Last revised June 5, 2010.
This page is designed as my "links" page. It provides links to various blogs I have posted on this website and allows easy access.
Announcements for Skype calls, etc:
New Skype call announcements will be posted here on a regular basis.
I am tentatively planning Skype calls, one each on Saturday. Here's the basic information. The exact time is subject to change. Check here often for details and changes.
I am changing the format of my Skype calls in June. Each call will last 90 minutes. The first 60 minutes will be mostly reading or open discussion. The last 30 minutes will be pronounciation drills like we had today (June 5).
Saturday, June 12 at 8 p.m. China time: Windsong, Chapter 3, continued. I will post more info here later. Also see the reading material in the link to Windsong, posted below.
Saturday, June 19 at 8 p.m. China time: topic to be announced later.
Saturday, June 26 at 8 p.m. China time: topic to be announced later.
Sedgehead’s autobiography, Chapters 1 to 4:
Sedgehead’s autobiography, Chapters 5 to 8:
Idioms, words, and phrases from Chapters 1 to 4: .
(May 5, 2010 update: currently working on Chapter 7 with more chapters to be added later).
Links to the chapters and supporting materials:
Little Things blog:
Why little things are important:
Sedgehead English Lessons:
Sedgehead English: Lesson One:
(needs work, somewhat incomplete)
Sedgehead English: Lesson Two:
Sedgehead English: Lesson Three:
(needs revision)
Sedgehead English: Lesson Four:
(needs revision)
Sedgehead English: Lesson Five: and
.Sedgehead English: Pronounciation Drill One:
Writings of Sedgehead:
Earlier poems:
Autobiography, chapters 1-4 of Windsong:
Autobiography, chapters 5-8 of Windsong: (Chapter 8 is incomplete).
Autobiography, chapters 9-10 of Windsong: to be added here later.
Autobiography, Chinese version: to be written later.
Autobiography, complete: The first version of Windsong (chapters 1-10) covered the first 18 years of my life. I am rewriting it here to improve my use of English. I've learned a lot about writing in the last 20 years, since the first version came out in 1991. So I'm changing the writing style significantly as I re-write it here. I have a few draft chapters covering more of my life, but I've not digitized them (put them on my computer). Eventually I hope to post the entire life story here. Come back later for updates.