ADL Next Generation Architecture Proof-of-Concepts
( 16/01/2012 )ADL Next Generation Architecture Proof-of-Concepts from iFest 2011
The ADL Next Generation Architecture Proof-of-Concepts from iFest 2011 (hereafter referred to as “iFest Prototypes”) are demonstrations of the potential of a new learning architecture beyond SCORM. Several prototypes were created to illustrate different requirements of the next generation architecture:
Learning Record Store (LRS) The LRS is a prototype system that stores learning records and allows for the subsequent retrieval of those records. In addition to storing a learner’s interactions while actively viewing content, an LRS can store and retrieve information without an active learner-content session. An LRS is a component found in many of today’s LMSs. The LRS concept grew out of the vision that future learning systems will be split into several separate sub-systems that communicate through predefined interfaces. The LRS is a mandatory component for all other iFest Prototypes. Each prototype will use the LRS as its tracking system.
Content as a Service (CaaS) Course The CaaS Course prototype comes installed with the LRS. The CaaS prototype illustrates how content can be hosted anywhere, not just in an LMS. There is no “import” process and there is no requirement that content be on the same server or domain as the LMS. The CaaS prototype illustrates:
tracking learning experiences hosted outside of an LMS
moving away from a content package and import process
a solution to the SCORM cross-domain issue
and using existing standards such as SOAP, REST and JSON for run-time communications
Android Tablet Native Application The Android Tablet Native Application illustrates several requirements of the next generation learning architecture. This includes:
support for out-of-browser content such as mobile applications
content for roles other than the learner, in this case an instructor
and tracking of content not launched by an LMS
Game Engine Integration The Game Engine Integration prototype illustrates how a serious game or simulation may track data with a future learning system. This prototype integrated a Unity game, deployed as an executable, with the LRS. Requirements include:
tracking “l(fā)ong-running” content,
support for out-of-browser content,
and tracking of content not launched by an LMS
In addition, the prototype enables multiple-learner tracking, although it was not included in the ADL demonstration.
Legacy Content Wrapper Let’s face it… there is a LOT of SCORM-Conformant content out there. In the past, when new versions of SCORM were released, they were not backward compatible, causing complicated and costly upgrade projects. What would a new learning architecture mean for existing SCORM-Conformant content?
The Legacy Content Wrapper illustrates how existing SCOs (in this case, SCORM Version 1.2 SCOs) can be “wrapped” so that they communicate via a web-service interface. Our example does not change the existing SCOs. The prototype requires a change to the manifest and addition of a new JavaScript file. Although this approach requires some intervention, it dramatically reduces the effort to move existing SCORM content to a service-based architecture.