過出口產(chǎn)品來歸還貸款 外商投資企業(yè)進口 imports by foreign-invested enter-prises 根據(jù)國家有關(guān)規(guī)定,外商投資企業(yè)進口貨物 外商投資企業(yè)出口 exports by foreign-invested enter-prises 根據(jù)國家有關(guān)規(guī)定,外商投資企業(yè)出口貨物 國際援助 international aid 國際組織或外國政府提供無償援助的進出口貨物 捐贈 donation 臺港澳同胞、華僑、民間團體和個人捐贈給我國的物資 贈送 present 外國組織或個人贈送給我國組織或個人的物資 其它貿(mào)易 other trade 國際貿(mào)易中使用的上述貿(mào)易方式之外的貿(mào)易方式
(一)國際工程履約保函格式(公司) 日期:致:親愛的先生: ________號合同履約保函題目:鑒于________公司(以下簡稱NPOG)就油田地面設(shè)施施工、試運和移交與________(以下簡稱承包商)于________年________月________日簽訂了________號合同(以下簡稱合同),我們________,是遵照________法律組建的一家公司,總部設(shè)在________,(以下簡稱擔(dān)保人),在此想NPOG提供以下?lián)#海╝) 保證承包商全面完整地履行和完成合同項下的義務(wù)以及由更改通知單和合同修改可能引起的需要承包商適時完成的工作。(b) 如果承包商在某方面未能履行合同項下義務(wù)過違約,我們作為擔(dān)保人將執(zhí)行或采取必要的措施來按照合同的規(guī)定履行義務(wù),由于承包生聞能履行合同或違約所造成的損失、賠償、花費和費用將由我們擔(dān)保人承擔(dān)。(c) 擔(dān)保人不會因NPOG放棄或節(jié)制對支付、工期、履約或其他方面的要求而解除自己承擔(dān)的責(zé)任。(d) 一旦擔(dān)保人承擔(dān)合同項下承包商的義務(wù),在此期間,擔(dān)保人應(yīng)享受合同授予承包商的所有權(quán)利和利益。(e) 為了履行保函和合同的目的,擔(dān)保人同意接受英國法庭的唯一管轄。(f) NPOG及其繼承人、受讓人的利益,對擔(dān)保人及其繼承人、受讓人具有約束力。(g) 該保函從________年________月________日起生效。有鑒于此,擔(dān)保人受權(quán)其代表于________年________月________日對本保函簽字。 ________公司簽字:________ 姓名:________ 職務(wù):________ 日期:________ 見證人簽字:________ 姓名:________ 職務(wù):________ 日期:________ 附: 英文文本 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMAT Date : To : Dear Sirs, PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT N TITLE: ________(Company Name) That in consideration of (hereinafter referred to as “NPOG”) entering into a contract for the Construction, Commissioning and Handover of Field Surface Facilities.(“CONTRACT”) dated________ day-of________ ________with________ hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR (S)”‘We, ________a company incorporated under the laws of ________with a principal business address at________(hereinafter referred to as ” GUARANTOR”) do hereby enter into the following undertakings with NPOG: (a) Guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of CONTRACTOR(s) under the said CONTRACT and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subsepuently be duly executed by CONTRACTOR(s). (b) Should CONTRACTOR in any respect fail to perform the said obligations contained in the said CONTRACT or commits any breach thereof, we as GUARANTOR shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligations thereof, in accordance with terms of the said CONTRACT and the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR(s) may be made available thereunder; MUGLAD BASIN OIL DEVELOPMENT PROJEDT ELELD SURFACE FACILITIES (FSF) CONTRACT NNPOG/30/98-163 (c) we the GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiver or forebearance by NPOG whether as to payment, time , performance, or otherwise. (d) In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligatinos of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT. (e) For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts. (f) This Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of NPOG and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns. (g) This guarantee shall be effective as of the________ day of ____________199_____. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTOR has caused this Guarantee to be duly executed by its authorized representative on this ____________day of ____________199____________. For and on behalf: ____________ (Company) signature : ____________ name : designation : WITNESS Signature: ____________ Name: ____________ Designation: ____________ Date: ____________
(二)國際工程履約保函格式(銀行) 致:________ ________公司,該公司執(zhí)行________國家法律,注冊辦公地址為________(以下簡稱”NPOG”)。 鑒于:(1) 甲方(NPOG)和乙方(承包商)就________達成協(xié)議,并簽訂本”合同”,承包商同意完成合同規(guī)定的內(nèi)容。(2) 合同明確規(guī)定了此條款,即由________銀行(以下簡稱”擔(dān)保人”)及時遞交給NPOG該保函。________銀行不可撤消和無條件地向NPOG擔(dān)保以下內(nèi)容: 1. 如果承包商在任一方面不能履行合同或違約,則根據(jù)NPOG第一次提出的不帶證據(jù)和條件的要求,擔(dān)保人在收到其要求后14天內(nèi),不論承包商或任何第三方是否有異議或反對,擔(dān)保人都應(yīng)立即師父總額為________美元的擔(dān)保金。 2. 在征得或未征得擔(dān)保人同意的條件下,無論承包商和NPOG間簽訂何種協(xié)議,或者無論承包商在合同項下的義務(wù)發(fā)生何種變化,或者無論NPOG對于付款時間、履行情況以及其他事項作出何種讓步,或無論NPOG或承包商的名字組織機構(gòu)發(fā)生何種改變,都不能免除擔(dān)保人的擔(dān)保重任。 3. 本保函持續(xù)有效,有效力將相應(yīng)地保持到最終驗收通知單簽發(fā)日期,或合同終止后3個 ,二者以先為準。 4. 擔(dān)保人同意,無論未償還金額能否通過法律行為或仲裁方式獲得,并且無論這筆償還金額是否由于承包商虧損、損壞、花費以及由于NPOG的某些原因造成的,擔(dān)保人同樣給予擔(dān)保。本保函由擔(dān)保人于________年________月________日簽訂。 ________銀行簽字:________ 名字:________ 職務(wù):________ 銀行印章: 附: 英文文本 FERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMAT (BANK LETTERHAD) T ____________(Company name),a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered office at ____________(hereinafter called” NPOG”) WHEREAS (1) by an agreement for the ____________(hereinafter referred to as the of the one part and NPOG of the other part, the CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the WORKS in accordance with the CONTRACT. (2) one of the expressed conditions of the CONTRACT is the receipt by NPOG of this guarantee duly executed by (name of banker:) ____________(hereinafter called the ” GUARANTOR”) who hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes to NPOG as follows: i) if the CONTRACTOR shall in any respect fail to execute the CONTRACT or commit any breach of this obligations thereunder the GUARANTOR shall pay to NPOG on first demand without proof or conditions the sum of US. Dollar ____________(USD: ____________) within 14 days after receipt of the said demand notwithstanding any contestation or protest by the CONTRACTOR or any other third party. ii) The GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee by any agreement made between the CONTRACTOR and NPOG with or without the consent of the GUARANTOR or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by the CONTRACTOR or by any forbearance whether as to payment time, performances or otherwise, or by any change in mane or constitution of NPOG or the CONTRACTOR. iii) This guarantee is continuing security and accordingly shall remain in force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three(3) months after the early termination of the CONTRACT, whichever is earlier. iv) The GUARANTOR agree that the grauantee is given regardless whether or not the sum outstanding occasioned by the loss, damages costs ,expenses or otherwise incurred by NPOG is recoverable by legal action or arbitration. IN WITNESS whereof this guarantee has been duly executed by GUARANTOR the____________ day of ____________199 ____________. For and on behalf of ____________ (name of banker) signature: ____________ name: ____________ designation: banker’ s seal: ____________
Letter of Credit 即L/C, 為國際貿(mào)易中最常見的付款方式,它的分類很多,下面作了列舉,供參考. 1.revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C可撤銷信用證/不可撤銷信用證 2.confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兌信用證/不保兌信用證 3.sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用證/遠期信用證 4.transferable L/C(or)assignable L/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可轉(zhuǎn)讓信用證/不可轉(zhuǎn)讓信用證 5.divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用證/不可分割信用證 6.revolving L/C 循環(huán)信用證 7.L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 帶電匯條款信用證 8.without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 無追索權(quán)信用證/有追索權(quán)信用證 9.documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟單信用證/光票信用證 10.deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C延付信用證/預(yù)支信用證 11.back to back L/Creciprocal L/C對背信用證/對開信用證 12.traveller’s L/C(or:circular L/C)旅行信用證 Selling Agent 銷售代理 According to the power the principal has delegated to a selling agent, the agent may just introduce the potential customer to the principal or actually negotiate and conclude the contract between the two parties. The have the following characteristics: a) An agent can only operate within the marketing territory authorized by the principal. b) An agent does not carry stock. The goods are carried only as consignment inventory. Payment is based on delivery to the ultimate buyer. c) The principal (exporter) set the retail price, retains title and controls the goods. d) The profit and risk of loss remains within the principal, unless the agent is a del credere one. e) Agents are usually paid with commission. 按照委托人所授予其代理人的權(quán)利,銷售代理可能只負責(zé)向委托人介紹潛在客戶或者實際談判并簽訂雙方間的合同。代理人有以下幾個特點: a)代理人只能在委托人所授權(quán)的代理區(qū)域內(nèi)執(zhí)行代理業(yè)務(wù)。 b)代理人本身不儲存貨物。代理人手中的貨物均為代銷的貨物,待最終的買主付款后,委托人才能收到貨款。 c)委托人(出口商)決定貨物的零售價格,擁有所有權(quán)并控制貨物。 d)委托人既享有利潤有承擔(dān)虧損風(fēng)險,除非代理人為保付代理。 e)代理人的報酬通常為傭金。 商品品質(zhì)描述 商品品質(zhì)決定交易本質(zhì)上的價值,因此它是最重要的交易因素之一。 貿(mào)易上的品質(zhì)決定方法有:憑樣品買賣,憑標(biāo)準買賣,憑規(guī)格買賣等。下面我們來看看品質(zhì)的表達發(fā)。 [品質(zhì)優(yōu)良]:quality is excellent/ superior/ very good/ fine/ best/ high/ wonderful/ supreme/ attractive [品質(zhì)低劣]:quality is bad/ inferior/ not good/ poor/ imperfect/ defective/ faulty/ second-rate/ lower/ unsatisfactory [品質(zhì)保證]:retain the good quality; keep up to the standard quality; obtain a good quality; attain the best quality; secure an excellent quality [物品以達標(biāo)準品質(zhì)]:An article is up to the standard quality; An article is of the same quality as the standard; An article is equal to the standard quality; An article is the same as the standard quality [物品在標(biāo)準以下]:An article is below the standard [物品在標(biāo)準以上]:An article is above the standard [物品和樣品一致]:An article is up to the sample; An article corresponds with the sample; An article is equal to the sample. -average quality 標(biāo)準品質(zhì) We would like to buy 500 tons of average quality corn. -customary quality 一般品質(zhì) The quality of the goods shipped is customary quality. -best quality, prime quality, first-rate quality 最佳品質(zhì) The goods supplied shall only be those of best quality. -quality inspection certificate 品質(zhì)檢驗證書 Please be sure to attach a quality inspection certificate. -difference in quality 品質(zhì)上的差異 There is a big difference in quality between the trial order and the order of this time. -guarantee of quality 品質(zhì)保證 We request a guarantee of quality for a period of one year on all the goods you sell. -sacrifice quality 降低品質(zhì) If you sacrifice the quality and deliver goods of imperfect quality to us, well will refuse acceptance of them.
市場行情描述 市況上揚’: The market advances. The market gains. The market rises. ‘市況下挫’: The market declines. The market falls. The market loses. ‘市況活躍’: The market booms. The market is excited. The market becomes active. The market becomes brisk. ‘市況暴跌停滯’: The market slumps. The market becomes dull. The market breaks down. ‘市況走勢上揚,市況攀升走高’: The market is on the up grade. The market is on an upward trend. The market tends upward. ‘市況走勢下跌,市況下劃走低’: The market is on the down grade. The market tends downward. The market is on a downward trend. The market takes downward. ‘市況狂跌’: The market declines. The market drops. The market sags. ‘市況暴漲’: The market jumps. The market advances. The market soars. ● 市場行情百態(tài) [動詞]上揚情況:The market improves (好轉(zhuǎn)) / picks up (揚升) / hardens (轉(zhuǎn)趨堅俏) / stiffens (堅挺) / revives (復(fù)蘇) / rebounds (反彈) / regains (恢復(fù)) / rallies (重振) . 下跌趨勢:The market collapses (崩潰) / relaxes (疲軟) . 行情波動:The market fluctuates (波動). [形容詞]上揚情況:The market is strong (強勁) / firm (堅穩(wěn)) / exciting (活躍) / advancing (爬升) / healthy (健康). 下跌趨勢:The market is weak (疲軟) / soft (疲軟) / easy (緩慢). 平穩(wěn)不變:The market is quite (靜止) / calm (平靜) / unchanged (不變) / steady (平穩(wěn))/ supported (平持) 外貿(mào)英語常見縮寫 1 C&F(cost&freight)成本加運費價 2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)電匯 3 D/P(document against payment)付款交單 4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兌交單 5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原產(chǎn)地證 6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制 7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)紙箱 8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、個、支等 9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元 10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打 11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 12 WT(weight)重量 13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重 14 N.W.(net weight)凈重 15 C/D (customs declaration)報關(guān)單 16 EA(each)每個,各 17 W (with)具有 18 w/o(without)沒有 19 FAC(facsimile)傳真 20 IMP(import)進口 21 EXP(export)出口 22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的 23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度 24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中級的 25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船 26 S.S(steamship)船運 27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公噸 28 DOC (document)文件、單據(jù) 29 INT(international)國際的 30 P/L (packing list)裝箱單、明細表 31 INV (invoice)發(fā)票 32 PCT (percent)百分比 33 REF (reference)參考、查價 34 EMS (express mail special)特快傳遞 35 STL.(style)式樣、款式、類型 36 T或LTX或TX(telex)電傳 37 RMB(renminbi)人民幣 38 S/M (shipping marks)裝船標(biāo)記 39 PR或PRC(price) 價格 40 PUR (purchase)購買、購貨 41 S/C(sales contract)銷售確認書 42 L/C (letter of credit)信用證 43 B/L (bill of lading)提單 44 FOB (free on board)離岸價 45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保險加運費價
國際商標(biāo)許可合同格式(附英文) 本協(xié)議由________公司(以下稱為許可方)__________(以下稱為被許可方)于________年___月___日簽訂。 鑒于許可方擁有具有一定價值并經(jīng)注冊的商標(biāo)和服務(wù)標(biāo)志,且擁有并可出售其他如附文第一節(jié)所述的許可方財產(chǎn),其中包括“商標(biāo)”。這一商標(biāo)在廣播或電視中經(jīng)常使用,并出現(xiàn)在各種促銷和廣告業(yè)務(wù)中,得到公眾的廣泛認可,在公眾印象中與許可方有密切關(guān)系; 鑒于被許可方意于在制造、出售、分銷產(chǎn)品時使用這一商標(biāo); 因此考慮到雙方的保證,達成如下協(xié)議: 一、授權(quán)許可 1.產(chǎn)品 根據(jù)以下規(guī)定的條款,許可方授與被許可方,被許可方接受單獨使用這一商標(biāo)的許可權(quán)力,且只在制造和出售、分銷以下產(chǎn)品的使用。(加入產(chǎn)品描述) 2.地域 許可協(xié)議只在________地區(qū)有效。被許可方同意不在其他地區(qū)直接或間接使用或授權(quán)使用這一商標(biāo),且不在知情的情況下向有意或有可能在其他地區(qū)出售協(xié)議下產(chǎn)品的第三者銷售該產(chǎn)品。 3.期限 許可協(xié)議自________日生效,如未提前終止,至________日期滿。若滿足協(xié)議條件,本協(xié)議期限每年自動續(xù)展,直至最后一次續(xù)展終止于________年12月31日。始于________年12月31日,本許可協(xié)議在每一期末自動續(xù)展一年,到下一年的12月31日止,除非一方在協(xié)議到期前30天以前書面通知另一方終止協(xié)議的執(zhí)行。 二、付款方式 1.比例 被許可方同
合同翻譯的第一步——讀懂合同文件 轉(zhuǎn)載自《中國法制信息網(wǎng)》 傅偉良 摘 要:隨著我國加入世貿(mào)組織,對法律文件翻譯的研究,比如經(jīng)濟法規(guī)、合同文件的翻譯研究,將成為我們翻譯工作者的一個重要課題。本文在總結(jié)以往的經(jīng)驗基礎(chǔ)上,探討了合同翻譯,分析法律文件中英語語言特點,提出了合同等法律文件翻譯的技巧之一,即:合同翻譯的第一部 ———— 讀懂合同文件。 關(guān)鍵詞:法律文件;專業(yè)詞匯;句子結(jié)構(gòu) Abstract: After China’s entry into WTO, the study of translation of legal documents, such as the translation of economic laws, regulations and rules, and contract documents, will surely become a important research topic for translators. This article discusses sufficiently, on the basis of past experience, some language characteristics in the translation of legal documents, which shall be paid attention to. The article also provides detailed comments on the different English versions of translating the Contract Law to show some practical skills of translation of legal documents. Key words: legal documents; legal terminology; language structure; 隨著我國改革開放的進一步深化,世貿(mào)會組織的加入,經(jīng)濟領(lǐng)域的國際交往日趨頻繁,經(jīng)濟合作更加密切,國際間的一切經(jīng)濟活動,如貿(mào)易、金融、投資、經(jīng)濟合作等都離不開互相制約的合同。合同文件的翻譯已成為急待研究的課題。由于合同文件的翻譯直接關(guān)系到合同雙方的經(jīng)濟利益,因此譯文必須精確、無誤,這就需要充分理解原文的內(nèi)在含義,譯入語句構(gòu)嚴謹無懈、無漏,遣詞準確、鮮明、專業(yè)詞匯嫻熟,使譯文具有專業(yè)化、法律化的水準。 動手翻譯前要讀懂原文, 這原本是任何譯者都需要首先做到的,但在翻譯合同時尤其要強調(diào)這一點,為什么?因為這是做好合同翻譯的首要條件,合同語言不象文學(xué)語言那么有豐富的趣味性,看上隱了,不忍撒手,能讓你讀下去;也不象譯散文那么“短、平、快”。有速戰(zhàn)速決,優(yōu)美而感人??春贤募羌挚菰?、乏味的事,句子又長、術(shù)語也多,理解上又頗費功夫,許多人往往看不到一半就撒手不管了,或者望而卻步,不敢嘗試,或者草草看過,按照自己的理解應(yīng)付了事。因此,要讀懂合同原文,對提高合同的翻譯水平,如何強調(diào)都不過份。筆者認為要讀懂原文需注意下面幾個問題: 一. 理解法律文件中的專門用語 英語中某些副詞如“here”及“where”在法律文件中往往當(dāng)作前綴,與另一個詞構(gòu)成法律詞匯中的專門用語。在法律文件中用這些詞,可以避免重復(fù),避免誤解,避免歧義,使行文準確、簡潔。以這種方法構(gòu)成的詞主要有: hereafter, hereby, herein, hereof, hereto hereunder, hereupon, herewith, hereinbefore, hereinafter; thereafter, thereby, therein, thereinafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereunder, thereupon, therewith; whereas, whereby, wherein, whereof, whereon, etc。 這些詞各有各的含義,筆者只能撿其中幾個細說: 比如: 1. Hereby: by means of; by reason of this 之意,即特此,因此,茲等意。常用于法律文件、合同協(xié)議的正式文件的開頭語,在條款中需要強調(diào)時也可用。 舉原文說明,如: The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 文中: ★hereby 意為 by reason of this,特此的意思。 ★Covenants 是動詞,意為make a formal agreement 立約,簽訂合同。 ★ completion of the Works 是工程的竣工,Works與Work 在工程承包合同文件中常指工程而不是工作之意。 ★ therein意為in the Works在本工程中。 ★the Contract Price指合同總價,指工程的總造價。 ★ such…as是關(guān)系代詞,相當(dāng)于that, which,把要限定的詞置于such 與as之間使要限定的名詞十分明確,避免合同雙方在理解上發(fā)生爭議。 ★ under 意為in accordance with 根據(jù),按照之意,決不能譯成“在…….之下”。 ★ the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the contract 合同條件、條款之意。 在對文中專業(yè)性詞匯作了解釋之后,就不難理解這一段的含義了,也就是讀懂了。于是可以把原文譯為: 業(yè)主特此立約保證在合同規(guī)定的期限內(nèi),按合同規(guī)定的方式向承包人支付合同總價,或合同規(guī)定的其它應(yīng)支付的款項,作為本工程施工、竣工及修補工程中缺陷的報酬。 2.Heret to this,上文已提及的,比如表示“本合同雙方”可以說“the Parties hereto”,這里的hereto表示“to this Contract” “本協(xié)議附件4”可以譯為“Appendix 4 hereto”,這里的hereto表示“to this Agreement”。 讀下面的原文,可以進一步理解hereto 在文中的作用。 All disputes arising from the performance of this Contract shall, through amicable negotiations, be settled by the Parties hereto. Should, through negotiation, no settlement be reached, the case in question shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing and the arbitration rules of this commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the Parties hereto. The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission. 文中: ★ 兩次出現(xiàn)的hereto, 都是限定Parties, 表示the Parties to this Contract 本合同的雙方。 ★ “the performance of this Contract”履行本合同。 ★“through amicable negotiations” 通過友好協(xié)商。 ★should 表示如果發(fā)生什么情況,代替省掉的if。 ★“shall then be submitted for arbitration”應(yīng)提交進行仲裁。 ★ “the Chinese International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing” 中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(北京)。 ★ “the arbitration rules of this Commission” 仲裁規(guī)則。 ★“the award of the arbitration: 仲裁裁決。 ★ “unless otherwise awarded by the Arbitration Commission”仲裁委員會另有裁定的除外。 這樣,掃除了上述專業(yè)詞匯的障礙,可把原文譯為: 對于因履行本合同所發(fā)生的一切爭議,本合同雙方應(yīng)友好協(xié)商解決,如協(xié)商無法解決爭議,則應(yīng)將爭議提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(北京),依據(jù)仲裁規(guī)則仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局性的,對雙方都有約束力。仲裁費用應(yīng)由敗訴方承擔(dān),但仲裁委員會另有裁定的除外。 3.Herein: in this 此中,于此。表示上文已提及的….,如遇到“本合同(中)的….”,“本法(中)的……”等行文時,用該詞。比如,“本法(中)所稱的不正當(dāng)競爭,….”可以譯為“unfair competition mentioned herein….此中的herein 意為“in this law” 又如“本協(xié)議(中)的內(nèi)容”,可譯為“the contents herein”,此中的herein 意為“ in this Agreement”. 看下面兩段文字,可以加深領(lǐng)會herein及其它幾個專門用語。 Unfair competition mentioned in this law refers to such acts of business operators as contravene the provisions hereof, with a result of damaging the lawful rights and interests of other business operators, and disturbing the socio-economic order. Business operators mentioned herein refer to such legal persons, other economic organizations and individuals as engage in the trading of goods or profit-making services (hereinafter called Goods including services). 注:上文中出現(xiàn)了3個法律文件中的專門用語:hereof: of this 關(guān)于此點。在本文件中之意,表示在上文已提及的。出現(xiàn)本合同的…..,“本文件的……”時,使用該詞。如“本合同條件,條款……”可譯為 “the terms, conditions and provisions hereof…..”此中的hereof表示“of this Contract”;又如“本工程的任何部分”可譯為“any parts hereof”, 此中的hereof 意為“of this Works”. 文中: ★ “hereof 意為the provisions of this law。 ★ herein, 在文中的意思是(Business operators mentioned)in this law。 ★ hereinafter:later in the same Contract,以下;在下文,一般與to be referred to as; referred to as; called 等詞或詞組連用,以避免重復(fù)。 ★ unfair competition 不正當(dāng)競爭。 ★ mentioned in this law: 本法所稱。 ★ contravene the provisions hereof: 違反本法規(guī)定。 ★ damage the lawful rights and interests of other business operators: 損害其他經(jīng)營者的合法權(quán)益。 ★ disturb the socio-economic order:攏亂社會經(jīng)濟秩序。 原文可譯為: 本法所稱的不正當(dāng)競爭,是指經(jīng)營者違反本法規(guī)定,損害其他經(jīng)營者的合法權(quán)益,擾亂社會經(jīng)濟秩序的行為。 本法所稱的經(jīng)營者,是指從事商品經(jīng)營或營利性服務(wù)(以下所稱商品包括服務(wù))的法人、其他經(jīng)濟組織和個人。 4.Therein: in that; in that particular context; in that respect. 在那里;在那點上,在那方面等之意,表示上文已提及的,“合同中的……..”“工程中的…….”等可用此詞。如“修補工程中的缺陷”,可以譯為“the remedying of any defects therein”, 此中的therein 表示“ in the Works”; 又如“用于工程中的材料或機械設(shè)備”可譯為“materials or plant for incorporation therein”, 此中的therein 也表示“ in the Works”。 現(xiàn)用一小段原文來加強therein這個字的印象: “Temporary Works” means all temporary works of every kind (other than the Contractor’s Equipment) required in or about the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein. 文中: ★therein是指in the Works 工程中的。 ★ Temporary Works: 臨時性工程,是指為永久性工程服務(wù)的工程,永久性工程建成后應(yīng)予以拆除。建造臨時工程的費用,按國際FIDIC 合同條件規(guī)定,應(yīng)由承包人負責(zé)。 ★ Defects:缺陷,指工程施工出現(xiàn)的問題,即工程本身存在的問題,而不是因業(yè)主使用不當(dāng)造成的。 ★ The execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects therein: 工程施工、竣工和修補工程中任何缺陷。請注意原文中的兩個and的譯法。一般一項工程分為兩個階段:第一階段包括工程設(shè)計、施工、竣工;第二階段是修補工程缺陷。由此可見,第一個and是指第一階段的兩個工程程序,第二and是為了區(qū)分工程的兩個階段,用詞、結(jié)構(gòu)無誤,表達意思明確。 這段原文可譯為: 臨時工程是指在工程施工、竣工和修補工程中任何缺陷時需要或與有關(guān)的所有各種臨時工程,(但承包人的設(shè)備除外)。 5.Whereas: considering that, 鑒于,就……而論(法律用語)。此詞常用于合同,協(xié)議書的開頭段落,引出合同雙方要訂立合同的理由或依據(jù)。 請看下面的三小段: Whereas Party B has the right and agrees to grant Party A the right to use, manufacture and sell the Contract Products of Patented Technology; Whereas Party A desires to use the Patented Technology of Party B to manufacture and sell the Contract Products; The Representatives authorized by the Parties to this Contract have, through friendly negotiation, agreed to enter into this Contract under the terms, conditions and provisions specified as follows: 文中: ★兩個whereas都作“鑒于”解。 ★ to grant Party A the rights to use, manufacture and sell the Contract Products of patented Technology: 將專利技術(shù)的合同產(chǎn)品的使用權(quán)、制造權(quán)和銷售權(quán)授予甲方。 ★ The Representatives authorized by the Parties to this Contract: 雙方授權(quán)代表 ★ Under the terms, conditions and provisions specified as follows: 就以下條款。 消除了這些專門詞匯的攔路虎之后,原文即可譯成: 鑒于乙方有權(quán)并同意將專利技術(shù)的合同產(chǎn)品的使用權(quán)、制造權(quán)和銷售權(quán)授予甲方; 鑒于甲方希望利用乙方的專利技術(shù)制造并銷售合同的產(chǎn)品; 雙方授權(quán)代表經(jīng)友好協(xié)商,同意就以下條款簽訂本合同: 為了維護法律的權(quán)威性,在擬訂合同法時常常使用這些平時罕見的、法律文件中專用的正式詞匯,因此在閱讀或翻譯或擬訂合同時,必須學(xué)會運用、處理這些詞匯。 二)合同中常用的專門用詞及詞組 1.關(guān)于shall與should shall在合同文件中是使用頻率最高的詞,在合同文件中shall表示強制性承擔(dān)法律或合同所規(guī)定的義務(wù),在表達“應(yīng)該”或“必須”做某事時,應(yīng)用“shall”而不能用“ must”或“should”,但有時可用“will”,力度比shall弱。 Should在法律文件中往往作“if”解,只表示“如果”之意。 如: The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the Chairman. Should the chairman be absent, the vice-Chairman shall, in principle, call and preside over the board meeting. 文中: ★ 兩個shall,都表示有責(zé)任做,應(yīng)該做之意。 ★ Should: If 表示如果。 ★ board meeting:董事會會議。 ★ preside over:主持。 原文可譯為: 董事會會議應(yīng)由董事長召集、主持;如董事長缺席,原則上應(yīng)由副董事長召集、主持。
2. Unless otherwise Unless otherwise: 除外。比 “if not”和 “otherwise”表達正式。 該詞由兩個同義詞“ unless” 和“otherwise”組成,otherwise有代詞作用,后面一般跟動詞的過去分詞限定,意為:除非另…….:如“除非合同另有規(guī)定”可譯為“unless otherwise specified in the Contract”, 又如“除非信用證另有規(guī)定”可譯為“ unless otherwise specified in the Letter of Credit.” 如: These articles shall apply to documentary credits, including stand by letters of credit, to the extent to which the credits in question shall be applicable, and shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the Parties thereto. 文中: ★ unless otherwise,表示除非合同雙方另有約定。 ★ these articles 指本條文 ★ apply to 適用,適用于, ★ in question: under consideration; being discussed about 即“在考慮中的或議論中的”某事、某問題,可譯成“這”或“該”, 比如“該事項”, 可譯為“the matter in question”,這是合同中長用的專業(yè)詞組。 比如: Party A agrees to acquire from Party B and Party B agrees to transfer to Party A the Patented Technology for contract Products. The Patented Technology in question shall be the same technology as the technology of Party B’s latest products. 文中的the Patented Technology in question 是指前句中的the Patented Technology, 用了in question 就可以省略“在前句中的……”這樣一句話,十分簡捷鮮明。 例句可譯為:甲方同意從乙方獲得乙方同意向甲方轉(zhuǎn)讓的合同產(chǎn)品的專利技術(shù)。這種技術(shù)應(yīng)與乙方最新產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)完全一致。 ★ Shall be binding on the Parties to the Contract: 對合同各有關(guān)方面均具有約束力。 原文可譯為: 本條文適用于一切跟單信用證,并包括在其適用范圍內(nèi)的備用信用證,對合同各有關(guān)方面均具有約束力,除非另有約定。 3. In accordance with: under; pursuant to 這三個詞組都作“根據(jù)”,“按照”解,是法律文件中常用的詞組,比according to 正式。試看例文: 例1: On the FOB basis, the Buyer shall book shipping space in accordance with the date of shipment specified in the contract. 文中: ★ in accordance with the date of shipment:根據(jù)裝運日期 ★ FOB= Free on board: 船上交貨。按照1999年9月國際商會公布的《2000年國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語解釋通則》的規(guī)定,采用此術(shù)語,賣方將貨物在合同指定的裝運港裝到買方的船上,即完成交貨。賣方承擔(dān)貨物越過船舷以前的風(fēng)險和費用;買方承擔(dān)其后的風(fēng)險和費用。采用此術(shù)語時,在FOB 后面常要注明裝運港名稱,如FOB Shanghai. ★ book shipping space: 洽定艙位。 原文可譯為: 按照FOB條件,由買方負責(zé)根據(jù)合同規(guī)定的裝運日期洽定艙位。 注意:文中的買方或賣方,為合同的專門詞匯,都要大寫。中譯英時需注意這一點。 例2: When, under the laws and approval from the relevant authorities, a limited liability company is converted into a company limited by shares, the total amount which shares are converted into shall be equivalent to the amount of the company’s net assets. 文中: ★under the laws:依法,按照法律 ★a limited liability company:有限責(zé)任公司 ★a company limited by shares: 股份有限公司 ★be equivalent to : 相等,相當(dāng)于 ★the amount of the company’s net assets: 公司凈資產(chǎn)額 原文則可譯為: 有限責(zé)任公司依法經(jīng)批準變更為股份有限公司時,折合的股份總額應(yīng)當(dāng)相等于公司凈資產(chǎn)額。 4. Provided that Provided that: 但規(guī)定,規(guī)定;但是,等意。對合同的某一條款需要作進一步規(guī)定時或在作規(guī)定時語氣轉(zhuǎn)折時常用此詞組。在中譯英時,要學(xué)會使用此詞組,有時中文字面上并未見“但規(guī)定”,或“進一步規(guī)定”的字辭,但內(nèi)含此義,可先將中文作“語內(nèi)譯”,若含有上述兩義,應(yīng)運用“provided that” 詞組。例: An irrevocable credit shall be deemed to constitute a definite under taking of the issuing bank. Provided that if the stipulated documents are presented and are complied with the terms, conditions and provisions of the credit, and if the credit provides for sight payment, the payment shall be made or shall be guaranteed to be made. 文中: ★provided that對信用證的承諾性作了進一步規(guī)定。 ★be deemed 被認為,被稱為,視為等,是法律文件中的正式用語,比“ be believed; be considered”正式。 如: In the absence of such indication, the credit shall be deemed to be revocable.可譯為:如無該項表示,信用證應(yīng)視作是可撤銷的。 ★shall be deemed to constitute a definite undertaking of the issuing bank: 應(yīng)被子認為構(gòu)成開證行的確定承諾。 ★Irrevocable 是revocable 加否定前綴構(gòu)成,不可撤銷之意。 ★The credit provides for sight payment:即期付款信用證。 原文可譯為: 不可撤銷信用證,應(yīng)被認為構(gòu)成開證行的規(guī)定承諾。(但規(guī)定)如提交了規(guī)定的單據(jù)并符合信用證條款,并系即期付款信用證時,則進行付款或保證該款的照付。 除上述法律文件中常用詞組外,還有若干,如in respect of; in respect thereof (關(guān)于關(guān)于上文已提及的事項);in the event of , in the event that ( 如果;如果……..發(fā)生,比when正式);in case, the (the ) case of (如果;萬一,一旦,);be liable for; be liable to ( 應(yīng)付有責(zé)任);in Testimony whereof: in Witness whereof (以此為證,特立此證); know all Men by these presents (根據(jù)本文件;特此宣布);undersigned: (法律文件末尾的簽名者,若前有定冠詞the,是指文件簽署者的自稱;now therefore, (特此;因此,一般與whereas 連用,其后邊常跟hereby. 譯成“茲”,“特此”)。由于篇幅之限,就不一一細述了。 三) 讀懂合同的法律文件的句子結(jié)構(gòu) 合同文件及其他法律文件中的英文句子具有結(jié)構(gòu)嚴謹、句式較長的特點,這是為了使表達的內(nèi)容準確、嚴密、清楚、易解(無歧意)而特別設(shè)定的句式。其中主要是狀語的定位問題,主句的狀語和從句的狀語都各居各位,也是為了不與定語相混淆。認真研究句構(gòu),掌握其中的規(guī)律,無論是中譯英,還是英譯中,或是擬草條款,都能得心應(yīng)手。 1. 主句中的狀語位置 由于法律的語言特點,法律文件中的英語句子的狀語有其自己的規(guī)則,其位置與基礎(chǔ)英語中的頻度副詞(如often, sometime, never等)的位置相同,一般放在助動詞之后,行為動詞之前。 比如復(fù)合句,主句的狀語位置應(yīng)放在shall之后,動詞之前,如:在講解hereto這個問題時舉的例句中,就有through amicable negotiations這個狀語短語插入到shall 與be settled之間,修飾be settled。 又如: The securities regulatory authorities under the State Council shall, in accordance with law, implement centralized and unified regulation and supervision of the securities market nationwide. The securities regulatory authorities under the State Council may, where necessary, establish agencies that shall perform the regulatory functions as authorized. (國務(wù)院證券監(jiān)督管理機構(gòu)依法對全國證券市場實行集中統(tǒng)一監(jiān)督管理。國務(wù)院證券監(jiān)督管理機構(gòu)根據(jù)需要可以設(shè)立派出機構(gòu),按照授權(quán)履行監(jiān)督管理職責(zé)。) 如果把第一句中的插入狀語移動到句末,即nationwide之后就有可能把其誤解成market nationwide的定語或是狀語,但修飾動詞implement的勢力很弱,可用一個很簡單的例子來說明這一點,如: I fed the white dog there. There 放在句末就有可能產(chǎn)生兩種句意: 其一:I fed the white dog which was there. 其二:In that place I fed the white dog. 因此為了避免發(fā)生這樣的歧義,使表達的意思準確,主句的狀語便緊緊地設(shè)定在shall之后,行為動詞之前,以最捷徑的辦法限定動詞,避免誤解。第二句中的where necessary, 以同樣的道理,設(shè)定在may 與establish之間。 2.狀語在從句中的位置 法律文件,合同文件中常常用復(fù)合句,從句中的狀語與主句中的狀語應(yīng)各有其位,不能互相混淆,分辨不清、產(chǎn)生歧義,造成合同雙方爭議,因此從句中的狀語通常都鎖定在從句之內(nèi),狀語一般開門見山,放在從句連接詞(when, if 等)之后,從句主體句之前,常用逗號分隔,以示其是插入的狀語。如: Where, through securities trading at a stock exchange, an investor comes to hold 5 percent of shares issued by a listed company, the investor shall, within three days from the date on which such share holding becomes a fact, submit a written report to the Securities Regulatory Authorities under the State Council and the Stock Exchange, notify the listed company and make the fact known to the public. 這個句子較長,主要是由于插入的狀語、定語及狀語從句造成的,where引導(dǎo)的狀語從句中又插入了一個狀語短語,其位置就在連接詞where之后,從句主體句之前,即an investor 之前:這個詞組是修飾investor comes to hold 的方式狀語,若把這個詞組放到從句之后,或主句之后都是產(chǎn)生歧義誤解的因素。 此句的主句中在shall之后也插入一個狀語短語within three days from the date, 后又接一個定語從句修飾date 直到a fact, submit是主句謂語動詞與shall 相配,另外還有兩個與之并列的兩個謂語動詞及其賓語。 如此解讀后,句中的狀語短語及狀語從句都一目了然,句中各部分關(guān)系清晰明了。可譯成如下中文: 通過證券交易所的證券交易,投資者持有一個上市公司已發(fā)行的股份的百分之五時,應(yīng)當(dāng)在該事實發(fā)生之日起三日內(nèi)向國務(wù)院證券監(jiān)督管理機構(gòu)、證券交易所作出書面報告,通知該上市公司,并予以公告。 3. 狀語從句的簡略形式在句中的位置 狀語從句的簡略形式應(yīng)插入主句,其位置等同于主句中狀語短語的位置。在shall之后,行為動詞之前。如 The Borrower shall, if required, reimburse the Agent or the Bank in question the same amount of such taxes, duties, levies, penalties or interests as are paid by the Agent or the Bank. (如果代理行或任何銀行支付了任何上述稅款、罰金和利息,則借款人一經(jīng)要求即應(yīng)如數(shù)補償代理行或該行。) 此原文中的“if required” 一經(jīng)要求,是if 狀從的省略式,插入主句之中,文中的such…..as是定從的關(guān)系代詞,以這種方式把它從所要修飾限定的詞鎖定,如果用which 或that修飾,就會發(fā)生歧義,which 或that限定的是interests還是上述五個名詞,用such……as就避免了這樣的歧義發(fā)生。 讀懂合同、法律文件是翻譯合同文件的基礎(chǔ),以上所讀是筆者最近十幾年來的研究成果,可望與同行共習(xí)之。 合同翻譯的第一步 —— 讀懂合同文件 傅偉良 摘 要:隨著我國加入世貿(mào)組織,對法律文件翻譯的研究,比如經(jīng)濟法規(guī)、合同文件的翻譯研究,將成為我們翻譯工作者的一個重要課題。本文在總結(jié)以往的經(jīng)驗基礎(chǔ)上,探討了合同翻譯,分析法律文件中英語語言特點,提出了合同等法律文件翻譯的技巧之一,即:合同翻譯的第一步 ———— 讀懂合同文件。 關(guān)鍵詞:法律文件;專業(yè)詞匯;句子結(jié)構(gòu)
售貨合同 SALES CONTRACT 合同編號: Contract N 簽訂地點: Signed at: 簽訂日期: Date: 買方: The Buyers: 賣方: The Sellers: 雙方同意按下列條款由買方售出下列商品: The Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below: (1)商品名稱、規(guī)格及包裝 (1)Name of Commodity ,Specifications and Packing (2)數(shù)量 (2)Quantity (3)單價 (3)Unit Price (4)總值 (4)Total value (裝運數(shù)量允許有 %的增減)(Shipment Quantity %more or less allowed) (5)裝運期限:(5)Time of Shipment: (6)裝運口岸: (6)Port of loading: (7)目的口岸: (7)Port of Destination: (8)保險;由 方負責(zé),按本合同總值110%投保_____險。(8)Insurance:To be covered by the___for 110% of the invoice value against_______. (9)付款:憑保兌的、不可撤銷的、可轉(zhuǎn)讓的、可分割的即期有電報套匯條款/見票/出票____天期付款信用證,信用證以_____為受益人并允許分批裝運和轉(zhuǎn)船。該信用證必須在______前開到賣方,信用證的有效期應(yīng)為上述裝船期后第15天,在中國______到期,否則賣方有權(quán)取消本售貨合約,不另行通知,并保留因此而發(fā)生的一切損失的索賠權(quán)。(9)Terms of Payment:By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit in favour of _____payable at sight with TT reimbursement clause/___days’/sight/date allowing partial shipment and transshipment. The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers before _____and is to remain valid in _____.China until the 15th day after the aforesaid time of shipment, failing which the Sellers reserve the right to cancel this Sales Contract without further notice and to claim from the Buyers for losses resulting therefrom. (10)商品檢驗:以中國________所簽發(fā)的品質(zhì)/數(shù)量/重量/包裝/衛(wèi)生檢驗合格證書作為賣方的交貨依據(jù)。(10)Inspection:The Inspection Certificate of Quality / Quantity / Weight / Packing / Sanitation issued by_______of China shall be regarded as evidence of the Sellers’ delivery. (11)裝運嘜頭:(11)Shipping Marks: 其他條款: OTHER TERMS: 1. 異議:品質(zhì)異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起30天內(nèi)提出,數(shù)量異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起15天內(nèi)提出,但均須提供經(jīng)賣方同意的公證行的檢驗證明。如責(zé)任屬于賣方者,賣方于收到異議20天內(nèi)答復(fù)買方并提出處理意見。 1. Discrepancy:In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized Public Surveyors agreed to by the Sellers. Should the responsibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on the part of the Sellers, the Sellers shall, within 20 days after receipt of the claim, send their reply to the Buyers together with suggestion for settlement. 2. 信用證內(nèi)應(yīng)明確規(guī)定賣方有權(quán)可多裝或少裝所注明的百分數(shù),并按實際裝運數(shù)量議付。(信用證之金額按本售貨合約金額增加相應(yīng)的百分數(shù)。) 2. The covering Letter of Credit shall stipulate the Sellers’s option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted and be negotiated for the amount covering the value of quantity actually shipped. (The Buyers are requested to establish the L/C in amount with the indicated percentage over the total value of the order as per this Sales Contract.) 3. 信用證內(nèi)容須嚴格符合本售貨合約的規(guī)定,否則修改信用證的費用由買方負擔(dān),賣方并不負因修改信用證而延誤裝運的責(zé)任,并保留因此而發(fā)生的一切損失的索賠權(quán)。 3. The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in strict conformity with the stipulations of the Sales Contract. In case of any variation there of necessitating amendment of the L/C, the Buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The Sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C and reserve the right to claim from the Buyers for the losses resulting therefrom. 4. 除經(jīng)約定保險歸買方投保者外,由賣方向中國的保險公司投保。如買方需增加保險額及/或需加保其他險,可于裝船前提出,經(jīng)賣方同意后代為投保,其費用由買方負擔(dān)。 4. Except in cases where the insurance is covered by the Buyers as arranged, insurance is to be covered by the Sellers with a Chinese insurance company. If insurance for additional amount and /or for other insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers’ agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the Buyers’ account. 5. 因人力不可抗拒事故使賣方不能在本售貨合約規(guī)定期限內(nèi)交貨或不能交貨,賣方不負責(zé)任,但是賣方必須立即以電報通知買方。如果買方提出要求,賣方應(yīng)以掛號函向買方提供由中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會或有關(guān)機構(gòu)出具的證明,證明事故的存在。買方不能領(lǐng)到進口許可證,不能被認為系屬人力不可抗拒范圍。 5. The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, to make delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales Contract or cannot deliver the goods. However, the Sellers shall inform immediately the Buyers by cable. The Sellers shall deliver to the Buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authorities, attesting the existence of the said cause or causes. The Buyers’ failure to obtain the relative Import Licence is not to be treated as Force Majeure. 6. 仲裁:凡因執(zhí)行本合約或有關(guān)本合約所發(fā)生的一切爭執(zhí),雙方應(yīng)以友好方式協(xié)商解決;如果協(xié)商不能解決,應(yīng)提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會,根據(jù)該會的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。 6. Arbitration:All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by way of amicable negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case at issue shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisions of the said Commission. The award by the said Commission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties. 7. 附加條款(本合同其他條款如與本附加條款有抵觸時,以本附加條款為準。): 7. Supplementary Condition(s)(Should the articles stipulated in this Contract be in conflict with the following supplementary condition(s),the supplementary condition(s)should be taken as valid and binding.) 賣方(Sellers): 買方(Buyers):
銷售確認書(2) SALES CONFIRMATION 合同編號: Contract N 簽訂日期: Date: 簽訂地點: Signed at: 賣方: The Sellers:地址: 傳真: Address: Fax: 買方: The Buyers:地址: 傳真: Address: Fax: 茲買賣雙方同意成交下列商品訂立條款如下: The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 1.貨物名稱及規(guī)格 Name of Commodity and Specification 2. 數(shù)量 Quantity 3. 單價 Unit Price 4.金額 Amount 5.總值 Total value 數(shù)量及總值均得有 %的增減,由賣方?jīng)Q定。 With % more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the Seller’s option. 6. 包裝: Packing: 7.裝運期限 : □ 收到可以轉(zhuǎn)船及分批裝運之信用證 天內(nèi)裝 出。 Time of Shipment: □ Within days after receipt of L/C allowing transhipment and partial shipment. 8. 裝運口岸: Port of Loading: 9. 目的港: Port of Destination: 10.付款條件: □ 開給我方100%不可撤銷即期付款及可轉(zhuǎn)讓可分割之信用證,并須注明可在上述裝運日期后15天內(nèi)在中國議付有效。 Terms of Payment: □ By 100% confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible Letter of Credit to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the aforesaid Time of Shipment. 11.保險: □ 按中國保險條款,保綜合險及戰(zhàn)爭險(不包括罷工險)。 Insurance: □ Covering all risks and war risk only (excluding S.R.C.C.) as per the China Insurance Clauses. □ 由客戶自理。 □ To be effected by the buyers. 12. 裝 船 標(biāo) 記: Shipping Mark: 13. 雙方同意以裝運港中國進出口商品檢驗局簽發(fā)的品質(zhì)的數(shù)量(重量)檢驗證書作為信用證項下議付所提出單據(jù)的一部分。買方有權(quán)對貨物的品質(zhì)和數(shù)量(重量)進行復(fù)驗,復(fù)驗費由買方負擔(dān)。如發(fā)現(xiàn)品質(zhì)或數(shù)量(重量)與合同不符,買方有權(quán)向賣方索賠。但須提供經(jīng)賣方同意的公證機構(gòu)出具之檢驗報告。 It is mutually agreed that the Inspection Certificate of Quality (Weight) issued by the China Import and Export Commodity Ispection Bureau at the port of shipment shall be part of the documents to be presented for negotiation under the relevant L/C. The buyers shall have the right to reinspect the Quality and Quality (Weight) of the cargo. The reinspection fee shall be borne by the Buyers. Should the Quality and/or Quantity (Weight) be found not in conformity with that of the contract, the Buyers are entitled to lodge with the Sellers a claim which should be supported by survey reports issued by a recognized Surveyer approved by the Sellers. 14. 備注 REMARKS: (1) 買方須于 年 月 日前開到本批交易的信用證(或通知售方進口許可證號碼),否則,售方有權(quán)不 經(jīng)通知取消本確認書,或接受買方對本約未執(zhí)行的全部或一部,或?qū)σ虼嗽馐艿膿p失提出索賠。 The buyers shall have the covering Letter of Credit reach the Sellers (or notify the Import. License Number)before ________ otherwise the Sellers reserve the right to rescind without further notice or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyers, or to lodge a claim for lossees this sustained of any. (2) 凡以CIF條件成交的業(yè)務(wù),保額為發(fā)票的110%, 投保險別以本售貨確認書中所開列的為限,買方要求增加保額或保險范圍,應(yīng)于裝船前經(jīng)售方同意,因此而增加的保險費由買方負責(zé)。 For transactions concluded on C.I.F.basis it is undrstood that the insurance amount will be for 110% of the invoice value against the risks specified in the Sales Confirmation. If additional Insurance amount of coverage is required, the buyers must have the consent of the Sellers before Shipment and the additional premium is to be borne by the buyers. (3) 品質(zhì)數(shù)量異議:如買方提出索賠,凡屬品質(zhì)異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起3個月內(nèi)提出,凡屬數(shù)量異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起15在內(nèi)提出,對所裝運物所提任何異議屬于保險公司、輪船公司及其他有關(guān)運輸機構(gòu)或郵遞機構(gòu)所負責(zé)者,售方不負任何責(zé)任。 QUATLITY/QUANTITY DISCREPANCY: In case of quality discrepancey, claim should be filed by the Buyers within 3 months after the arrival of the goods at port of destination, while of quantity discrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It is understood that the Sellers shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping company, other transportation, organization/or Post Office are liable. (4) 本確認書所述全部或部分商品,如因人力不可抗拒的原因,以致不能履約或延遲交貨,售方概不負責(zé)。 The Sellers shall not be held liable for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Confirmation on consequence of any Force Majeure incidents. (5) 買方開給售方的信用證上請?zhí)钭⒈敬_認書號碼。 The buyers are requested always to quote THE NUMBER OF THIS SALES CONFIRMATION in the Letter of Credit to be opened in favour of the Sellers. (6) 仲裁: 凡因執(zhí)行本合同或與本合同有關(guān)事項所發(fā)生的一切爭執(zhí), 應(yīng)由雙方通過友好的方式協(xié)商解決。 如果不能取得協(xié)議時,則在被告國家根據(jù)被告仲裁機構(gòu)的仲裁程序規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁決定是終局的,對雙方具有同等約束力。仲裁費用除非仲裁機構(gòu)另有決定外,均由敗訴一方負擔(dān)。 Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by negotiation between two parties. If no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in the country of defendant in accordance with the arbitration regulations of the arbitration organization of the defendant country. The decision made by the arbitration organization shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties. The arbitratio expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization. (7) 買方收到本售貨確認書后立即簽回一份,如買方對本確認書有異議,應(yīng)于收到后5天內(nèi)提出,否則認為買方已同意本確認書所規(guī)定的各項條款。 The Buyers are requested to sign and return one copy of this Sales Confirmation immediately after receipt of the same. Objection, if any, should be raise by the Buyers within five days after the receipt of this Sales Confirmation, in the absence of which it is understood that the Buyers have accepted the terms and conditions of the Sales Confirmation. 賣 方 買 方 THE SELLERS THE BUYERS
銷售代理協(xié)議 Sales Agency Agreement 合同編號: Contract N 簽訂日期: Date: 為在平等互利的基礎(chǔ)上發(fā)展貿(mào)易,有關(guān)方按下列條件簽訂本協(xié)議: This Agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows: 1. 訂約人 Contracting Parties 供貨人(以下稱甲方):銷售代理人(以下稱乙方):甲方委托乙方為銷售代理人,推銷下列商品。 Supplier: (hereinafter called “party A”) Agent:(hereinafter called “party B”) Party A hereby appoint Party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below. 2. 商品名稱及數(shù)量或金額 Commodity and Quantity or Amount 雙方約定,乙方在協(xié)議有效期內(nèi), 銷售不少于**的商品。 It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than… of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreement。 3. 經(jīng)銷地區(qū) Territory 只限在…..。 In … only. 4. 訂單的確認 Confirmation of Orders 本協(xié)議所規(guī)定商品的數(shù)量、價格及裝運條件等,應(yīng)在每筆交易中確認,其細目應(yīng)在雙方簽訂的銷售協(xié)議書中作出規(guī)定。 The quantities, prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto. 5. 付款 Payment 訂單確認之后,乙方須按照有關(guān)確認書所規(guī)定的時間開立以甲方為受益人的保兌的、不可撤銷的即期信用證。乙方開出信用證后,應(yīng)立即通知甲方,以便甲方準備交貨。 After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favour of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after L/C is opened so that Party A can get prepared for delivery. 6. 傭金 Commission 在本協(xié)議期滿時,若乙方完成了第二款所規(guī)定的數(shù)額,甲方應(yīng)按裝運貨物所收到的發(fā)票累計總金額付給乙方*%的傭金。 Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B’s fullfilment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B… % commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value against the shipments effected. 7. 市場情況報告 Reports on Market Conditions 乙方每3個月向甲方提供一次有關(guān)當(dāng)時市場情況和用戶意見的詳細報告。同時,乙方應(yīng)隨時向甲方提供其他供應(yīng)商的類似商品樣品及其價格、銷售情況和廣告資料。 Party B shall forward once every three months to party A detailed reports on current market conditions and of consumers’ comments. Meanwhile, Party B shall,from time to time, send to party A samples of similar commodities offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales information and advertising materials. 8. 宣傳廣告費用 Advertising & Publicity Expenses 在本協(xié)議有效期內(nèi),乙方在上述經(jīng)銷地區(qū)所作廣告宣傳的一切費用,由乙方自理。乙方須事先向甲方提供宣傳廣告的圖案及文字說明,由甲方審閱同意。 Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all patterns and/or drawings and description for prior approval. 9. 協(xié)議有效期 Validity of Agreement 本協(xié)議經(jīng)雙方簽字后生效,有效期為**天,自**至**。若一方希望延長本協(xié)議,則須在本協(xié)議期滿前1個月書面通知另一方,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商決定。若協(xié)議一方未履行協(xié)議條款,另一方有權(quán)終止協(xié)議。 This Agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for… days from … to … If either Party wishes to extend this Agreement, he shall notice, in writing, the other party one month prior to its expiration. The matter shall be decided by the agreement and by consent of the parties hereto. Should either party fail to implement the terms and conditions herein, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement. 10. 仲裁 Arbitration 在履行協(xié)議過程中,如產(chǎn)生爭議,雙方應(yīng)友好協(xié)商解決。若通過友好協(xié)商達不成協(xié)議,則提交中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會對外貿(mào)易仲裁委員會,根據(jù)該會仲裁程序暫行規(guī)定進行仲裁。該委員會的決定是終局的,對雙方均具有約束力。仲裁費用,除另有規(guī)定外,由敗訴一方負擔(dān)。 All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The decision made by this Commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party ,unless otherwise awarded. 11. 其他條款 Other Terms & Conditions (1) 甲方不得向經(jīng)銷地區(qū)其他買主供應(yīng)本協(xié)議所規(guī)定的商品。如有詢價,當(dāng)轉(zhuǎn)達給乙方洽辦。若有買主希望從甲方直接訂購,甲方可以供貨,但甲方須將有關(guān)銷售確認書副本寄給乙方,并按所達成交易的發(fā)票金額給予乙方*%的傭金。 Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to any other buyer(s) in the above mentioned territory. Direct enquiries, if any, will be referred to Party B. However, should any other buyers wish to deal with Party A directly, Party A may do so. But party A shall send to Party B a copy of Sales Confirmation and give Party B…% commission on the basis of the net invoice value of the transaction(s)concluded. (2) 若乙方在*月內(nèi)未能向甲方提供至少**訂貨,甲方不承擔(dān)本協(xié)議的義務(wù)。 Should Party B fail to pass on his orders to Party A in a period of … months for a minimum of …, Party A shall not bind himself to this Agreement. (3) 對雙方政府間的貿(mào)易,甲方有權(quán)按其政府的授權(quán)進行有關(guān)的直接貿(mào)易,而不受本協(xié)議約束。乙方不得干涉此種直接貿(mào)易,也無權(quán)向甲方提出任何補償或傭金要求。 For any business transacted between governments of both Parties, Party A may handle such direct dealings as authorized by Party A’s government without binding himself to this Agreement. Party B shall not interfere in such direct dealings nor shall Party B bring forward any demand for compensation therefrom. (4) 本協(xié)議受簽約雙方所簽訂的銷售確認條款的制約。 This Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions in the Sales Confirmation signed by both parties hereto. 本協(xié)議于**年*月*日在**簽訂,正本兩份,甲乙雙方各執(zhí)一份。 This Agreement is signed on … at… and is in two originals;each Party holds one. 甲方:(簽字) Party A: (Signature) 乙方: (簽字) Party B: (Signature)
外貿(mào)常用詞匯 ——————-國際貿(mào)易———————- 出口信貸 export credit 出口津貼 export subsidy 商品傾銷 dumping 外匯傾銷 exchange dumping 優(yōu)惠關(guān)稅 special preferences 保稅倉庫 bonded warehouse 貿(mào)易順差 favorable balance of trade 貿(mào)易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 進口配額制 import quotas 自由貿(mào)易區(qū) free trade zone 對外貿(mào)易值 value of foreign trade 國際貿(mào)易值 value of international trade 普遍優(yōu)惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠國待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT ——————-價格條件———————- 價格術(shù)語trade term (price term) 運費freight 單價 price 碼頭費wharfage 總值 total value 卸貨費landing charges 金額 amount 關(guān)稅customs duty 凈價 net price 印花稅stamp duty 含傭價price including commission 港口稅portdues 回傭return commission 裝運港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸貨港port of discharge 批發(fā)價 wholesale price 目的港portof destination 零售價 retail price 進口許口證inportlicence 現(xiàn)貨價格spot price 出口許口證exportlicence 期貨價格forward price 現(xiàn)行價格(時價)current price prevailingprice 國際市場價格 world (International)Marketprice 離岸價(船上交貨價)FOB-free on board 成本加運費價(離岸加運費價) C&F-cost and freight 到岸價(成本加運費、保險費價)CIF-cost,insurance and freight ——————–交貨條件———————- 交貨delivery 輪船steamship(縮寫S.S) 裝運、裝船shipment 租船charter (the chartered shep) 交貨時間 time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter; 裝運期限time of shipment 定期租船time
聘方 受聘方
年 月 日 簽訂于 中國北京
The English Language & Literature Department of XX University, China (the engaging party) has engaged Professor XXX ( the engaged party) as a teacher of English linguistics. The two parties, in the spirit of friendship and cooperation hereby sign the Contract subject to the following terms and conditions :
1. The term of service is one year beginning on, and ending on.
2. The work of the engaged party is decided through mutual consultation as follows :
a. Training teachers of English , graduate students and students having advanced studies;
b. Conducting English linguistics classes and advising students on extracurricular activities of English .
c. Compiling English textbooks and supplementary teaching materials;
d. Having 8 to 10 teaching periods a week.
3. The engaged party works five days a week and seven hours a day. The engaged party will have legal holidays as prescribed by both American and Chinese governments. The summer and winter vacations are fixed by the school calendar.
4. The engaging party pays the engaged party a monthly salary of three thousand (3 , 000) Chinese Yuan (RMB) and provides him with various benefits as prescribed by Chinese . Government for foreign teachers working in China.
5. The engaged party shall abide by the laws and regulations of the Chinese Government concerning residence, wages and benefits, and travel for foreigners when entering, leaving and passing through the territory of the country, and shall follow the working system of the engaging party.
6. Neither party shall cancel the Contract without reasonable causes.
If the engaging party finds it imperative to terminate the Contract, then, in addition to bearing the above-mentioned wages and benefits, it shall pay the engaged party two months’ extra salary as compensation allowance, and arrange at its
鑒于本合同所指明的若干計算機軟件作為許可方按購買合同所提供______ 系統(tǒng)的一部分或者與之一起使用的情況下, 許可方應(yīng)將該軟件許可接受方使用;
第一條 定 義
1.1 “購買合同”是指許可方與接受方于_____年_____月_____日就接受方向許可方購買___________系統(tǒng)簽訂的合同。
1.2 “許可方”是指_____國__________公司,或者該公司的法人代表、代理和財產(chǎn)繼承者。
1.3 “接受方”是指中國__________公司,或者該公司的法人代表、代理和財產(chǎn)繼承者。
1.4 “系統(tǒng)”是指購買合同規(guī)定的,接受方向許可方購買的______系統(tǒng)。
1.5 “程序”是指構(gòu)成接受方購買的_______系統(tǒng)的_______控制系統(tǒng)的程序。1.6 “專有資料”是指由許可方提供的,與程序有關(guān)的文件、數(shù)據(jù)、技術(shù)指標(biāo)。
1.7 “合同生效日”是指雙方簽訂本合同的日期。
第二條 合同范圍
2.1 許可方特此按本合同所規(guī)定的條款向接受方授予使用和復(fù)制控制______ 系統(tǒng)程序的許可,而接受方特此按本合同的規(guī)定同意接受 該許可。按本合同許可的程序如下:
2.2 許可方授予接受方使用、復(fù)制該程序的許可權(quán),這種權(quán)利是非獨占性的,是不可轉(zhuǎn)讓的權(quán)利。
2.3 許可方負責(zé)向接受方提供該程序的專有資料,專有資料包括以下幾項:
第三條 合同價格
3.1 按照第二條規(guī)定的內(nèi)容和范圍,本合同采用一次性支付使用費的方式,計價的貨幣為美元。
3.2 使用費共計為_______________美元。
第四條 支付條件
4.1 本合同第三條規(guī)定使用費以美元電匯,通過中國__________銀行(此處為接受方的業(yè)務(wù)銀行)和__________銀行(此處為許可方的業(yè)務(wù)銀行)支付。一切應(yīng)由許可方在中華人民共和國境內(nèi)繳納的所得稅應(yīng)由接受方預(yù)扣并代表許可方向有關(guān)稅務(wù)機關(guān)繳納,付款收據(jù)應(yīng)立即傳真和郵寄給許可方。
4.2 按照購買合同的規(guī)定,在_________系統(tǒng)驗收合格,并由雙方代表簽署驗收證明后,許可方應(yīng)立即開具有關(guān)單據(jù),接受方在收到許可方開具的下列單據(jù)后三十天內(nèi),應(yīng)將使用費支付給許可方:
A:商業(yè)發(fā)票正本一式六份; B:雙方代表按照購買合同的規(guī)定簽署的驗收證明正本一份;
4.3 按本合同規(guī)定,如許可方需要向接受方支付罰款或賠償時,接受方有權(quán)從上述支付中直接扣除。
第五條 專有資料的交付改進
5.1 許可方應(yīng)按本合同第二條的規(guī)定在合同簽訂之日起 日內(nèi)向接受方提供專有資料。交付條件為C.F.R,目的地機場為中國______機場。
5.2 許可方提供給接受方的專有資料用英文書就。
5.3 如果許可方提供的專有資料有丟失、損壞和/或不完整,許可方在收到接受方的書面通知后30天內(nèi),免費將專有資料重寄或補發(fā)給接受方。
5.4 在合同的有效期內(nèi),許可方對程序如有改進和發(fā)展,應(yīng)免費向接受方提供與此相關(guān)的更新后的程序和專有資料。
5.5 在本合同期滿或終止后_______天內(nèi),接受方要提供給許可方一個文件證明,已盡其所能和所知,除了經(jīng)許可方同意由接受方保留的一個用以歸檔的復(fù)制件外,將其原件和其他完整或部分復(fù)制的復(fù)制件,不論以任何形式,包括更新以后的任何復(fù)制件,退還給許可方或已銷毀。
第六條 安裝與驗收
6.1 許可方應(yīng)在購買合同規(guī)定的期限內(nèi)完成該程序的安裝。
6.2 驗收按購買合同規(guī)定的程序進行。
第七條 使用、復(fù)制、轉(zhuǎn)讓及透 露 限制
7.1 接受方只可將程序用于許可方按購買合同條款提供作為________系統(tǒng)一部分的計算機,例外的是,如果 ___________系統(tǒng)計算機因為發(fā)生故障不能操作,或在進行保養(yǎng)性維修、工程設(shè)計變更、特制件或模型變換期間不能操作,則也可將程序用在接受方的備用計算機上,直到__________系統(tǒng)控制用計算機修復(fù)到操作狀態(tài)為止。接受方只能將程序用于直接的內(nèi)部操作方面,在任何情況下均不得將程序供給他人使用。
7.2 接受方不得復(fù)制程序或其任何部分,例外的是,接受方只是為了備份、存檔和將程序置于適宜執(zhí)行狀況,可以復(fù)制程序。所有經(jīng)允許的復(fù)制件,都要清楚地標(biāo)上與原先供給接受方的程序相同的、關(guān)于許可方所有權(quán)或版權(quán)的限制說明。經(jīng)允許的復(fù)制件應(yīng)以安全的方式予以保存。
7.3 除非經(jīng)許可方事先以書面方式同意,接受方不得出售、轉(zhuǎn)讓或許可他人使用程序。
7.4 接受方不得將程序或其任何部分透露或者以其他方式提供給第三方和接受方?jīng)]有必要授權(quán)其在業(yè)務(wù)中使用程序從任何雇員。接受方應(yīng)采取一切合理、必要的步驟,保證不會將程序或其任何部分透露或者以其他方式提供給任何第三方。
第八條 侵權(quán)和保證
8.1 許可方保證其有權(quán)授予在本合同中所授予的許可。如果在執(zhí)行合同過程中一旦發(fā)生第三方指控侵權(quán)時,則由許可方負責(zé)與第三方交涉,并承擔(dān)由此引起的一切法律和經(jīng)濟上的責(zé)任。如果在訴訟或仲裁中被判為構(gòu)成侵權(quán),程序的使用被禁止,許可方可以自行承擔(dān)費用承擔(dān)以下任何一項:
A. 替換或修改程序,使之不再構(gòu)成侵權(quán),并在實質(zhì)上用同樣的質(zhì)量進行同樣的服務(wù);
B. 在程序退還許可方之后退還接受方使用費,但要從中扣除使用、損壞和陳舊的折舊費。
A. 接受方自行修改程序,或程序沒有在指定的工作環(huán)境中使用;
B. 在____________系統(tǒng)之外的系統(tǒng)使用程序。
8.2 許可方保證程序在規(guī)定的操作環(huán)境中的使用能夠符合合同第二條的指標(biāo)要求。許可方不保證任何程序的不中斷或無差錯運行。自系統(tǒng)驗收之日起,保修期為____年。許可方保證在該期間內(nèi)免費修理、更換并重新安裝程序中任何有瑕疵的部分。
第九條 稅 費
9.1 凡與本合同有關(guān)的或在執(zhí)行本合同時,根據(jù)有效的稅法由中華人民共和國政府向接受方征收的一切稅應(yīng)由接受方支付。9.2 凡與本合同有關(guān)或在執(zhí)行本合同時在中華人民共和國以外征收的一切稅費應(yīng)由許可方支付。
第十條 合同的終止
10.1 在合同到期后,接受方可以書面通知許可方終止本合同,并免除其在合同項下的義務(wù)。
10.2 如果任何一方違反合同條款,在給予了書面通知和合理的時間予以糾正,而仍不改正的,另一方有權(quán)終止合同。
10.3 如果合同終止后,合同中的條款按其性質(zhì)仍應(yīng)有效的,許可方和接受方仍應(yīng)遵守。
第十一條 不可抗力
11.1 合同雙方中的任何一方,由于戰(zhàn)爭或嚴重的水災(zāi)、火災(zāi),臺風(fēng)和地震等自然災(zāi)害,以及雙方同意的可作為不可抗力的其他事故而影響合同執(zhí)行時,則延長履行合同的期限,延長的期限相當(dāng)于事故所影響的時間。
11.2 受不可抗力影響的一方應(yīng)盡快將發(fā)生不可抗力事故的情況以電傳或電報通知對方,并于十四天內(nèi)以航空掛號信件將有權(quán)證明的機構(gòu)出具的證明文件提交給另一方進行確認。
11.3 如果不可抗力事故的影響延續(xù)到一百二十天以上時,合同雙方應(yīng)通過友好協(xié)商解決合同的執(zhí)行問題。
第十二條 爭議的解決
12.1 因執(zhí)行本合同所發(fā)生的或與本合同有關(guān)的一切爭議,雙方應(yīng)通過友好協(xié)商解決。
12.2 如雙方通過協(xié)商不能達成協(xié)議時,則應(yīng)提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會深圳分會,按照申請仲裁時該會現(xiàn)行有效的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方均有約束力。
12.3 爭議的解放應(yīng)適用中華人民共和國法律。
12.4 在爭議的處理過程中,除正在進行仲裁的部分外,合同的其他部分將繼續(xù)執(zhí)行。
第十三條 合同的生效及其他
13.1 本合同由雙方授權(quán)代表于_____年_____月_____日在__________簽字。并自簽字之日起生效。
13.2 本合同的有效期從合同生效日起算共__________年。
13.3 本合同的執(zhí)行中,對其條款的任何變更、修改和增減,都須經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商同意并簽署書面文件,作為合同的組成部分,與合同具有同等效力。
13.4 本合同期滿后,雙方的未了債權(quán)和債務(wù)不受合同期滿的影響,債務(wù)人應(yīng)對債權(quán)人繼續(xù)完成未了債務(wù)。
13.5 本合同用英文書就,雙方各持兩份。在合同的有效期內(nèi),雙方通訊以英文進行。正式通知應(yīng)以書面形式,特快專遞或航空掛號郵寄,一式兩份。合同雙方的法定住址如下:
A. 接受方:_______________ B. 許可方:_________________
地 址:_________________ 地 址:_________________
電 傳:_________________ 電 傳:_________________
傳 真:_________________ 傳 真:_________________
接受方授權(quán)代表(簽字) 許可方授權(quán)代表(簽字)續(xù)執(zhí)行。
SigningDate: _____________.
Signing Place: _____________.
Contract No: _____________.
This contract is made on_______between China______ Company______Country (hereinafter referred to as“Licensee”)on the one hand and_______ Company _______ Country, (hereinafter referred to as“Licensor”).
Whereas Licensee and Licensor have entered into a purchase contract in which Licensee agrees to purchase __________system from Licensor;
Whereas the software programs listed and described in this contract are used either as part of or in conjunction with system to be provided by Licensor under Purchase Contract.
Whereas Licensor has the right to grant the license in this contract;
Both parties's authorized representatives, through friendly negotiation, have agreed to enter into this Contract under the terms as stipulated below.
Section 1 Definitions
1.1 “Purchase Contract”means the contract signed by Licensor and Licensee on _______ , in which Licensee agrees to purchase __________ system from Licensor.
1.2 “Licensor”means_________ Company __________ Country, or the legal representative, or agency or the property successor of the Company.
1.3 “Licensee”means __________ Company_________Country, or the legal representative, or agency or the property successor of the Company.
1.4 “System”means the system provided by Licensor under the Purchase Contract.
1.5 “Program”means the program which constitute the control system of System provided by Licensor under the Purchase Contract.
1.6 “Technical Documents”means documents relating to Program, date and technical specifi-cations provided by Licensor.
1.7 “The Date of Effectiveness of the Contract”means the date of signing this contract by both parties.
Section 2 Scope of the Contract
2.1 Licensor hereby grants to Licensee and Licensee hereby accepts the license to use and copy, on terms and conditions set forth herein, the Program which constitutes the control system of __________ System provided by Licensor under Purchase Contract. The Program is described and specified as follows:_________ ; _________ ;_________ . (insert the content, specified operating environment and technical specifications)
2.2 Licensor agrees to grant Licensee the license and right to use and copy the Program. The license and right are non-exclusive and untransferable.
2.3 Licensor is responsible for providing Licensee with the Technical Documents of the Program, which should include the following items:
A: One User’s Guide;
B: Three copies of all operating manuals and installation instructions for the Program.
Section 3 Price of the Contract
3.1 In accordance with the content and scope stipulated in Section 2 to the contract, the amount of the payable Royalty for the Program will be a one-time charge. The currency shall be in US dollars.
3.2 The total amount of the Royalty is __________US dollars.
Section 4 Conditions of Payment
4.1 Royalty stipulated in Section 3 to the contract shall be paid by telegraphic transfer through the Bank__________ (the business Bank of Licensee) and the Bank __________(the business Bank of Licensor). The income tax of the Contract to be levied by the Government of People’s Republic of China shall be deduct from Royalty, and shall be paid by Licensee to China Tax Office in name of Licensor, but the documents of such payment should be faxed and mailed to Licensor immediately.
4.2 In accordance with the Purchase Contract, after __________System has been tested and accepted and both parties signed the Certificate of Acceptance, Licensor shall immediately issue the related documents. The royalty shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within 30 days after received the following documents which are provided by Licensor:
A: Six copies of the Commercial Invoice;
B: one original Certificate of Testing and Acceptance signed by both parties in accordance with the Purchase Contract.
4.3 Licensee shall have the right to deduct from any of the above mentioned payment the penalties and/or compensations which Licensor shall pay to Licensee in accordance with the stipulation of the contract.
Section 5 Delivery and Improvement of the Technical Documents
5.1 Licensor shall provide Licensee with Technical Documents within _____ days from the date of Effectiveness of this Contract. The delivery shall under C.F.R term. The destination is ________airport in China.
5.2 The Technical Documents provided by Licensor are written in English.
5.3 If the Technical Documents provided by Licensor are lost, damaged and/or incomplete, after receiving written notice of Licensee, Licensor shall remail the documents which are lost, damaged and/or incomplete within 30 days
5.4 During the valid period of the Contract, if the Program has been improved or developed by Licensor, Licensor should provide Licensee with renewed program and related technical documents.
5.5 After expiration of the Contract or within ______ days from the date of terminating the Contract, Licensee shall provide Licensor with a document, certifying that ,except one copy of the Program in archives, the original and all copies or partial copies of the Program (including copies of renewed Program), or in any form, have been returned to Licensor or destroyed.
Section 6 Installation and Acceptance
6.1 Licensor should complete the installation according to the time schedule stipulated in Purchase Contract.
6.2 The procedure of acceptance should be carried on in accordance with the stipulation of Purchase Contract.
Section 7 Restriction on Use, Copying, Transfer and Disclosure
7.1 Licensee may use the Program solely and exclusively on computers furnished by Licensor under terms of Purchase Contract, as part of __________System, except that the Program may also be used on Licensee’s backup computer if the System computers are inoperative because of malfunction or during the performance of preventive maintenance, engineering changes or changes in features or model, until the System control computers are restored to operative status. Licensee shall use the program only in connection with its immediate internal operations, and shall not offer or supply the use of the Program to others under any circumstance.
7.2 Licensee shall make no copies of the Program, or any part thereof, except that Licensee may make copies of the Program solely for the purposes of backup, archival storage and placing the Program in a form suitable for execution. All permitted copies shall be clearly marked with the same Licensor proprietary and copyright restrictions which appear on the Program originally supplied to Licensee. Permitted copies shall be stored in a secured manner.
7.3 Licensee shall not sell, assign, sublicense, transfer, or otherwise make available the Program, except as may be permitted by Licensor with written prior content.
7.4 Except as expressly permitted herein, Licensee shall not disclose or otherwise make available the Program, or any portion thereof, to any third party or to any employee of Licensee who is not of necessity authorized by Licensee to use the Program in Licensee’s business. Licensee shall take all reasonable steps necessary to insure the Program, or any portion thereof, is not disclosed or otherwise made available by Licensee or employees of Licensee to any third party.
Section 8 Infringements and Guarantees
8.1 Licensor warrants it has the right to grant the license herein granted. In the course of implementation of the Contract, if any third party accuses Licensee of infringement, Licensor shall be responsible for approaching the third party about the accusation and bear all the economic and legal responsibilities which may arise. If any award is made by a final judgment that the Program used within the scope of the license herein granted constitutes an infringement of any patent or copyright, Licensor shall, at its expense:
A: Replace or modify the Program so that it becomes noninfringing and performs the same service with substantially the same quality;
B: Grant Licensee a credit, less reasonable depreciation for use,damage and obsoles-cence, upon return of the Program to Licensor.
But this dose not mean that Licensor is excused from other responsibilities that it should take.Licensor shall have noliability for any claim of copyright or patent infringement based on:
A: Your modification of the Program, or the Program’s use in other than its specified operating environment;
B: Use the Program on system other than__________System.
8.2 Licensor guarantees that when the Program is used in the specified operating environment it will conform to the technical specifications stipulated in Section 2 to the Contract. Licensor dose not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operating of the Program. The Warrant Period is _______ years after the date of acceptance. Licensor guarantees that it shall correct, replace or reinstall any program found to be defective from normal usage.
Section 9 Taxes and Duties
9.1 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied on Licensee by the Government of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with the Chinese Tax Laws in effect shall be paid by Licensee.
9.2 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be levied on Licensor by the Government of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with the Chinese Tax Laws in effect shall be paid by Licensor.
Section 10 Termination of the Contract
10.1 Licensee may terminate this contract on written notice to Licensor following the expiration or termination of its obligations.
10.2 Either of Parties may terminate the Contract if the other does not comply with any of its items, provided the one who is not complying is given written notice and reasonable time to comply.
10.3 Any terms of the Contract which by their nature extend beyond its termination remain in effect until fulfilled, and apply to both of our respective successors and assignees.
Section 11 Force Majeure
11.1 If either of the parties is prevented from execution the Contract by such cases of force majeure as war, serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake or other cases which are agreed upon by both parties as cases of force majeure, the time for performance of the Contract shall be extended by a period equivalent to the effect of such cases.
11.2 The effected party shall notify the other party of the cases of force majeure occurred by Fax as soon as possible and shall send by registered airmail, within 14 (fourteen) days thereafter, a certificate issued by the authorities or departments concerned to the other part for confirmation. Should the effect of the force majeure cases last for more than 120 (one hundred and twenty) days, both parties shall settle the problem of further execution of the Contract through friendly consultations as soon as possible.
Section 12 Dispute Settlements
12.1 All disputes in connection with or in the execution of the Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation by both parties.
12.2 In case no settlement to disputes can be reached through friendly consultation by both parties, the disputes shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Shenzhen Sub-Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.
12.3 The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.
12.4 In the course of settling disputes, the contract shall be continuously executed by both parties except for the part which is under arbitration.
Section 13 Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous
13.1 The contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on ________ , and comes into force immediately after the date of signing.
13.2 The Contract shall be valid for a period of ________ years from the Date of Effectiveness of the Contract.
13.3 In the course of implementation of the Contract, all the alterations, amendments, supplements and subtractions to the Contract have been agreed upon and signed in written documents through consultation by both parties. They are integral parts of the Contract and have same legal force and effect as in the Contract.
13.4 After the date of the expiry of the validity period of the Contract, all those creditor’s rights and debts which have not been fulfilled by either of the Parties shall still be fulfilled by both parties without any influence of the expiry of validity period of the Contract.
13.5 The Contract is made out in English in four originals, two for each party. Within the validity period of the Contract, the communication between both parties shall be made in English; the formal notice shall be made in written form in two copies, sending by registered airmail. The legal addresses of both parties of the contract are as follows:
A. Licensor:________________. B. Licensor: _________________.
Address:_________________. Address:__________________.
Tel:_____________________. Tel:______________________.
Fax: __________________. Fax: _____________________.
Authorized representative of Licensee ______________________________.
Authorized representative of Licensor ______________________________.
Sample Attorney Opinion Letter
(Name of Client)
*** Co., Ltd
City, State, ZIP code
Re: Opinion Letter Regarding (name of employee, e.g., fictitious ** **)
Dear (Name):
After our initial meeting, I reviewed the papers you sent me regarding the ** **matter. As I understand the situation, Ms.** signed a written employment
agreement with your company. The agreement stated that in the event of
termination or resignation from her job as your sales associate, Ms. ** would
not call upon or sell goods to any of your customers for a period of one year.
You have asked me to advise you about your rights, the chance of success, the
amount of damages that may be recoverable, the costs involved, and my ability to
represent you in this matter.
When Ms. ** signed a written contract with your company, she agreed not to call
upon any of your customers for a period of one year. This is called a
restrictive covenant. To enforce your covenant against Ms.**, you must bring
an action against her and prove your case. You have a choice of forums in which
to bring the action: federal district court or a state court. Since it is easier
to obtain an injunction (an action to immediately stop her from selling to your
customers) in a state court rather than a federal court, I would suggest the
state court.
I must advise you that injunctions are largely discretionary with the court, and
there are several factors here that might lead it not to grant one on your
behalf. Since you waited eight months before threatening to sue Ms. **, my
guess is that you have about a twenty percent (20%) chance of obtaining an
Your chances of obtaining money damages against Ms. **are much greater than
your chances for an injunction. From our discussion and the facts and evidence
suggested in your papers, it appears that the amount of recoverable damages
would be measured by the profits you have lost since the time Ms. ** began
selling competitive products to your customers.
It should be understood that if we win our case, however, Ms.** may not
voluntarily pay the judgment. Thus, it may be necessary to enforce the judgment
by having a sheriff or marshall seize and sell assets not exempt from execution.
However, if Ms. ** does not own assets, such as real estate, money in bank
accounts, stocks, etc., but owns only personal items exempt from execution under
the laws of our state, then any judgment you obtain may not be worth much.
Besides the fact that you may lose a lawsuit against Ms. ** or that any
judgment obtained may be uncollectible, there are other negative factors you
should consider before bringing a lawsuit. These include court costs and
attorney fees. Court costs are recoverable, but other costs, such as travel, the
time lost when you are called to testify (or required to help us develop the
case), and attorney fees, are not recoverable.
I am familiar with the nature of your manufacturing business and am qualified to
represent you in this matter if you choose to proceed. My fee would be based on
my normal hourly charge of $250 for myself and $150 for associates. Trial time
is billed at $1,000 per day. The initial services of preparing a complaint and
serving same would cost approximately $300. Preparing a request for an
injunction and attending a hearing on the injunction would cost approximately
It is quite possible that Ms. ** would not retain her own counsel and not
answer the complaint. This means that a default judgment could be taken without
the necessity of a trial. Here attorney fees would probably amount to no more
than $1,000.
I require a $1,000 retainer to open a file and commence an action.
If you wish to proceed with this matter, I will need to know the full names and
addresses of your customers to whom Ms. ** is presently selling and the
estimated sales volume which you have lost.
If you have any questions, please call me.
Very truly yours,
Name of Attorney
事實和理由:(寫明起訴或提出主張的事實依據(jù)和法律依據(jù),包括證據(jù)情況和 證人姓名及聯(lián)系地址)
此致 ______人民法院
附:一、本訴狀副本 份(按被告人數(shù)確定份數(shù)); 二、證據(jù) 份;
三、其他材料 份。
To:________________ People’s Court
Legal Representative:
Legal Representative:
1. To order the Defendant to pay to the Plaintiff the due amount of RMB _____ for the dispatched products, plus the interests of RMB ________ thereon, in the aggregate of RMB __________;
2.To order the court fees to be borne by the Defendant.
The Defendant was one of the distributors of the Plaintiff for various kinds of products in the territory of ___________, China. From September, 1997 to October, 1998, the Plaintiff dispatched various kinds of products in the aggregate values of RMB ____________. (see Exhibit I)
Each of the said transactions was duly signed and received by the Defendant (see Exhibit II). Though the Plaintiff has repeatedly demanded payment, the Defendant fails to liquidate the outstanding debts in due time.
It is the Plaintiff’s position that the indebtedness arising out of the transactions between the Plaintiff and the Defendant shall be under the jurisdiction of the Chinas laws. The Defendant’s refusal to satisfy the agreed amounts after receipt of the above-mentioned lubricants resulted in tremendous economic losses on the side of the Plaintiff (see Exhibit III). Therefore, pursuant to the relevant PRC laws and regulations, the Defendant shall assume the civil liabilities accordingly for such nonpayment.
By reason of the forgoing, in accordance with Articles 106 and 112 as set forth in the PRC General Civil Law, Article 108 as set forth in the PRC Civil Procedural Law and other applicable laws and regulations, the Plaintiff hereby files this case with the Court for your adjudication.
1. One copy of the Plaintiff’s business license;
2. One copy of the original Certificate of the Legal Representative;
3. One copy of the original Power of Attorney;
4. Exhibit I: Invoices for each transaction;
5. Exhibit II: Receipts for each transaction; and
6. Exhibit III: List of Losses.
Respondent: ××× People’s Hospital
Address: No 7, ××Road, ×× City
The following answer is hereby given to the claim of ××× for compensation by the ××× People’s Hospital for personal injuries:
1. The respondent does not have a direct contractual relationship with ×××. The respondent entered into an oral contract with ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company on June 10, 1998, whereby ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company shall be responsible for removing the high-voltage meter cabinet. ××× was engaged in removing the high-voltage meter cabinet as entrusted by ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company and therefore has no direct contractual relationship with the respondent.
2.××的傷害賠償應(yīng)由××二建筑安裝工程公司負責(zé),其一,根據(jù)我國法律和有關(guān)司法解釋規(guī)定,××第二建筑安裝工程公司對其職工在履行合同的范圍內(nèi)所受到傷害應(yīng)負責(zé)任,× ××的傷害并不是由于合同客體以外的事物造成的。其三,受××第二建筑安裝工程公司委 托的×××在拆除高壓電表柜的過程中,存在著嚴重違反操作程序的行為,未盡一個電工應(yīng)盡的注意。
2. The liabilities for compensating ×× for the damage shall be born by ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company for the following reasons. Firstly, pursuant to PRC laws and relevant judicial interpretations, ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company shall be liable for any injuries suffered by its employees to the extent of the contract performance. The injuries of ××× was not caused by anything other than the object of the contract. Thirdly, ×××, who was entrusted by ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company, seriously violated the operational procedure in removing the high-voltage meter cabinet and failed to pay due attention thereto.
3.答辯人對×××傷害賠償不應(yīng)承擔(dān)責(zé)任。根據(jù)我國《民法通則》的規(guī)定,從事高度危險作業(yè)的人致他人損害的,應(yīng)負賠償責(zé)任。而本案中答辯人與××第二建筑安裝工程公司訂有合同,高度危險來源已通過合同合法地轉(zhuǎn)移給 ××第二建筑安裝工程公司?!痢恋诙ㄖ惭b工程公司成為該危險作業(yè)物的主體,××在操作過程中受到傷害,這是××第二建筑安裝工程公司在履行合同過程中,合同客體造成自己員工的傷害行為,與答辯人無關(guān)。
3. The respondent shall not be liable for compensating the injuries of ×××. In accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Law, any person engaged in highly dangerous operation shall be liable for compensation in the event of any damages. In this case, however, the respondent entered into a contract with ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company, whereby the source of high danger shifted to ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company legitimately. ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company became the subject of the dangerous operation, and therefore any damages caused in the contract performance by ×× No 2 Construction and Installation Company has no connection with the respondent.
By reason of the foregoing, ××× People’s Court is not legible for becoming the defendant. We hereby request the court to reject the plaintiff’s action according to law.
×× City Intermediate People’s Court
Respondent: ××× People’s Court
上訴人(一審被告):[ ]貿(mào)易有限公司,住所地[ ]。
The Appellant (The defendant in the first instance):
被上訴人(一審原告):[ ]工程總公司第一工程公司,住所地[ ]。
The Appellee (The plaintiff in the first instance):
The Appellant declines to accept the Civil Judgment with a number of (2001) Tai-Tie-Jing-Chu-Zi No 6 passed by Taiyuan Railway Transportation Court, in respect of the lease contract case, and hereby files the appeal according to law.
Firstly, the Appellant’s basic and leading opinions about the case follow:
The Appellant maintains that in accordance with the mentalities of highly autonomous expression of intentions and contract freedom called for in the Contract Law, as well as the mainstream law-enforcing mentalities in judicial practice at present, there exist three contracts between the Appellant and the Appellee, which shall be deemed to be valid. The subjects, matters and considerations involved in the three contracts are basically identical.
I. The first-instance court ascertained that the house lease contract executed between the Appellant and the Appellee on May 14, 1998 was invalid. This ruling is not law-based.
II. The court ascertained that the Appellant’s exercise of the right to avoid performing the contract as a defense against the Appellee’s breach by reason that the Appellee has performed a majority of the contractual obligations and the Appellant was using the lease house when the parties entered into the contract. This ruling is in material violation of the provision of the Contract Law in respect of the defensive refusal to perform the contract.
Secondly, the following are some defensive opinions of the Appellant based on the first-instance judgment which cannot be fully accepted.
I. The ruling of the first-instance court ordering the Appellant to pay the rental according to the rental standard prescribed in the contract of 2000 by reason that the Appellant was in an actual lease relationship with the Appellee subsequent to 2001 is not law-based.
II. The first-instance judgment on the 13 square meters in respect of which the Appellant failed perform the contract is explicitly wrong in law implementation.
III. Given the isolated law execution by the first-instance court (i.e. it only considered the contract of 2000), the Appellant has paid more than RMB20,000 in rental following 2000.
IV. Even under the circumstance of only handling the contract of 2000 by the first-instance court, no compensation has been given to decoration, which is unfair either.
In view of the foregoing, the Appellant maintains that there have existed three contracts between the Appellant and the Appellee. The Appellee and the first-instance court has intentionally isolated the complete set of civil juristic relationships between the parties, thereby leading to one-sided judgment in the first instance and adding burden to the parties’ litigation efforts. Meanwhile, the criteria for law-enforcement were unbalanced and unharmonious in the first instance, coupled with other problems including entitled law application and illegal ruling. Therefore, the Appellant requests second-instance court to make a fair judgment on the basis of ascertaining all facts of this case.
Beijing Railway Transportation Intermediate Court
上訴人:[ ]貿(mào)易有限公司
The Appellant: [ ] Trade Co., Ltd
二00 年 月 日
Attachment: two copies of the appeal
申訴人:MM公司 The Plaintiff: M. M. Corp.
地址: Address:
被訴人:VV有限公司 The Defendant: V. V. Co., Ltd.
地址: Address:
I. Statement of Facts:
This dispute existing between the Plaintiff, M. M. Corp. and the Defendant, V. V. Co., Ltd was brought about by the Defendant’s failure to commit itself to the contracts 470E and 471E concluded on the 14th of May, 1992 for the supply of 8000 metric tons of Aluminum Ingots.
According to the stipulations of the said contracts, 8000 metric tons of Aluminum Ingots should have been completely delivered from European ports during a period from July to December, 1992, and each month a quantity specified thereby should have been shipped. This Corporation, the Plaintiff, issued letters of credit E25520 and E25733 on the 7th of June, 1992 through the Bank of China, London.
As these two contracts stipulate Hamburg/Rotterdam/Antwerp and Hamburg/Rotterdam respectively for the port of loading, the Plaintiff had therefore sent faxes on many occasions to the Defendant, asking them to advise the Plaintiff of the exact name of this Corporation to send vessels. But, the Defendant had failed to reply to those faxes dispatched by the Plaintiff by taking an evasive attitude.
It was not until the Plaintiff sent faxes and letters time and again to urge on and with the help of our Commercial Office in [ ] city to negotiate with the Defendant, that the Defendant finally forwarded a letter on the 26th November, 1992 to the Plaintiff through our Commercial Office in [ ] city, informing the Plaintiff to the new arrangement for shipment. As being indicated by this new arrangement for shipment, the delivery of 8000 metric tons of Aluminum Ingots would have to be completed within a period from January to June, 1993.
In spite of suffering significant losses caused by the Defendant’s failure to fulfill its contractual obligation, the Plaintiff still accepted the New arrangement for shipment presented by the Defendant. Whereas the Defendants had neither kept its original promise nor committed itself again to the subsequent arrangement for shipment put forward by itself, thus bringing even greater losses to the Plaintiff.
盡管如此,為讓被訴人具有最后一次履行允諾以執(zhí)行合同的機會,申訴人于1994年11月16日通過一名英國律師[ ]先生向被訴人轉(zhuǎn)交了一封信函,說明準許被訴人在收到該信函起的45天之內(nèi)履行其提交合同所規(guī)定貨物的義務(wù),如被訴人不履行義務(wù),申訴人將依據(jù)上述兩合同第16條的規(guī)定,正式將該爭議提交對外貿(mào)易仲裁委員會仲裁,要求被訴人賠償本公司遭受的一切損失。
Nevertheless, in order to enable the Defendant to meet its contractual obligation ultimately, the Plaintiff passed a letter on the 16th of November, 1994, through a British lawyer named Mr. [ ] to the Defendant, stating that the Defendant was permitted to meet its obligation to deliver the contracted goods within 45 days from the date it received the said letter, and that if the Defendant failed to do so, the Plaintiff would, according to the provision of Clause No. 16 of the contracts, formally submit the dispute to the F. T. Arbitration Commission for arbitration, asking the Defendant to compensate for all the losses sustained by this Corporation.
The date on which the Defendant received our letter was the 28th of November, 1994. The deadline of the 45 days period was on the 12th January, 1995, which has now passed, but the Defendant has done nothing at all to meet its contractual obligation, nor has it produced any proposal for the settlement of this dispute. It has even gone so far as to make a false charge through a letter dated the 7th of February, 1995, against the Plaintiff with failure to open a new letter of credit after its expiry, and has therefore assumed no responsibility whatsoever for its commitment to delivery for Aluminum Ingots concluded.
The true nature of this dispute is evident in the following fact: After the receipt of the new arrangement for shipment presented by the Defendant on the 26th of November, 1992, the Plaintiff sent many faxes and letters requesting the Defendant to inform the Plaintiff of the exact name of port of loading and the Advice of Goods ready for shipment, while the Defendant gave no answer at all to the Plaintiff’ faxes and letters and refused to meet its obligations under the contracts entered into, thus making it impossible for the Plaintiff to proceed with the procedures of sending vessels and extending the validity of letters of credit. Obviously, the liability for the non-execution of the contracts rests entirely with none other than the Defendant itself. The Plaintiff is therefore applying formally to the F. T. Arbitration Commission for arbitration of this dispute.
The claimed amount called for by the Plaintiff comes totally to £748,000.
6,000 metric tons of Aluminum Ingots of 99.5% purity, under contract 470E, were priced at £152 per metric ton. The market price prevailing at that time (the 29th of June, 1993) ranged from £243 to £248 per metric ton. The Price difference per metric ton is £93.50, giving a total difference of £561,000 for 6,000 metric tons.
Another 2000 metric tons of 99.7% purity Aluminum Ingots, under contract 471E were priced at £154 per metric ton. The market price on the 29th of June 1993, was between £245 and £250 per metric ton. The price difference per metric ton indicates £93.50, resulting in a total difference of £187,000 for 2000 metric tons.
The above-mentioned two contracts aggregate a sum of £748,000 (=£561,000+£187,000) for the price difference of totally 8000 metric tons of Aluminum Ingots.
The Plaintiff hereby requests that it be compensated by the Defendant not only with an amount of losses totaling £748,000 (in Pound Sterling of Seven hundred and Forty Eight Thousands) caused by the Defendant’s failure to execute the contracts concluded, but also with all costs arising from this arbitration.
Enclosed £3,740 for filing fees (in Pound Sterling of Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty), equivalent to the Chinese currency RMB15,729 (Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine Yuan), paid in advance in compensation for the costs of arbitration in accordance with Clause 6 of the F. T. Arbitration Commission.
Enclosure: Statement of Appointing Arbitrator
M. M. Corp.
May 20, 1995
all disputes and differences whatsoever between them
all disputes and differences between them arising out of or in connection with a contract between them dated the __,20__
the disputes and differences set out in the Schedule to this Agreement
MR. ___
a single arbitrator who failing agreement shall be appointed by the president of the___on the application of either party.
a single arbitrator who failing agreement shall by appointed by the chairman for the time being of THE LONDON COMMON LAW BAR association under THE LANDON BAR arbitration scheme.
MR. ___ and MR.___ together, if they disagree, with an umpire to be appointed by them.
MR. ___, MR.___ and MR.___
one arbitrator to be appointed by each party together (if they disagree) with an umpire who failing agreement between such arbitration shall by appointed by the president of the ___ on the application of either party.
DATED THIS __ DAY OF __,20__
(BY) ___ (BY) ___
(NAME) ___ (NAME) ___
由___代表___簽字___ 由___代表___簽字___
all disputes and differences whatsoever between them
all disputes and differences between them arising out of or in connection with a contract between them dated the __,20__
the disputes and differences set out in the Schedule to this Agreement
MR. ___
a single arbitrator who failing agreement shall be appointed by the president of the___on the application of either party.
a single arbitrator who failing agreement shall by appointed by the chairman for the time being of THE LONDON COMMON LAW BAR association under THE LANDON BAR arbitration scheme.
MR. ___ and MR.___ together, if they disagree, with an umpire to be appointed by them.
MR. ___, MR.___ and MR.___
one arbitrator to be appointed by each party together (if they disagree) with an umpire who failing agreement between such arbitration shall by appointed by the president of the ___ on the application of either party.
DATED THIS __ DAY OF __,20__
(BY) ___ (BY) ___
(NAME) ___ (NAME) ___
由___代表___簽字___ 由___代表___簽字___
編號: No:
日期: Date :
簽約地點: Signed at:
地址:Address: 郵政編碼:Postal Code:
電話:Tel: 傳真:Fax:
地址:Address: 郵政編碼:Postal Code:
電話:Tel: 傳真:Fax:
The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below.
1 貨號 Article No.
2 品名及規(guī)格 Description&Specification
3 數(shù)量 Quantity
4 單價 Unit Price
5 總值:
Total Amount
With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option.
6 生產(chǎn)國和制造廠家 Country of Origin and Manufacturer
7 包裝: Packing:
8 嘜頭: Shipping Marks:
9 裝運期限:Time of Shipment:
10 裝運口岸:Port of Loading:
11 目的口岸:Port of Destination:
12 保險:由賣方按發(fā)票全額110%投保至_____為止的_____險。
Insurance:To be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.
13 付款條件:
買方須于_____年_____月_____日將保兌的,不可撤銷的,可轉(zhuǎn)讓可分割的即期信用證開到賣方。 信用證議付有效期延至上列裝運期后15天在中國到期,該信用證中必須注明允許分運及轉(zhuǎn)運。
By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remain valid for ingotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. Tje L/C must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.
14 單據(jù):Documents:
15 裝運條件:Terms of Shipment:
16 品質(zhì)與數(shù)量、重量的異義與索賠:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:
17 人力不可抗拒因素:
Force Majeure:
Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.
18 仲裁:
All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trad Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.
19 備注:Remark:
賣方: Sellers: 買方:Buyers:
簽字:Signature: 簽字: Signature:
合 同
The Sellers:
(買方) P.O. BOX 61443,DUBAI,U.A.E.
TEL:00971-6-5776699 FAX:00971-6-5776869
The Buyers agree to buy and the sellers agree to sell the following goods on the terms and conditions stated below
(1) Shipping Marks (2)Description of goods (3)Quantity (4)Unit Price (5)Total Amount
(嘜頭) (貨物描述) (數(shù)量) (單價) (總價)
Shipment quantity 5%more or less allowed
(5)Time of Shipment(發(fā)運時間): BEFORE NOV.31,2004
(6)Port of Loading(裝運港):
(7)Port of Destination(目的港): DUBAI U.A.E.
(8)Insurance: To be effected by the SELLER’S for 110% of invoice value covering
(9)Terms of Payment: (付款條件)
The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers before and is to remain valid in the above loading port until the 15th day after the aforesaid time of shipment failing which the Seller reserve the right to cancel this Sale Contract without further notice and to claim from the Buyer for losses resulting there from others.
(10) Quality/Quantity Discrepancy: In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the buyers within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at part of destination, while for quantity discrepancy claim should be filed by the buyers within 15 days after arrival of the goods at port of destination. In all cases claims must be accompanied by the Survey Reports of Recognized Public Surveyors agreed to the sellers: Should the responsibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on the part of the sellers, the sellers shall, within 20 days on receipt of the claim, send their reply to the buyers together with suggestion for settlement.
(11) The sellers reserve the option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted and the covering letter of credit shall be negotiated for the amount covering the value of quantity actually shipped.(The buyers are requested to establish the L/C in amount with the indicated percentage over the total value of the orders as per this sales contract.)
(12) The contents of the covering letter of credit shall be in strict according with the stipulations of the sales contract, in case of any variation thereof necessitating amendment of the L/C, the buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C, and reserve the right to claim against the buyers for the losses resulting therefrom.
(13) Except in cases where the insurance is covered by the buys as arranged, insurance is to be covered by the sellers with a Chinese insurance company. If insurance for additional amount and/or for other insurance terms is required by the buyers, prior notice to the effect must reach the sellers before shipment and is subject to the sellers’ agreement, and the insurance premium shall be for the buyers’ account.
(14) The buyers are requested to send the sellers authentic copy of the license-application (endorsed by the relative bank) filed by the buyers and telegraphically advise the sellers immediately when the said license is obtained. Should the buyers intend to file reapplication for license in cases of rejection of the original application the buyers shall contact the sellers and obtain the latters’ consent before filing the reapplication.
(15) The sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail owing to Force Majeure cause to make delivery within the time stipulated in this sales contract or cannot deliver the goods. However, the sellers shall inform immediately the buyers by cable. The sellers shall deliver to the buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the buyers, a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or by a competent authority, certifying to the existence the said cause or causes. Buyers’ failure to obtain the relative Import License is not to be treated as Force Majeure.
(16) Arbitration: All disputes arising in connection with sales contract or the execution thereof Shall be settled amicably by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case under dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic Arbitration Commission in accordance with the rules of arbitration of China International Trade Arbitration Commission. The decision of the commission shall be accepted as final and binding upon both partied.
The buyers The sellers
售 貨 合 同
Add: 45B,XIWUDAOKOU,HAIDIAN 合同編號(Contract NO):CGC001
FAX: 86-10-62575099
買方(The Buyer):Tiger International LLC 簽訂日期(Date):July 21,1999
賣方(The Seller):China Geo-engineering Co. 簽訂地點(Signed at):Beijing,China
The Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below:
(1)商品名稱、規(guī)格及包裝 Name of Commodity ,Specifications and Packing (2)數(shù)量 Quantity (3)單價 Unit Price (4)總值 Total Value
1.Fresh Water Cultured Pearls 170KG(net) USD50.00 USD8500.00
Time of Shipment: no later than Aug.20.1999
(8)保險:由 方負責(zé),按本合同總值110%投保_____險。
Insurance: To be covered by the___for 110% of the invoice value against_______.
Terms of Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit in favour of _____payable at sight with TT reimbursement clause/___days’/sight/date allowing partial shipment and transshipment. The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers before _____and is to remain valid in _____. China until the 15th day after the aforesaid time of shipment, failing which the Sellers reserve the right to cancel this Sales Contract without further notice and to claim from the Buyers for losses resulting therefrom.
Inspection: The Inspection Certificate of Quality / Quantity / Weight / Packing / Sanitation issued by_______of China shall be regarded as evidence of the Sellers’ delivery.
Shipping Marks:
1. 異議:品質(zhì)異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起30天內(nèi)提出,數(shù)量異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起15天內(nèi)提出,但均須提供經(jīng)賣方同意的公證行的檢驗證明。如責(zé)任屬于賣方者,賣方于收到異議20天內(nèi)答復(fù)買方并提出處理意見。
Discrepancy: In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity discrepancy, claim should be lodged by the Buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. In all cases, claims must be accompanied by Survey Reports of Recognized Public Surveyors agreed to by the Sellers. Should the responsibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on the part of the Sellers, the Sellers shall, within 20 days after receipt of the claim, send their reply to the Buyers together with suggestion for settlement.
2. 信用證內(nèi)應(yīng)明確規(guī)定賣方有權(quán)可多裝或少裝所注明的百分數(shù),并按實際裝運數(shù)量議付。(信用證之金額按本售貨合約金額增加相應(yīng)的百分數(shù)。)
The covering Letter of Credit shall stipulate the Sellers’s option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted and be negotiated for the amount covering the value of quantity actually shipped. (The Buyers are requested to establish the L/C in amount with the indicated percentage over the total value of the order as per this Sales Contract.)
3. 信用證內(nèi)容須嚴格符合本售貨合約的規(guī)定,否則修改信用證的費用由買方負擔(dān),賣方并不負因修改信用證而延誤裝運的責(zé)任,并保留因此而發(fā)生的一切損失的索賠權(quán)。
The contents of the covering Letter of Credit shall be in strict conformity with the stipulations of the Sales Contract. In case of any variation there of necessitating amendment of the L/C, the Buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The Sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amendment of the L/C and reserve the right to claim from the Buyers for the losses resulting therefrom.
4. 除經(jīng)約定保險歸買方投保者外,由賣方向中國的保險公司投保。如買方需增加保險額及/或需加保其他險,可于裝船前提出,經(jīng)賣方同意后代為投保,其費用由買方負擔(dān)。
Except in cases where the insurance is covered by the Buyers as arranged, insurance is to be covered by the Sellers with a Chinese insurance company. If insurance for additional amount and /or for other insurance terms is required by the Buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the Sellers before shipment and is subject to the Sellers’ agreement, and the extra insurance premium shall be for the Buyers’ account.
5. 因人力不可抗拒事故使賣方不能在本售貨合約規(guī)定期限內(nèi)交貨或不能交貨,賣方不負責(zé)任,但是賣方必須立即以電報通知買方。如果買方提出要求,賣方應(yīng)以掛號函向買方提供由中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會或有關(guān)機構(gòu)出具的證明,證明事故的存在。買方不能領(lǐng)到進口許可證,不能被認為系屬人力不可抗拒范圍。
The Sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, to make delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales Contract or cannot deliver the goods. However, the Sellers shall inform immediately the Buyers by cable. The Sellers shall deliver to the Buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authorities, attesting the existence of the said cause or causes. The Buyers’ failure to obtain the relative Import Licence is not to be treated as Force Majeure.
6. 仲裁:凡因執(zhí)行本合約或有關(guān)本合約所發(fā)生的一切爭執(zhí),雙方應(yīng)以友好方式協(xié)商解決;如果協(xié)商不能解決,應(yīng)提交中國國際經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲裁委員會,根據(jù)該會的仲裁規(guī)則進行仲裁。仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。
Arbitration: All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by way of amicable negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case at issue shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisions of the said Commission. The award by the said Commission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties.
7. 附加條款(本合同其他條款如與本附加條款有抵觸時,以本附加條款為準。):
Supplementary Condition(s) (Should the articles stipulated in this Contract be in conflict with the following supplementary condition(s),the supplementary condition(s)should be taken as valid and binding.)
買方簽字: 賣方簽字:
The Buyer’s signature: The Seller’s signature
GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SERVICESECLIPSE翻譯有限公司購買服務(wù)的一般條款和條件The original English language version of these Terms and Conditions is the legally-binding version. The translated version is for information only.此合同條款和條件的英文原文版為具法律效應(yīng)版本。翻譯版本僅供參考。1Interpretation 解釋1.1In these Conditions:在這些條件下:’Company’means Eclipse Translations Limited whose registered office is at European Translation Centre Lionheart Enterprise Park Alnwick Northumberland NE66 2HT (Company Number: 03290358) “公司” 指Eclipse翻譯有限公司,公司注冊地址:諾森伯蘭郡Alnwick,Lionheart企業(yè)園,歐洲翻譯中心, 郵編:NE66 2HT(European Translation Centre, Lionheart Enterprise Park, Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 2HT)(公司編號:03290358)‘charges’means the charge for the Services“收費” 指提供服務(wù)的收費‘conditions’means the standard conditions of purchase set out in this document and (unless the context otherwise requires) includes any special conditions agreed in Writing between the Company and the Translator“條件” 指本文陳述的購買標(biāo)準條件,以及包括公司和翻譯者之間書面同意的任何特殊條件(除非文中另有要求)‘contract’means the agreement constituted by the acceptance of these Conditions by the Translator“合同” 指翻譯者接受這些條件達成的協(xié)議’Delivery Address’means that address stated on the Order“交付地址” 指定單上所述的地址’Order’means the Company’s purchase order to which these Conditions are annexed“定單” 指符合這些條件的公司購買定單‘Translator’means the person or company so described in the Order“翻譯者” 指定單中所述的人員或公司‘Services’ means the services (if any) described in the Order“服務(wù)” 指定單中所描述的服務(wù)(如有)’Specification’includes any plans, drawings, data, description or otherinformation relating to the Services“說明” 包括任何規(guī)劃、設(shè)計圖、繪圖、資料、描述或其它與服務(wù)有關(guān)的 資訊‘terms’ means the standard terms of purchase set out in this document and (unless the context otherwise requires) includes any special terms agreed in Writing between the Company and Translator“條款” 指本文陳述的購買標(biāo)準條款,以及包括公司和翻譯者之間書面同意的任何特殊條款(除非文中另有要求)‘work”means a translation produced by the Translator in the course of performing the Services
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“作品” 指翻譯者通過提供服務(wù)所作的譯文‘writing’includes telex, facsimile transmission and comparable means of communica-tion.“書面” 包括電報、傳真和類似的通訊手段。2.2The headings in these conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation這些條件中的小標(biāo)題只是為閱讀方便而設(shè),不應(yīng)影響他們的解釋。2.3Unless the context otherwise requires words importing one gender include all other genders and words incorporating the single include the plural and vice versa 2.4除非上下文另有要求,否則所用詞語含一種性別的也包括所有其它各種性別,表現(xiàn)為單數(shù)的也包括復(fù)2.5數(shù),反之皆然。2.Basis of purchase of the Services 購買服務(wù)的總則2.1The Order constitutes an offer by the Company to purchase the Services subject to these Conditions. Unless otherwise specifically agreed in Writing, any offer and/or acceptance of an Order by the Translator shall be deemed to constitute an acceptance of and agreement to comply with these Conditions.定單說明翻譯公司購買符合合同條款的服務(wù)的意向。除非另有特定的書面協(xié)議,否則翻譯者的任何報價和(或)接受定單的行為都應(yīng)視為接受和同意遵循這些合同條款。2.2No variation to the Order or these Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in Writing by the authorised representative of the Company.除非由公司的授權(quán)代表書面同意,否則對定單或合同條款的任何改變都無效。2.3If the Company shall so require, the Translator shall enter into a separate agreement for services in the Company’s standard form. 如果公司需要,翻譯者將按照公司的標(biāo)準形式簽定另外一個服務(wù)協(xié)議。3.Specifications細則1.1The quality and description of the Services shall subject as provided in these Conditions, be as specified in the Order and/or in any applicable Specification supplied by the Company to the Translator or agreed in Writing by the Company.服務(wù)質(zhì)量和細節(jié)遵循的條件,應(yīng)符合定單的細則和(或)公司提供給翻譯者的細則或者公司書面同意的細則。 1.2Any Specification supplied by the Company to the Translator, or specifically produced by the Translator for the Company, in connection with the Contract, together with the copyright, design rights or any other intellectual property rights in the Specification, shall be the exclusive property of the Company. The Translator shall not disclose to any third party or use any such Specification except to the extent that it is or becomes public knowledge through no fault of the Translator, or as required for the purpose of the Contract. 與合同有關(guān)的公司提供給翻譯者的或由翻譯者為公司特別提出的任何細則,及細則中所涉及的版權(quán)、設(shè)計權(quán)或其它任何知識產(chǎn)權(quán),應(yīng)是公司單獨擁有的財產(chǎn)。翻譯者不能向第三方透露或利用任何內(nèi)容,除非其內(nèi)容不因翻譯者而公開,或者根據(jù)合同要求而公開。1.3The Translator shall comply with all applicable regulations or other legal or contractual requirements concerning the performance and supply of the Services.翻譯者應(yīng)遵守所有適用的規(guī)則或其它法定的或合同規(guī)定的、有關(guān)服務(wù)性能和服務(wù)提供的要求。1.4All Equipment provided by the Company shall be and remain the Company’s property and must be returned to the Company in good condition upon request or completion of the Order, whichever is earlier. The Equipment shall not be copied or used for any purpose other than completion of the Order. The Translator shall correctly maintain and store such equipment and shall be liable for any loss or damage to it while in the possession or under the control of the Translator.公司提供的所有設(shè)備應(yīng)是并一直是公司的財產(chǎn),在公司要求時或定單完成時(無論哪一種情況先發(fā)生)必須完好無損地歸還公司。設(shè)備不能被復(fù)制或用于超出定單以外的其它用途。在設(shè)備的使用和保管期間,翻譯者應(yīng)妥善地維護和保存這些設(shè)備,并對任何損壞或丟失負責(zé)。
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4.Charges for the Services服務(wù)收費1.1The Charges for the Services shall be as stated in the Order and, unless otherwise so stated, shall be exclusive of any applicable value added tax (which shall be payable by the Company subject to receipt of a VAT invoice);服務(wù)應(yīng)按定單所列收費,除非另有規(guī)定,否則不含任何應(yīng)付增值稅(VAT應(yīng)由公司按照收到的VAT發(fā)票支付)。1.2No increase in the Charges may be made (whether on account of increased material, labour or transport costs, fluctuation in rates of exchange or otherwise) without the prior consent of the Company in Writing.未經(jīng)公司事先的書面同意,不可增加任何收費(無論是在材料、人工或交通費用增長、兌換比率波動或其它情況下)。5.Terms of payment 報酬條款1.1The Translator shall be entitled to invoice the Company on or at any time after delivery of the Services and each invoice shall quote the number of the Order.翻譯者有權(quán)在交付服務(wù)后任何時間向公司開具發(fā)票,每張發(fā)票上應(yīng)注明定單號碼。1.2Unless otherwise stated in the Order, the Company shall pay the Charges for the Services within 30 days after the end of the month of receipt by the Company of a proper invoice or, if later, after acceptance of the Services in question by the Company. Time of payment shall not be of the essence of the Order.除非定單中另有規(guī)定,公司應(yīng)在收到正式發(fā)票當(dāng)月月底后3 0天內(nèi)支付服務(wù)費,或者推遲至公司接受服務(wù)后開始推算。支付報酬的時間不是定單的基本內(nèi)容。5.3The Company shall be entitled to set off against the Charges any sums owed to the Company by the Translator.公司有權(quán)用此服務(wù)費抵消翻譯者欠交公司的任何費用。6.Supply and Delivery 提供和交付1.1The Services shall be supplied and delivered to the Delivery Address on the date or within the period stated in the Order, in either case during, the Company’s usual business hours. Delivery shall be deemed to be made on receipt of the Services by the Company in accordance with the terms of the Contract.服務(wù)應(yīng)在定單規(guī)定日期或時期內(nèi)并在公司正常上班時間交付到交付地址。交付服務(wù)應(yīng)符合合同條款方視為服務(wù)被公司接受。 1.2Where the date of performance and supply of the Services is to be specified after the placing of the Order, the Translator shall give the Company reasonable notice of the specified date.如果提交服務(wù)的日期在定單下達后確定,翻譯者應(yīng)將確定日期適當(dāng)?shù)馗嬷尽?.3The performance and supply of the Services and time of delivery thereof to the Company is of the essence of the Contract.對于公司的,服務(wù)提供以及交付時間是合同的基本內(nèi)容。6.4If the Services are to be performed by instalments, the Contract will be treated as a single contract and not severable.如果服務(wù)分期進行,合同將被視為同一合同,不能分開。1.4The Company shall be entitled to reject any Services supplied which are not in accordance with the Contract.公司有權(quán)拒絕不符合同的任何服務(wù)。1.5If the Services are not performed on the due date then, without prejudice to any other remedy, the Company shall be entitled to deduct from the Charges or (if the Company has paid the Charges) to claim from the Translator by way of liquidated damages for delay 25 per cent of the Charges for every week’s delay up to a maximum of 100 per cent.如果服務(wù)不按期完成,在不影響任何其他且不采取任何補救措施的條件下,公司有權(quán)削減報酬,或者(如果公司已經(jīng)支付了報酬)向翻譯者索回損失,按照延期損失清算方式——每延期一周扣除報酬的百分之二十五,最高至百分之百。
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7. Title and Ownership所有權(quán)7.1The Translator (i) hereby assigns to the Company all right, title and interest in any Work (whether now existing or brought into being in the future) which is or may become a copyright work anywhere in the world and (ii) holds on trust for the Company all other Works and shall in either case at the request of the Company do all things necessary to vest all right, title and interest in any Work in the Company or its nominee absolutely as legal and beneficial owner and to secure patent or other appropriate forms of protection thereof.翻譯者( i )把所有譯文的一切權(quán)利、所有權(quán)和權(quán)益(無論是現(xiàn)存的或?qū)淼模┺D(zhuǎn)讓給公司,這些權(quán)利、所有權(quán)和權(quán)益在世界上任何地方已為或可能會成為版權(quán)作品。(ii)持有為公司翻譯的譯文,應(yīng)按公司要求采取一切必要行動把任何譯文的權(quán)利、所有權(quán)和權(quán)益授予公司或其指定者,使之成為完全合法和受益的擁有人,以確保其專利權(quán)或其它適當(dāng)?shù)谋Wo形式。7.2The Translator shall not disclose or make use of any Work without the Company’s prior consent in writing.未經(jīng)公司事先的書面同意,翻譯者不能泄露或利用任何譯文。7.3The Translator hereby irrevocably waives any rights the Translator may have under Chapter IV (moral rights) of Part I of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and any foreign cor-responding rights in respect of all Works.對于所有的譯文,翻譯者根據(jù)《1 9 8 8年版權(quán)、設(shè)計和專利法案》第1部分第I V章(道德權(quán)利)放棄其可能擁有的所有權(quán)利,以及國外與譯文相關(guān)的任何權(quán)利。4.4Rights and obligations under these Conditions shall continue in force after the termination of the Contract in respect of Works made during the Translator’s engagement under the Contract and shall be binding upon the personal representative of the Translator.翻譯者與公司因合同形成契約關(guān)系,在合同結(jié)束后,合同條款中所定的權(quán)利和義務(wù)應(yīng)繼續(xù)生效,并對翻譯者的個人代表有約束力。8.Warranties and liability保證和義務(wù)8.1The Translator warrants to the Company that it is fully experienced, qualified, equipped, organised and financed to perform its obligations under the Contract, and warrants to the Company that the Services will be performed by appropriately qualified and trained personnel, with due care and diligence and to such high standard of quality as it is reasonable for the Company to expect in all the circumstances.翻譯者向公司保證,其具有充分的經(jīng)驗、資格、設(shè)備、組織和資金來履行合同規(guī)定的義務(wù),并向公司保證,服務(wù)將由有適當(dāng)資格和經(jīng)培訓(xùn)的人員以應(yīng)有的認真和勤奮態(tài)度來進行,并在任何情況下盡可能達到公司預(yù)期的高標(biāo)準質(zhì)量。2.2Without prejudice to any other remedy, if Services are not supplied or performed in accordance with the Contract, then the Company shall be entitled:在若不影響沒有采取任何其它補救方法的情況下,若服務(wù)沒有按合同提供或進行,公司應(yīng)有權(quán):8.2.1 to require the Translator to re-perform the Services in accordance with the Contract within 7 days; or要求翻譯者在7天內(nèi)按合同要求重新進行服務(wù);或2.2.2 at the Company’s sole option, and whether or not the Company has previously required the Translator to re-perform the Services, to treat the Contract as discharged by the Translator’s breach and require the repayment of any part of the Charges which have been paid.作為公司唯一的選擇,無論公司是否已經(jīng)要求翻譯者重新進行服務(wù),視翻譯者為違反合同,并要求退還已支付的任何報酬。2.2The Translator shall indemnify the Company in full against all liabilities, loss (whether direct or indirect and including loss of profits), damages, costs and expenses (including legal expenses) awarded against or incurred or paid by the Company as a result of or in connection with:如果發(fā)生下列情況或與下列情況有關(guān),翻譯者應(yīng)向公司全額賠償經(jīng)判定的、導(dǎo)致公司受損的或由公司支付的所有債務(wù)、損失(無論是直接的或間接的,并包括利潤損失)、損壞和費用(包括法律費用):
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1.1.1 breach of any warranty given by the Translator in relation to the Services;翻譯者違背所作的與服務(wù)有關(guān)的保證;1.1.1 any claim that the Works infringe, or their use or resale, infringes the patent, copyright, design right, trade mark or other intellectual property rights of any other person, 任何宣稱的譯文侵犯、或其使用或轉(zhuǎn)售侵犯其他任何人的專利權(quán)、版權(quán)、設(shè)計權(quán)、商標(biāo)或其它知識產(chǎn)權(quán);1.1.2 any act of omission of the Translator or its employees, agents or sub-contractors in supplying and delivering the Works and in performing the Services翻譯者或其雇員、代理人或轉(zhuǎn)包合同者在提供和交付譯文過程中的任何疏忽行為。8.4The Translator shall maintain insurance cover against its liabilities under the Contract and shall produce the policy and latest premium receipt to the Companyon demand.翻譯者應(yīng)為合同規(guī)定的義務(wù)長期進行保險,并按要求向公司提供保險單和最新的保費收據(jù)。9.Termination終止9.1The Company shall be entitled to cancel the Order in respect of all or part only ofthe Services by notice to the Translator at any time prior to delivery or performance without incurring any liability to the Translator other than to pay for the Services already delivered or performed at the time of such notice.公司應(yīng)有權(quán)在交付或進行服務(wù)前的任何時間通知翻譯者取消全部或部分服務(wù)的定單 ,除支付至通知時已交付或完成的服務(wù)報酬外,對翻譯者不負任何其它責(zé)任。9.2 The Company shall be entitled to terminate the Contract without liability to the Trans-lator and reserving all rights of the Company by giving notice to the Translator at any time if the Translator:如果翻譯者有下列情形之一,公司應(yīng)有權(quán)隨時通知翻譯者終止合同,對翻譯者不負法律責(zé)任,并保留公司的所有權(quán)利:1.1.1 is guilty of any breach or non-observance of any of the terms and conditions contained in these Conditions; or犯有違背或不遵守合同中的任何條款和條件的過錯;或者1.1.2 becomes bankrupt or makes any composition with his creditors; or 出現(xiàn)破產(chǎn),或與其債權(quán)人之間出現(xiàn)債務(wù)糾紛;或者1.1.3 is incompetent and/or neglects or omits to perform any of his duties or obligations under these Conditions不能勝任和(或)疏忽或遺漏合同條款規(guī)定的責(zé)任或義務(wù)。10. Confidentiality 保密性All information of whatever nature supplied to the Translator by the Company at any time in connection with the Contract shall be regarded as confidential, and shall not without the prior consent in Writing of the Company be published or disclosed to any third party or used by the Translator except for the purpose of implementing the Order, and the Translator shall not, without such consent, advertise or announce the Services to the Company. This obligation shall remain in force notwithstanding completion, cancellation or termination of the Contract.公司在任何時候提供給翻譯者的與合同有關(guān)的任何性質(zhì)的資訊應(yīng)視為秘密,未經(jīng)公司事先書面同意,不能公開或透露給任何第三方或翻譯者擅自使用,除非是出于執(zhí)行定單的目的。未經(jīng)同意,翻譯者不能利用向公司提供的服務(wù)進行宣揚。即使合同已經(jīng)完成、取消或終止,這一義務(wù)應(yīng)保持有效。11General一般原則11.1The Order is personal to the Translator and the Translator shall not assign or purport to assign or transfer to any other person any of its rights or sub-contract any of its obligations under the Contract.定單是針對翻譯者個人的,翻譯者不能分派或試圖分派或轉(zhuǎn)移其任何權(quán)利給其他任何人,或轉(zhuǎn)包合
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同規(guī)定的任何義務(wù)。2.2Any notice required or permitted to be given by either party to the other under these Conditions shall be in Writing addressed to that other party at its registered office or principal place of business or such other address as may at the relevant time have been notified pursuant to this provision to the party giving the notice.由任何一方按照合同條款給予另一方的要求或許可通知,都應(yīng)以書面形式,寫明公司所注冊的地址或主要商業(yè)場所地址或者是由對方特此提供的在相關(guān)時間內(nèi)的其它地址。11.3No waiver by the Company of any breach of the Contract by the Translator shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.公司放棄追究翻譯者違約責(zé)任不應(yīng)視為公司繼續(xù)放棄對任何隨后發(fā)生的同類或其它違約責(zé)任的追究。11.4If any provision of these Conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part the validity of the other provisions of these Conditions and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected thereby.如果合同條款中的規(guī)定被相關(guān)的權(quán)利機構(gòu)視為全部或部分無效、或不可執(zhí)行,這些條款中的無效部分不應(yīng)影響其它部分及其它條款的有效性。 5.5The Contract shall be governed by the laws of England, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.合同應(yīng)符合英格蘭法律,合同各方應(yīng)只服從英格蘭法庭。
地址: 廣州市廣園西路121號美博城負一層70B室 地址:
郵編: 510010 郵編:
電話: 86-020-61145394 電話:
負責(zé)人: 鞠 紅 負責(zé)人:
序號 型 號 名 稱 及 單 位 價 格(元人民幣)
1、 以上價格不含稅,收款憑證為收據(jù)。
2、 若乙方向甲方索要發(fā)票,乙方應(yīng)另向甲方支付購貨總金額的 6% 的稅金款,
合計人民幣 元( 佰萬 拾萬 萬 仟 佰 拾 元 角 分
1、 支付預(yù)付款:合同簽定后,乙方既向甲方支付購買儀器總金額的 30% 支付,計:
合同總金額為 元人民幣( 佰萬 拾萬 萬 仟 佰 拾 元 角
分人民幣),預(yù)付款金額為 元人民幣( 佰萬 拾萬 萬 仟 佰
拾 元 角 分人民幣);
2、 支付全款:儀器交付乙方使用前,由甲、乙雙方對儀器進行驗收,驗收合格,乙方向甲
1、交貨期限:甲方自收到乙方預(yù)付款之日起 天內(nèi),計:自 年 月 日
至 年 月 日截止,將貨物送到乙方指定的廣州收貨地點,交付乙方(如因天災(zāi)人禍等不可抗拒因素導(dǎo)致交貨延期不在此限);
2、 甲方只負責(zé)中國境內(nèi)的貨物運送及相關(guān)費用,從中國出境及境外的貨物運送及費用由乙
1、 甲方保證所提貨物質(zhì)質(zhì)量符合國家安全使用標(biāo)準,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量按甲方展示之同類產(chǎn)品作
費保修 1 年。保修期間產(chǎn)品另配件完全免費。 1 年后產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量出現(xiàn)問題,甲方負責(zé)維
2、 中國境外貨物在保修及維護期間,發(fā)生質(zhì)量問題時,所購貨物由乙方負責(zé)運回購貨地點,
3、 中國境內(nèi)所購貨物,在 1 年保修期間,甲方提供上門維修服務(wù);維修期間,貨物由乙
1) 如因甲方的原因造成未按本合同規(guī)定交貨,則每延期一天,按未交付貨物金額
的 2 %對甲方處以違約罰金;
2) 延期交貨超過20天,若是乙方已付款或已到交貨期,但因甲方原因未交貨或安裝,
3) 甲方必須嚴格遵守行業(yè)操守,不得將乙方價格告知或以其他方式泄漏給其他從業(yè)者。
1) 如甲方將貨物如期運至乙方指定交貨地點,乙方未按合同規(guī)定支付款項,則每延期一天,按應(yīng)付未付金額的 2 %對乙方給予違約金。
2) 如貨物已按合同安裝或驗收完畢,乙方余款未付,貨物的所有權(quán)仍歸甲方所有,甲方有權(quán)撤出乙方場地內(nèi)的商品。
3) 乙方在向甲方交付預(yù)付款項后,如想對合同內(nèi)容進行更改,應(yīng)在合同簽署后 2 日
4) 乙方必須嚴格遵守商業(yè)操守,不得將其售價告知或以其它方式泄漏給其它從業(yè)者,
5) 以上支付違約金,但在合同未中止執(zhí)行的情況下,不免除雙方繼續(xù)履行合同的責(zé)任。
甲 方: 乙 方:
地 址: 地 址:
代表人: 代表人:
日 期: 日 期:
簽 章: 簽 章:
Sales Agreement (Annex 1 for contract)
Part A: Ji Lin Gold Star Medical Photoelectric Technology Co. Ltd Guangzhou Office
Add: 70B Room Minus-flat Beauty Exchange City 121 Guangyuanxi Road Guangzhou City
PC: 510010 Tel: 86-020-61145394 Representation: Ju Hong
Part B: _________________________________________________________
Add: _____________________________________________________________
PC: ____________ Tel: _______________ Representation: _____________
This annex is on the basis of the Contract Laws of the People’s Republic of China and the relevant laws, in order to protect both two sides’ profits, with the friendly negotiation, the undersigned both two sides have agreed to close the following transaction according to the terms and conditions stipulated bellow:
I Detail of goods
The Buyers agree to buy and the following a batch of instruments:
II Tax
1 The listed price is out of tax, and gathering voucher is as receipt.
2 If Part B wants invoice to Part A, and Part B should pay Part A 6% tax of total purchasing price .Adding up to RMB _ yuan( _ million _ lakh _ ten thousand _ thousand _ hundred _ ten _ yuan _ jiao _ fen RMB)
III Terms of Payment
1 Pay the advance payment, after signing the contract ,Part B should pay the 30% of total price of purchasing machines ,count: the total price of order is _ yuan RMB(_ Million _ lakh _ten thousand _ thousand _ hundred _ ten _ yuan _ jiao _ fen RMB);
2 Pay the total account, before delivering the machine to Part B, two parties should check it , and if the machine is eligible, Part B pay the rest , then, Part B can accept the machine and use it.
IV Terms of Delivery
1 The dead line of delivery, within the day of Part A received the advance payment to _ days, count: from_ year_ month_ day to_ year _ month _ day ,send the goods to the specified place in Guangzhou, pay Part B(Because of the force Majeure, such as natural and man-made disaster and so on ,these are not concluded);
2 Part A is only responsible for the delivery and fare in China, and the rest things are charged of Part B out of China.
V Inspection and quality Guarantee
1 Part A assure that the quality of the offer goods is subjected to the national safety using standard, and the quality of commodities are cope with the commodity which is displayed to Part B. Besides the damage and accident of artificial damage, using machine improperly, Part A is free to service with only paying material fee. During the period of guarantee and maintenance, the other accessories are fully free. After a year ,if there is problem of the quality, Part A will charge for maintenance and repairing with only taking in the material fee, and please look for the details of quality guarantee certificate.
2 The commodity has the quality problems abroad during the time of maintenance and repairing, the purchased goods is taken back to the purchasing sites by Part B, furthermore, the fare and the relative fee are charged by Part B. If there is a special situation which requires Part A to serve abroad, the fare of commendation and communication of stuffs of Part A are separately shared by two parties, namely: Part A shares the relevant cost in China, and Part B shares others in abroad.
3 Buying machines in our nation, during one year of maintenance and repairing, Part A offers service to your door, and at that time, commodity need be taken to factory by Part B, and pay the freight by themselves.
VI The Liability of Breach of Faith
1 Liability if breach the laches of faith of Part A
1) If Part A has delivered the commodities to the place where Part B specified on time, however, Part B does not pay the specified account in the contract, delaying one day, and Part A has the right of taking in 2% the penal sum of unpaied total price to Part B.
2) If the commodities have been checked and installed according to the contract, but Part B does not pay the rest account, therefore, Part A still has the right of owning them and removing them from the site of Part B.
3) After paying the advance payment to Part A, if Part B wants to adapt the content of the contract, they should make a requirement of adopting the contract to Part A after signing the contract within two days, otherwise, contract can not adopt or cancel , Part A do not return the advance payment.
4) Part B should keep the business confidentially, and can not tell the selling price or revealing it to the same vocation by other ways, otherwise, Part A has the right of taking in the price difference (subject to the retail price of company);
5) The listed payment of penal sum, but under the circumstance of no termination of the contract, it is not free to continue to carry out the liability of the contract.
VII Amendments of Contracts
After signing the contract, if there is something to adopt, through two parties make agreement on it, we can sign the additional agreement as the additional contract. If for Part B adopt the contract, cancel the part or all they booked , which causes the damage of product material and labor, Part B should take on it, buyer should submit to the time of returning and changing products , and check and pay the other products which do not return and change.
The contract is fit for the law (Contract Laws of the People’s Republic of China) and the relevant laws. The contract is a bipartite, and it is effect after the representatives of two parties sign the contract and appends a seal to the contract, both parties have one of them which have the effect of the law.