1. Across languages and cultures
A multidisciplinary journal for translation and interpreting studies
'Across Languages and Cultures publishes original articles and reviews on all sub-disciplines of Translation and Interpreting (T/I) Studies: general T/I theory, descriptive T/I studies and applied T/I studies. Special emphasis is laid on the questions of multilingualism, language policy and translation policy. Publications on new research methods and models are encouraged. Publishes book reviews, news, announcements and advertisements.”
2. Alta newsletter
American literary translators association
3. Babel: International journal of translation
季刊 - published by the International Federation of Translators with the assistance of UNESCO.
Babel is a scholarly journal designed primarily for translators and interpreters, yet of interest also for the nonspecialist concerned with current issues and events in the field of translation.
Babel is published for the Federation of Translators (FIT).
This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, INIST, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, MLA Bibliography, European Reference Index for the Humanities.
An international journal on translation, BABEL is published 4 times a year. Authors can submit their paper in electronic format to René Haeseryn, Director of publication: babel@fit-ift.org.
4. Equivalences
5. In other words :Journal of the Translators association
The journal of the Translators Association, produced in collaboration with the British Centre for Literary Translation at the University of East Anglia.
Contains articles on the art of translation and on translating particular authors and texts together with reviews of newly published translations.
Bi-annual. Annual subscription: ?12 individuals; ?25 institutions.
The Translators Association
The Society of Authors
84 Drayton Gardens
London SW10 9SB
Telephone: 44 (0)20 7373 6642
E-mail: info@societyofauthors.org-
6. Languages in contrast
International journal for contrastive linguistics
aims to publish contrastive studies of two or more languages. Any aspect of language may be covered, including vocabulary, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, text and discourse, stylistics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics.
welcomes interdisciplinary studies, particularly those that make links between contrastive linguistics and translation, lexicography, computational linguistics, language teaching, literary and linguistic computing, literary studies and cultural studies.
provides a home for contrastive linguistics. It enables advocates of different theoretical linguistic frameworks topublish in a single publication to the benefit of all involved in contrastive research.
provides a forum to explore the theoretical status of the field; stimulates research into a wide range of languages; and helps to give the field of contrastive linguistics a distinct identity.
This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: IBR/IBZ, INIST, Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique, LLBA, European Reference Index for the Humanities
SPRIK comprises three sub-projects focusing on different aspects of information structuring. Syntactic devices are central to Subproject 1, while the other two focus on lexcial and textual resources.
Subproject 1:
Syntactic resources for information structuring: presentatives, topicalization, passivization, clefting
Subproject 2:
The interplay of explicit and implicit information
Subproject 3:
Conditions for perspectivization in text
SPRIK is funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The project continues a previous project supported by the Norwegian Research Council and the Faculty of Arts at the University of Oslo.
The project will cease in December 2008.
Detailed project description (in Norwegian)
7. Machine translation
Machine Translation covers all branches of computational linguistics and language engineering, wherever they incorporate a multilingual aspect. It features papers that cover the theoretical, descriptive or computational aspects of any of the following topics:
machine translation and machine-aided translation
human translation theory and practice
multilingual text composition and generation
multilingual information retrieval
multilingual natural language interfaces
multilingual dialogue systems
multilingual message understanding systems
corpus-based and statistical language modeling
connectionist approaches to translation
compilation and use of bi- and multilingual corpora
discourse phenomena and their treatment in (human or machine) translation
knowledge engineering
contrastive linguistics
morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics
computer-aided language instruction and learning
software localization and internationalization
speech processing, especially for speech translation
phonetics, phonology
computational implications of non-Roman character sets
multilingual word-processing
the multilingual information society (sociological and legal as well as linguistic aspects)
minority languages
history of machine translation.
8. Meta: Translators' Journal
9. MT news international
Newsletter of the International Association for Machine Translation
10, Perspectives: studies in translatology
丹麥著名學(xué)術(shù)刊物《視角:翻譯學(xué)研究》(Perspectives:Studies in Translatology):
該英語季刊創(chuàng)刊于1993年,由丹麥哥本哈根大學(xué)英文系和翻譯研究中心主辦,國際著名翻譯學(xué)者Cay Dollerup擔(dān)任主編。自2002年起該刊改由哥本哈根大學(xué)英文系和清華大學(xué)外語系合辦。作為國際翻譯界頗有影響的學(xué)術(shù)刊物之一,該刊為國際權(quán)威檢索系統(tǒng)A & HCI(藝術(shù)與人文科學(xué)論文索引)確定的極少數(shù)翻譯研究源刊,其論文收錄率達(dá)到80%以上。該刊物的特點是觀點新、視角新、跨文化和跨學(xué)科,力圖從不同角度揭示翻譯學(xué)的性質(zhì)和任務(wù)。
11. Target: International journal of translation studies
This is edited by GIDEON TOURY and JOS. LAMBERT and published by John Benjamins (Amsterdam).
promotes the scholarly study of translational phenomena from a thoroughly interdisciplinary and international point of view. Rather than reducing research on translation to the practical questions asked by translators, their committers or their audience, the aim is to examine the role of translation in communication in general, with emphasis on cultural situations and theoretical, methodological and didactic matters. Attention is given to the relationship between translation and the societal organisation of communication.
provides a forum for innovative approaches to translation. It publishes original studies of theoretical, methodological and descriptive-explanatory nature into translation problems and corpora, reflecting various socio-cultural approaches. The extensive review section discusses the most important publications in the field in order to reflect the evolution of the discipline.
12. Traduire Revue fran?aise de traduction : information linguistique et culturelle
13. Translation and literature
Translation and Literature 'has long been indispensable. It is a large intelligence flitting among the languages, to connect and to sustain. The issues are becoming archival; the substantial articles, notes, documents and reviews practise an up-to-the-minute criticism on texts ancient and modern.' - Times Literary Supplement Translation and Literature is an interdisciplinary scholarly journal focusing on English Literature in its foreign relations. Recent articles and notes include: Surrey and Marot, Livy and Jacobean drama, Virgil in Paradise Lost, Pope's Horace, Fielding on translation, Browning's Agamemnon, and Brecht in English. It embraces responses to all other literatures in the work of English writers, including reception of classical texts; historical and contemporary translation of works in modern languages; history and theory of literary translation, adaptation, and imitation. Translation and Literature is indexed in Arts and Humanities bibliographies and bibliographical databases including the Modern Language Association of America International Bibiography Winner of three successive British Academy Learned Journals Awards, 1993-96
Free Sample Issue: Volume 15, Part 1, Spring 2006
Print ISSN 0968-1361.
Electronic ISSN 1750-0214.
14. Translation review University of Texas at Dallas
Started in 1978, Translation Review is published two times a year. The Reviewis unique in the English-speaking world. While many literary journals publish translations of the works of international authors in English translation,Translation Review focuses on the theoretical and critical aspects of transplanting a literary text from one culture into another. The pages ofTranslation Review present in-depth interviews with translators; articles that deal with the evaluation of existing translations; profiles on small, commercial, and university publishers of foreign literature in translation; comparative studies of multiple translations into English of the same work; investigations of methodologies to develop translation workshops and courses in literary translations; and information concerning ongoing research in translation studies in the United States and abroad.
Through Translation Review, translators have a forum to talk about the reconstruction of the translation process to give readers a sense of the tremendous difficulties involved in transplanting a text from a foreign culture into English. Thus, the practice of translation can also be considered an important methodological tool to initiate and promote interdisciplinary thinking. Translation Review serves as a major critical and scholarly journal to facilitate cross-cultural communication through the refined art and craft of literary translations.
Translators and scholars who are interested in contributing to Translation Review should contact the editor, Rainer Schulte. We are looking for articles and essays that deal with the reconstruction of the translation process. We are particularly interested in thoughtful reviews of significant new translations into English. Furthermore, we would like to expand studies that deal with the anthropological and cultural aspects of translation. Articles focusing on the practical implications of translation for the teaching of literature and the humanities are of particular interest to the editors.
15. The Translator: studies in intercultural communication
The Translator is a refereed international journal that publishes articles on a variety of issues related to translation and interpreting as acts of intercultural communication. It aims to provide a meeting point for existing as well as future approaches and to stimulate interaction between various groups who share a common concern for translation as a profession and translation studies as a discipline. The Translator puts equal emphasis on rigour and readability and is not restricted in scope to any particular school of thought or academic group.
: -Baker, Mona (The University of Manchester)
16.The Interpreter and Translator Trainer
: -Kelly, Dorothy (Universidad de Granada)
-: -Way, Catherine (Universidad de Granada)
PUBLISHER: -St. Jerome (Manchester)
START/END YEAR: -2007 - Present
PUB TYPE: -Journal/Periodical/Series () ISSN: 1750-3991.1.1
SUBJECT(S): -translator training, interpreter training
DISCIPLINE: -Languages
HTTP: -§ion=1&msg=Periodicals&finds=0&string=
LANGUAGE: -English
Increasing demand for professionals for the languages services industry and other areas of intercultural communication and the concomitant proliferation of training programmes have given rise to widespread concern for and reflection on how translator and interpreter education and training can best be conceived and the necessary skills and knowledge to be acquired. This is the first journal in the field of translation studies to devote its attention entirely to research in education and training.
ITT is a refereed international journal that seeks to address issues relating to the education and training of professional translators and interpreters, and of those working in other forms of interlingual and intercultural mediation. ITT aims to provide a specialized forum for trainers, educators, researchers and professionals sharing an interest in the training of translators and/or interpreters from diverse theoretical and applied approaches, encouraging critical reflection on the many issues involved, including: curricular design; syllabus design; translator/translation competence(s); teaching and learning approaches, methods and techniques; teaching and learning resources; assessment and accreditation, amongst others. ITT seeks in particular to encourage interdisciplinary approaches incorporating appropriate research methods and results from fields such as education, curricular studies, or language acquisition, as well as others more frequently associated with tanslation studies, such as cultural studies, linguistics, communication studies, anthropology, psychology, cognitive science or literary studies.
17. Two Lines (journal of translation)
An annual journal of international literature in translation and commentary on the art of translation.
This journal has established a forum for literary translators, encouraging the exchange of ideas on the art and craft of translation.
Parties, the 2003 issue of Two Lines. this issue features new translations of poetry and fiction from Uzbek, Italian, Japanese, Icelandic, Finnish, Russian and ten other world languages.
To order Parties or for more information, visit the Two Lines: a journal of translation web site.
35 Stillman Street, Suite #201
San Francisco, California 94107
United States of America-
18. Translation Quarterly 翻譯季刊 1027-5593 中國香港翻譯學(xué)會
Journal of Hong Kong Translation Society
Published four times a year, the Translation Quarterly is the official publication of the Hong Kong Translation Society. The first of its kind in Hong Kong, the journal aims at providing a forum for the exchange of views and ideas concerning translation.
Translation Quarterly is published by the Hong Kong Translation Society, and is a major international scholarly publication. Its Chief Editor is the Society's Vice-President, Professor Leo Tak-hung Chan, and its Academic Advisory Board is composed of numerous internationally renowned specialists in the translation studies field. The journal has previously included contributions from such distinguished scholars as the Swedish Nobel Prize committee judge Professor Goran Malmqvist, the American translation theorist Dr. Eugene A. Nida, and the English translator Professor David Hawkes. publishes contributions in both Chinese and English, and English abstracts of its articles are included in , edited by UMIST, UK.