他們的孩子只是胃口不好了,或者睡眠不好了,堅信吃兩天藥就可以的; 有些家長也會非常內疚,覺得孩子生病是自己的錯,很自責; 看到孩子遭受痛苦,掙扎無助,大多數(shù)父母也都不同程度的感受到自戀受損,從而感到憤怒和羞恥。
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Claire Whitefield and Nick Midgley 'And when you were a child?’: how therapists working with parents alongside individual child psychotherapy bring the past into their work. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 2015 Vol. 41, No. 3, 272–292.
Dr. Daniel B. Barth About parallel work with latency and children and their parents. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 1998,12(1):29-45
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