Google Apps Education Editionis coming to an open source learning management system near you.Moodlerooms, aMoodlepartner, is launching a new enhancement to the open source LMS in collaboration with search giant Google to provide access to the application suite using a single sign-on.
GoogleApps Education Edition is the widely deployed hosted application suitethat includes communications tools like as Gmail, Google Calendar, andGoogle Talk; collaboration apps, such as Google Docs, Google Sites, andGoogle Labs (for software code review); and various administrationfeatures and APIs for integration with existing systems.
Throughthe integration, users loaded into Moodle will be automatically loadedinto Google Apps Education Edition, "providing users with Web-basede-mail, document authoring, spreadsheets, presentations and sites, allintegrated with their online learning platform," explained Moodlerooms'West Coast Managing Director Michael Penney. "This greatly simplifiesthe task of implementing a collaborative suite, as well as enablesinstitutions to leverage the work they've already done integratingtheir platforms with their other systems. From a teacher's perspective,this provides an easy way to assign students to collaborative taskswithout having to worry about the students having different operatingsystems or incompatible software or being unable to access an onlinesystem. From an IT staffer or CIO's perspective, this provides anintegration tested with large-scale data loads and built on industrystandard SAML 2.0 and OAuth protocols for secure single sign on andinformation transfer."
Googleprovided funding, direction, guidelines, and certain technologies forthe solution, while Moodlerooms handled the coding, according to aMoodlerooms spokesperson.
Two educational organizations are piloting the program before it will be released publicly:Project KNOTtT, a group consisting of universities and colleges from Kansas, Nevada, Ohio, and Texas, andCentro Latino, an adult education organization that provides Spanish-language courses.
Further information can be found in the Moodlerooms documentation section here. (A user account is required to view the information.)