??圖3 月神Zuen的楔形文字拼寫 阿卡德語月神辛(Sin)與蘇美爾月神南納相對應,月神辛亦被稱為“nannar-?amê”,及天堂之光(the light of the heaven)。 月神的神徽為一枚臥著的彎月,其圖像于蘇美爾早王朝三期即可見于滾印圖案,盛行于阿卡德王朝時期(2334-2154 BCE,如圖4)。
??圖7 王銘Ur-Nammu 9 拉丁文轉(zhuǎn)譯: dNannalugal-a-niUr-dNammulugal-Urim5ki-ma-ke4e2-a-niMu-na-du3bad3-Urim5ki-mamu-na-du3 翻譯為英文:For Nanna,his king—Ur-Nammu,the king of Ur—his temple—built.The city wall of Ur—he built for him. 譯為中文:烏爾王國國王烏爾納穆,以南納神的名義,建造了月神南納神廟和烏爾城的城墻,以致月神南納。 「 月 廟」 烏爾第三王朝開始,蘇美爾人用泥磚建造一種塔廟型神廟建筑(ziggurat),形制類似金字塔,塔頂為一座廳堂式神廟(如圖8)。
月光下的幼發(fā)拉底河,烏爾古城 參考資料:1.Jeremy Black and Anthony Green: Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, p.123, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1992. 2.Andrew George(Translated): The EPIC of GILGAMESH: The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian, PP.37, London: Penguin Books Ltd, 1999.3.Douglas B. Miller and R. Mark Shipp: An Akkadian Handbook: Helps, Paradigms, Glossary, Logograms, and Sign List, p.131, Winona Lake: EISENBRAUNS, 2014.4.Stephanie Dalley: Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others, p. 158, New York:Oxford University Press,1989.5.Briggs Buchanan: Early Near Eastern Seals in the Yale Babylonian Collection, pp.178-179, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1981.6.John L. Hayes: A Manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, p.130-171, Malibu: Undena Publication, 2000.7.Donald P. Hansen: Art of the Akkadian Dynasty, Joan Aruz(Edited): Art of the First Cities, pp.189-198, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Haven and London: Yale University Press,2003.8.拱玉書:《西亞考古史(1842-1939)》,第216頁,北京:文物出版社,2002年。 覃春雷