


《紅樓夢》部分成語及其在兩個譯本中的翻譯集 - molly的日志 - 網(wǎng)易博客


記事本_資料 2009-05-17 15:14:28 閱讀11 評論0 字號:


1 青紅皂白 61回439


     ‘That’s all very well,’ said Xifeng, ‘but we know Baoyu. He sticks up for those girls even if they’rein the wrong.

     ‘That’s as may be,’ said Xi-feng when she had finished; ‘but we all know how ready Bao-yu is to cover up for other people.


2 野鶴閑云 63回457


‘No won-der your own behaviour and conversation are as unworldly as a wild stork or floating clouds! So this is the reason.


‘I see!’ he said. ‘That ethereal, crane-in-the-clouds quality one notices in everything you do or say-I see now where you get it from.


3 醍醐灌頂 63回457


Baoyu felt as if Buddha had suddenly shown him the light.‘Aiya!’ he exclaimed.


Bao-yu must have had some such feeling as he listened to Xiu-yan, for he first of all gave a gasp of discovery and then laughed out loud.


4 功成圓滿 63回458


The servants explained, ‘His Lordship took elixirs every day; now he must have achieved his aim and become an immortal.’


      ‘He spent all his time looking for the secret of immortality.’ said one of the servants. ‘Perhaps he found it and went off to heaven.’


5 信口開河 63回460


As Jia Rong was rattling away so wildly he noticed that the old lady had woken up, and made haste to pay his respects.


He seemed to be warming to the subject and would doubtless have treated them to other even less edifying examples of Rong-guo depravity, had not the old

lady suddenly woken up at that point, necessitating an abrupt change of manner. At once he dropped down on his knee and began inquiring solicitously about

 her health.


6 指腹為婚 64回


        You’s first husband, Zhang Hua and Sec-ond Sister You had been engaged to each other before they were born.


 While holding it, he had made the arrangement with Mrs You’s first husband, who was his good friend, as a result of which Zhang Hua and Er-jie were engaged to each other from their earliest infancy.


7 天有不測風云,人有旦夕禍福  67回484


‘Sudden storms spring up in nature, and the fortunes of men may change overnight.’


“The weather and human life are unpredictable.”


8 眉頭一皺,計上心來 67回492

She then thought the whole business over carefully once more, and hit on a cunning plan to kill several birds with one stone, working out the safest

measures to achieve this.


Presently she frowned as if an idea had just occurred to her.


9 明媒正娶 68回494


Yours isn’t a proper marriage.


After all, your marriage to Mr Lian was rather a hole-and-corner affair, wasn’t it?


10 天打雷劈,五鬼分尸 68回497


May lightning blast your skull!’ she swore at him. ‘May five devils tear you apart, you heartless wretch!


‘Black-hearted villain! May God’s lightning strike you and the devils tear your carcase!


11 斬草除根 69回503


 In this way the root of the trouble would be removed and her reputation as-sured.


 Only by such root-and-branch methods, she felt, could her fears be allayed and the threat to her reputation be removed.


12 言三語四,指桑說槐 69回503


All the maids and servants, with the exception of Pinger, kept gossip-ing, making sarcastic remarks, and casting aspersions at Second Sister.


The servants, with the sole exception of Patience, speculated freely about the cause of their mistress’s illness, and Er-jie, though seldom named,

came in for frequent criticism.


13 烈火干柴,如膠似漆 69回503


Although Qiutong had been interested in Jia Lian, they had never had an affair. Now that as luck would have it she had being given to him, it was truly

 like throwing a dry faggot on a blazing fire. They clung to each other like glue, Jia Lian so enamoured of his new concubine that he never left her side.


 It may be imagined what sort of blaze was kindled in the brush-wood when two such eager bedfellows were brought together with full parental approval

 of their union. Day after day he spent in Autumn’s company –aye sporting with his new-won bride in the words of the poet. He seemed, indeed, scarcely

 able to prise himself away from her.


14 借刀殺人,坐山觀虎斗 69回503


Xifeng, though hating Qiutong, was eager to use her first to rid herself of Second Sister by ‘Killing with a borrowed sword’ and ‘Watching from a

 hilltop while two tigers fought.’


Xi-feng detested Autumn but was glad to have her as a means of ridding herself of Er-jie. She would ‘kill with a borrowed knife’ - or rather she would

watch the killing from a safe distance, like a traveller reclining on a mountainside who watches two tigers tearing each other to pieces in the valley below.


15 花言巧語 69回504


Don’t trust that shrew’s honeyed talk or her show of being such a virtuous wife ‘ at heart she’s crafty and cruel.


Don’t trust the honied words of that jealous woman! Outwardly she seems kind and virtuous, but she is treacherous and cunning underneath.


16 臨陣磨槍  70回510


‘It’s no use sharpening your spear just before a battle,’ warned Lady Wang.


‘It’s too late to begin sharpening your weapons on the field of battle,’ she said.


17 天倫之樂 71回514


...when he was tired would play chess or drink with his proteges or enjoy the domesticity of the inner quarters with his mother, sons and wife.


 ...when he felt in need of company, drinking and playing Go with his literary gentlemen, or enjoying the delights of family life with his wife and

mother in the women’s apartments inside.


18 絡繹不絕 71回514


From the start of the seventh month streams of messengers had been arriving with gifts.


Ever since the beginning of the seventh month presents had been coming in almost continuously.


19 海誓山盟 72回522


Although they had not made love, they had secretly exchanged solemn vows and pledges, baring their hearts to each other.


They had not yet reached the point of physical union when Faithful surprised them, but they had exchanged vows and keepsakes and passionate endearments

and were not far off it.


20 唇亡齒寒 73回535


‘When the lips are gone the teeth will feel the cold.’


when the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold.


21 花紅柳綠 74回538


 Who let you dress in those gaudy reds and greens?’


Who gave you permission anyway to dress yourself up in that garish fashion?’


22 百足之蟲,死而不僵 74回540


‘A centipede even when dead won’t fall to the ground.’


“The beast with a thousand legs is a long time dying.”


23 一敗涂地 74回540


We must start killing each other first before our family can be completely destroyed.’


In order for the destruction to be complete, it has to begin from within.’


24 舍近求遠...紙上談兵 76回560


We’ve been ignoring a talent right under our eyes, yet trying to seek what is far away!’ they exclaimed. ‘We have such a superior po-etess here,

 yet every day we pretend to be able to write.’


Strange that we should be always looking round for poetic talent,’ they said, ‘and all the time we have had a poet like you on our very doorstep!

 These verses of yours make anything we have ever done look very amateurish.’


25 依依不舍 78回581


After chanting this he burned the silk and poured a libation of tea, still reluctant to leave the place.


When he had finished reading, he made a little flame with the burner and set fire to the silk. Then he poured the tea out on the ground as a libation,

scattered the flowers, and emptied the water out of the vase. He continued to linger there after he had finished, as though unable to tear himself away.


26 情不自禁 79回583


Struck by this scene of desolation, he could not contain his feel-ings but then and there made up a song which he chanted as follows:


 So strong was this feeling, that it eventually began forming itself into a poem, the words of which came almost unbidden to his lips.


27 耳鬢廝磨 79回585


Some days later he heard that Yingchun’s marriage had taken place and grieved deeply that he had been unable to see her off, reflecting that he and his

girl cousins had always been together, but were they to meet again after this separation they could not be as intimate as before.


Not long after that came news of Ying-chun’s wedding, and Bao-yu realized with a pang that the affectionate, brother-and-sister-like relationship of

 their childhood years was now at an end: from now on, even if they ever met, they would have to be formal and distant with each other.


28 無法無天 79回585


 So during these hundred days he and his maids rampaged as they pleased, getting up to mischief never heard of before and stopping short only of pulling

down Happy Red Court.


During those hundred days of convalescence he and the maids all but took Green Delights apart. No form of diversion was too wild or hare-brained for him

to try, and things were done then that cannot have been thought of before or since.


29 百依百順 79回586


she had no brothers either, her widowed mother had spoilt this only daughter, doting on her and fall-ing in with all her whims.


 as her widowed mother had no other child of her own and doted on her excessively, she had been thoroughly spoiled. By treating her every whim as law and

 gainsaying her nothing, her mother had turned her into a monster.


30 得隴望蜀 80回588


“To cover the land of Shu after getting the region of Long.”


‘conquest did but breed appetite for further conquest’


31 嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗 81回594

楊譯 ‘Many a cock and follow the cock; many a dog and follow the dog’


When rooster crows at break of day,

All his hen-folk must obey.

No choice for a dog’s wife

But to make the best of a dog’s life.


32 青面獠牙  81回597


Still, I saw green-faced, long--fanged devils all over the place, who were swinging swords and clubs.


 All I could see in the room was a mob of green-faced devils with huge fangs, carrying swords and cudgels.


33 自作自受  81回598


 We’d better give her rope to hang her-self — she’s bound to give herself away one of these days.”


We must bide our time. She is certain to give herself away sooner or later.’


34 牛鬼蛇神 82回601


while the most ludicrous ones are written by ignoramuses who drag in this, that and the other to make up a monstrous mishmash, yet boast of their erudition!


Not content with botching together a few classical tags, they try to hide the fact that they haven’t got a single original idea of their own by churning

 out a lot of far-fetched purple passages -and then pride themselves on having been "subtle" and "profound".


35 一日三秋  82回601


‘One day apart seems three autumns’ — how true that old saying is.”


It was scarce a day we were apart It seemed three autumns long! That’s just how I feel.’


36 死而復生 82回601


 But I survived it somehow, and now that we’re together again I feel as if I’d just risen from the dead!


 But now, one glimpse of you has raised my spirit from the dead!


37 后生可畏 82回602


“Respect the young.”




38 兔死狐悲  82回604


 Grieving over her friend’s death, she sighed.


Poor Skybright! Aroma sighed; for does not the hare in the trap set the fox’s heart a-beating?


39 不清不白 90回 668

 楊譯 ---because she bears Sister Baoqin some grudge, she’s playing this dirty trick to get me into hot water and

give me a bad name — that’s possible too.”


Another possibility is that she’s fallen out with Bao-qin and this is a plot to disgrace me and drag the family name in the mud...’


40 七嘴八舌90回 667


You know how it is in our family — all sweet talk hiding inward disagreement. It shouldn’t matter send-ing you

a small present, but it might give rise to a whole lot of gossip.



It’s all in the family after all... Mrs Pan knows what trouble you’ve been put to on account of Mr Pan, and she’s been meaning for

 a long time to thank you herself but was afraid the others might take it the wrong way. In this household, as I think you know,

 sir, there’s a lot goes on beneath the surface.


41 寄人籬下90回 667


After some more talk Xue Ke went back to his room for supper. He thought to himself,

“Xiuyan’s living in the Jias’ Garden as a dependent, and being a poor relation she must be having a thin time of it.



They stayed chatting together for a few minutes longer and then Xue Ke returned to his room.

 He ate his dinner and began to think about Xiu-yan in the Garden, forced by poverty to be so utterly dependent on the Jias.


42 狐群狗黨 90回 666


Just then Xue Ke came in.

 “The friends Brother Pan has been making these years!” he fumed. “There’s not a single decent sort among

the whole foxy lot. They’re a pack of curs! I don’t believe they feel any concern for him. They just come to ferret our news.



As she was speaking Xue Ke came in.

‘In all the years he’s spent here Pan hasn’t made a single decent friend!’ he said. ‘They’re a pack of rogues the lot of them!


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