


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Articles, Free Tips, Tricks, Help, Advice PodCast Blog | SEO Expert Coimbatore India| Jagadeesh M
As we see many of our friends have written what twitter is all aboutfree social messaging service for staying connected with friends andfollowers etc etc, so I don't want to add that content to my post :)in fact for a change we will start with an introduction on how the namecame up and what’s the meaning of twitter. Here the meaning "Makehigh-pitched sounds, as of birds" so we can add some hi pitch text andfun along with the discussions in twitter "What you doing" updatesection like as I do some mischief with my SEO updates and my personalstuffs. By this followers would be interested in your update and theylike to read and share your stuffs and not get bored

Here are the ideas how you can make your twitter profile, web page, blog visitor a follower

(1)Read blog post and comment your valid suggestions with your twitterprofile in URL field and don't mind about no follow attribute. If yourcomment is a valid one, user will check your profile to gain yourknowledge and share, by this they may follow and their friends may follow

(2) Retweet valuable tweets, suggestionsand discussions and you may follow @retweet so that you can monitorwhich messages are getting retweeted. This way, you can find your ownupon the continuous practice. By this your twitter profile might befollowed by interesting people

E.g.: RT @jagadeeshmp Great SEO help resource Blog http://tinyurl.com/btqjz5

(3) Follow people back if they are interesting and update often

(4) Join twittgroups.com and tweetchat.com and add (#) hash tag to your update so that your message will be seen to the people in those groups and if your resource or updates are useful there is a possibility that they would follow you

E.g.: Great #SEO help resource Blog http://tinyurl.com/btqjz5 and check out in


(5)Increase your updates count :), it should have a mix of discussions,questions, feedback and retweet both techy and non-techy. So users maythink following you may be useful lolls. Just keep in mind it should beuseful and users should like you and your updates :)

(6)Add your twitter profile in all top social networking sites likelinkedin, friendfeed, facebook, mybloglog, digg and the likes.

(7) Add your twitter profile in your email signature as well as in your blog or website

(8) Use TwitterFeed to automate your tweets that turns all of your blog posts into tweets

(9) In addition, try to enable you twitter account with twitterholic.com, twittercounter.com and twittervision.com

(10)Agree to the fact that this involves a lot of time and it would happenovernight. Guess this is the most important thing out of all nine :) Put you effort over the above 9 ideas and attract more followers and get more clients through twitter

If you find above post useful feel free to follow meand if any ideas are missed out you are welcome to add in commentsection, with your twitter profile which will be an additional benefitto readers.If the idea is good, readers and I may follow you. Are youHappy! Now Howz that?
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