February 16, 2009
A wiki is a collaborative web site that collects and organizescontent, created and revised by its users. The most well-known exampleis Wikipedia. Wikis are a way to grow a knowledge base around aparticular content area, be it best practices in a particular field orhow to use a specific piece of software. Some organizations allow anyregistered user to contribute; others limit contributors to aparticular department or group.
A hallmark of Web 2.0 is that it improves as more people use it andthis approach underlies wiki-based learning. It is based on the ideathat within any enterprise, a great deal of knowledge exists among themembers. Sharing this knowledge and information can raise theorganization’s intelligence level, be it a university, an association,a corporation or club.
An important feature of a wiki is that information should be easilyaccessible. For example, suppose an organization rolls out new softwarethat novice users are finding difficult to use. Power users of thatsoftware could contribute tips and guidance on various softwareprocedures through the wiki. The goal would be for novice users toaccess the wiki on their organization’s intranet, search for the taskand quickly find the answer.
There is a reason that many people are attracted to wikis for learning.
Wikis develop a sense of community. They typically have a historypage that lists the original contributor of an article and those whohave edited and made revisions. This type of open collaborationprovides contributors with a sense of ownership. In addition, whenwriters come from within your organization they can add a flavor ofreal-world expertise that others in the organization may findappealing, helping them to buy-in to the wiki community.
When you build a wiki, follow these guidelines to help make it a success:
Wikipedia (a super-wiki example)
Wiki in an Enterprise (case study)
Wikispaces (free and low-cost wiki software)
Mediawiki (free software engine used for Wikipedia)
TikiWiki (open source and free wiki software)
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