The Future of web startups
作者:Paul Graham
(This essay is derived from a keynote at FOWA in October 2007.)
(本文根據(jù)作者在2007年10月Future of Web Apps 會議上的主題演講改編而成)
There’s something interesting happeningright now. Startups are undergoing the same transformation thattechnology does when it becomes cheaper.
It’s a pattern we see over and over in technology. Initially there’ssome device that’s very expensive and made in small quantities. Thensomeone discovers how to make them cheaply; many more get built; and as aresult they can be used in new ways.
Computers are a familiar example. When I was a kid, computers werebig, expensive machines built one at a time. Now they’re a commodity.Now we can stick computers in everything.
This pattern is very old. Most of the turning points in economichistory are instances of it. It happened to steel in the 1850s, and topower in the 1780s. It happened to cloth manufacture in the thirteenthcentury, generating the wealth that later brought about the Renaissance.Agriculture itself was an instance of this pattern.
Now as well as being produced by startups, this pattern is happeningto startups. It’s so cheap to start web startups that orders ofmagnitudes more will be started. If the pattern holds true, that shouldcause dramatic changes.
1. Lots of Startups
1. 無數(shù)的創(chuàng)業(yè)者
So my first prediction about the future of web startups is prettystraightforward: there will be a lot of them. When starting a startupwas expensive, you had to get the permission of investors to do it. Nowthe only threshold is courage.
Even that threshold is getting lower, as people watch others take theplunge and survive. In the last batch of startups we funded, we hadseveral founders who said they’d thought of applying before, but weren’tsure and got jobs instead. It was only after hearing reports of friendswho’d done it that they decided to try it themselves.
Starting a startup is hard, but having a 9 to 5 job is hard too, andin some ways a worse kind of hard. In a startup you have lots ofworries, but you don’t have that feeling that your life is flying bylike you do in a big company. Plus in a startup you could make much moremoney.
As word spreads that startups work, the number may grow to a pointthat would now seem surprising.
We now think of it as normal to have a job at a company, but this isthe thinnest of historical veneers. Just two or three lifetimes ago,most people in what are now called industrialized countries lived byfarming. So while it may seem surprising to propose that large numbersof people will change the way they make a living, it would be moresurprising if they didn’t.
2. Standardization
2. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化
When technology makes something dramatically cheaper, standardizationalways follows. When you make things in large volumes you tend tostandardize everything that doesn’t need to change.
At Y Combinator we still only have four people, so we try tostandardize everything. We could hire employees, but we want to beforced to figure out how to scale investing.
We often tell startups to release a minimal version one quickly, thenlet the needs of the users determine what to do next. In essense, letthe market design the product. We’ve done the same thing ourselves. Wethink of the techniques we’re developing for dealing with large numbersof startups as like software. Sometimes it literally is software, likeHacker News and our application system.
One of the most important things we’ve been working on standardizingare investment terms. Till now investment terms have been individuallynegotiated. This is a problem for founders, because it makes raisingmoney take longer and cost more in legal fees. So as well as using thesame paperwork for every deal we do, we’ve commissioned generic angelpaperwork that all the startups we fund can use for future rounds.
Some investors will still want to cook up their own deal terms.Series A rounds, where you raise a million dollars or more, will becustom deals for the forseeable future. But I think angel rounds willstart to be done mostly with standardized agreements. An angel who wantsto insert a bunch of complicated terms into the agreement is probablynot one you want anyway.
3. New Attitude to Acquisition
3. 對待并購的新態(tài)度
Another thing I see starting to get standardized is acquisitions. Asthe volume of startups increases, big companies will start to developstandardized procedures that make acquisitions little more work thanhiring someone.
Google is the leader here, as in so many areas of technology. Theybuy a lot of startups— more than most people realize, because they onlyannounce a fraction of them. And being Google, they’re figuring out howto do it efficiently.
One problem they’ve solved is how to think about acquisitions. Formost companies, acquisitions still carry some stigma of inadequacy.Companies do them because they have to, but there’s usually some feelingthey shouldn’t have to—that their own programmers should be able tobuild everything they need.
Google’s example should cure the rest of the world of this idea.Google has by far the best programmers of any public technology company.If they don’t have a problem doing acquisitions, the others should haveeven less problem. However many Google does, Microsoft should do tentimes as many.
One reason Google doesn’t have a problem with acquisitions is thatthey know first-hand the quality of the people they can get that way.Larry and Sergey only started Google after making the rounds of thesearch engines trying to sell their idea and finding no takers. They’vebeen the guys coming in to visit the big company, so they know who mightbe sitting across that conference table from them.
4. Riskier Strategies are Possible
4. 必須使用風(fēng)險更大的策略
Risk is always proportionate to reward. The way to get really bigreturns is to do things that seem crazy, like starting a new searchengine in 1998, or turning down a billion dollar acquisition offer.
This has traditionally been a problem in venture funding. Foundersand investors have different attitudes to risk. Knowing that risk is onaverage proportionate to reward, investors like risky strategies, whilefounders, who don’t have a big enough sample size to care what’s true onaverage, tend to be more conservative.
If startups are easy to start, this conflict goes away, becausefounders can start them younger, when it’s rational to take more risk,and can start more startups total in their careers. When founders can dolots of startups, they can start to look at the world in the sameportfolio-optimizing way as investors. And that means the overall amountof wealth created can be greater, because strategies can be riskier.
5. Younger, Nerdier Founders
5. 更年輕、更技術(shù)化的創(chuàng)業(yè)者
If startups become a cheap commodity, more people will be able tohave them, just as more people could have computers once microprocessorsmade them cheap. And in particular, younger and more technical founderswill be able to start startups than could before.
Back when it cost a lot to start a startup, you had to convinceinvestors to let you do it. And that required very different skills fromactually doing the startup. If investors were perfect judges, the twowould require exactly the same skills. But unfortunately most investorsare terrible judges. I know because I see behind the scenes what anenormous amount of work it takes to raise money, and the amount ofselling required in an industry is always inversely proportional to thejudgement of the buyers.
Fortunately, if startups get cheaper to start, there’s another way toconvince investors. Instead of going to venture capitalists with abusiness plan and trying to convince them to fund it, you can get aproduct launched on a few tens of thousands of dollars of seed moneyfrom us or your uncle, and approach them with a working company insteadof a plan for one. Then instead of having to seem smooth and confident,you can just point them to Alexa.
This way of convincing investors is better suited to hackers, whooften went into technology in part because they felt uncomfortable withthe amount of fakeness required in other fields.
6. Startup Hubs Will Persist
6. 創(chuàng)業(yè)園區(qū)將繼續(xù)存在
It might seem that if startups get cheap to start, it will mean theend of startup hubs like Silicon Valley. If all you need to start astartup is rent money, you should be able to do it anywhere.
This is kind of true and kind of false. It’s true that you can nowstart a startup anywhere. But you have to do more with a startup thanjust start it. You have to make it succeed. And that is more likely tohappen in a startup hub.
I’ve thought a lot about this question, and it seems to me theincreasing cheapness of web startups will if anything increase theimportance of startup hubs. The value of startup hubs, like centers forany kind of business, lies in something very old-fashioned: face to facemeetings. No technology in the immediate future will replace walkingdown University Ave and running into a friend who tells you how to fix abug that’s been bothering you all weekend, or visiting a friend’sstartup down the street and ending up in a conversation with one oftheir investors.
The question of whether to be in a startup hub is like the questionof whether to take outside investment. The question is not whether youneed it, but whether it brings any advantage at all. Because anythingthat brings an advantage will give your competitors an advantage overyou if they do it and you don’t. So if you hear someone saying “we don’tneed to be in Silicon Valley,” that use of the word “need” is a signthey’re not even thinking about the question right.
And while startup hubs are as powerful magnets as ever, theincreasing cheapness of starting a startup means the particles they’reattracting are getting lighter. A startup now can be just a pair of 22year old guys. A company like that can move much more easily than onewith 10 people, half of whom have kids.
We know because we make people move for Y Combinator, and it doesn’tseem to be a problem. The advantage of being able to work together faceto face for three months outweighs the inconvenience of moving. Askanyone who’s done it.
The mobility of seed-stage startups means that seed funding is anational business. One of the most common emails we get is from peopleasking if we can help them set up a local clone of Y Combinator. Butthis just wouldn’t work. Seed funding isn’t regional, just as bigresearch universities aren’t.
Is seed funding not merely national, but international? Interestingquestion. There are signs it may be. We’ve had an ongoing stream offounders from outside the US, and they tend to do particularly well,because they’re all people who were so determined to succeed that theywere willing to move to another country to do it.
The more mobile startups get, the harder it would be to start newsilicon valleys. If startups are mobile, the best local talent will goto the real Silicon Valley, and all they’ll get at the local one will bethe people who didn’t have the energy to move.
This is not a nationalistic idea, incidentally. It’s cities thatcompete, not countries. Atlanta is just as hosed as Munich.
7. Better Judgement Needed
7. 需要更好的判斷力
If the number of startups increases dramatically, then the peoplewhose job is to judge them are going to have to get better at it. I’mthinking particularly of investors and acquirers. We now get on theorder of 1000 applications a year. What are we going to do if we get10,000?
That’s actually an alarming idea. But we’ll figure out some kind ofanswer. We’ll have to. It will probably involve writing some software,but fortunately we can do that.
Acquirers will also have to get better at picking winners. Theygenerally do better than investors, because they pick later, whenthere’s more performance to measure. But even at the most advancedacquirers, identifying companies to buy is extremely ad hoc, andcompleting the acquisition often involves a great deal of unneccessaryfriction.
I think acquirers may eventually have chief acquisition officers whowill both identify good acquisitions and make the deals happen. At themoment those two functions are separate. Promising new startups areoften discovered by developers. If someone powerful enough wants to buythem, the deal is handed over to corp dev guys to negotiate. It would bebetter if both were combined in one group, headed by someone with atechnical background and some vision of what they wanted to accomplish.Maybe in the future big companies will have both a VP of Engineeringresponsible for technology developed in-house, and a CAO responsible forbringing technology in from outside.
我想大公司會逐漸設(shè)置首席收購官(chief acquisitionofficers)這個職務(wù),由他們負(fù)責(zé)挑選收購方和發(fā)生交易。目前,這兩個只能基本上是分開的。通常,有希望的初創(chuàng)企業(yè)是由程序員發(fā)現(xiàn)的。如果一家大公司決定要收購這些企業(yè),那么交易會移交給公司的管理層去談判。這兩個職能由一個團(tuán)隊來完成,效果會好得多。團(tuán)隊的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人應(yīng)該具有技術(shù)背景,了解自己想要完成的目標(biāo)。也許在未來,大公司會同時有兩個高級管理職員,一個是負(fù)責(zé)內(nèi)部技術(shù)發(fā)展的副總裁,另一個是負(fù)責(zé)將外部技術(shù)帶入公司的首席收購官。
At the moment, there is no one within big companies who gets introuble when they buy a startup for $200 million that they could havebought earlier for $20 million. There should start to be someone whogets in trouble for that.
8. College Will Change
8. 大學(xué)將發(fā)生變化
If the best hackers start their own companies after college insteadof getting jobs, that will change what happens in college. Most of thesechanges will be for the better. I think the experience of college iswarped in a bad way by the expectation that afterward you’ll be judgedby potential employers.
One change will be in the meaning of “after college,” which willswitch from when one graduates from college to when one leaves it. Ifyou’re starting your own company, why do you need a degree? We don’tencourage people to start startups during college, but the best foundersare certainly capable of it. Some of the most successful companieswe’ve funded were started by undergrads.
I grew up in a time where college degrees seemed really important, soI’m alarmed to be saying things like this, but there’s nothing magicalabout a degree. There’s nothing that magically changes after you takethat last exam. The importance of degrees is due solely to theadministrative needs of large organizations. These can certainly affectyour life—it’s hard to get into grad school, or to get a work visa inthe US, without an undergraduate degree—but tests like this will matterless and less.
As well as mattering less whether students get degrees, it will alsostart to matter less where they go to college. In a startup you’rejudged by users, and they don’t care where you went to college. So in aworld of startups, elite universities will play less of a role asgatekeepers. In the US it’s a national scandal how easily children ofrich parents game college admissions. But the way this problemultimately gets solved may not be by reforming the universities but bygoing around them. We in the technology world are used to that sort ofsolution: you don’t beat the incumbents; you redefine the problem tomake them irrelevant.
The greatest value of universities is not the brand name or perhapseven the classes so much as the people you meet. If it becomes common tostart a startup after college, students may start trying to maximizethis. Instead of focusing on getting internships at companies they wantto work for, they may start to focus on working with other students theywant as cofounders.
What students do in their classes will change too. Instead of tryingto get good grades to impress future employers, students will try tolearn things. We’re talking about some pretty dramatic changes here.
9. Lots of Competitors
9. 許許多多的競爭者
If it gets easier to start a startup, it’s easier for competitorstoo. That doesn’t erase the advantage of increased cheapness, however.You’re not all playing a zero-sum game. There’s not some fixed number ofstartups that can succeed, regardless of how many are started.
In fact, I don’t think there’s any limit to the number of startupsthat could succeed. Startups succeed by creating wealth, which is thesatisfaction of people’s desires. And people’s desires seem to beeffectively infinite, at least in the short term.
What the increasing number of startups does mean is that you won’t beable to sit on a good idea. Other people have your idea, and they’ll beincreasingly likely to do something about it.
10. Faster Advances
10. 更快地前進(jìn)
There’s a good side to that, at least for consumers of technology. Ifpeople get right to work implementing ideas instead of sitting on them,technology will evolve faster.
Some kinds of innovations happen a company at a time, like thepunctuated equilibrium model of evolution. There are some kinds of ideasthat are so threatening that it’s hard for big companies even to thinkof them. Look at what a hard time Microsoft is having discovering webapps. They’re like a character in a movie that everyone in the audiencecan see something bad is about to happen to, but who can’t see ithimself. The big innovations that happen a company at a time willobviously happen faster if the rate of new companies increases.
But in fact there will be a double speed increase. People won’t waitas long to act on new ideas, but also those ideas will increasingly bedeveloped within startups rather than big companies. Which meanstechnology will evolve faster per company as well.
Big companies are just not a good place to make things happen fast. Italked recently to a founder whose startup had been acquired by a bigcompany. He was a precise sort of guy, so he’d measured theirproductivity before and after. He counted lines of code, which can be adubious measure, but in this case was meaningful because it was the samegroup of programmers. He found they were one thirteenth as productiveafter the acquisition.
The company that bought them was not a particularly stupid one. Ithink what he was measuring was mostly the cost of bigness. Iexperienced this myself, and his number sounds about right. There’ssomething about big companies that just sucks the energy out of you.
Imagine what all that energy could do if it were put to use. There isan enormous latent capacity in the world’s hackers that most peopledon’t even realize is there. That’s the main reason we do Y Combinator:to let loose all this energy by making it easy for hackers to starttheir own startups.
A Series of Tubes
The process of starting startups is currently like the plumbing in anold house. The pipes are narrow and twisty, and there are leaks inevery joint. In the future this mess will gradually be replaced by asingle, huge pipe. The water will still have to get from A to B, but itwill get there faster and without the risk of spraying out through somerandom leak.
This will change a lot of things for the better. In a big, straightpipe like that, the force of being measured by one’s performance willpropagate back through the whole system. Performance is always theultimate test, but there are so many kinks in the plumbing now that mostpeople are insulated from it most of the time. So you end up with aworld in which high school students think they need to get good gradesto get into elite colleges, and college students think they need to getgood grades to impress employers, within which the employees waste mostof their time in political battles, and from which consumers have to buyanyway because there are so few choices. Imagine if that sequencebecame a big, straight pipe. Then the effects of being measured byperformance would propagate all the way back to high school, flushingout all the arbitrary stuff people are measured by now. That is thefuture of web startups.